Showing posts with label Khaleeji Dialect. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Khaleeji Dialect. Show all posts

07 March 2018

أنغام - يوجعونك: عندما غنت أنغام للقلب

This song is about envious people who wishes you bad while you did nothing except good for them, the lyrics makes me sort of jealous of the way how the poet was able to express her feelings in such a beautiful way

إسم الأغنية: يوجعونك
غناء: انغام
كلمات : رازان
ألحان : ياسر بو علي
توزيع : خالد عز

Song name: "Yoje'onik" (They hurt you)
Singer: Angham
Lyrics: Razan
Composer: Yassir Abo Ali
Mix by: Khalid Ezz
Genre: Gulf Music

‏يوجعونك كثر ماتطري عليهم
‏قاصدين الجرح ويدينك عرايا
قد ماقدمت خيرك ترتجيهم
‏قد ماذلوك قدام البرايا

‏تدعي بسرك عسى الله يهديهم
‏تسكت وتصبر يدينون النوايا
‏قلت لك ياقلب ماجالك يجيهم
‏لا تألم تنطوي بين الزوايا

‏أدري ابصدمتك وادري تحتريهم
‏تختلق الأعذار وتخلي الوصايا
‏وانت اعلم مني إن فيهم وفيهم
‏ودهم يرمونك بحوض المنايا

‏‏عيش هالدنيا ولا تبقى بيديهم
‏طيش في غيك ولا تخشى الخبايا
‏إسمع إحساسي حذارِ تلتقيهم
‏عدهم ذنبك وياكثر الخطايا

‏ They hurt you as much as they thought about you...
They are trying to wound you despite the fact that you have "bare hands" (peaceful and never harmed anyone)...
As much as you did good to them...
As much as they humiliated you in front of everybody!

You secretly pray may they be guided again...
You remain calm and be patient waiting for them to condemn their intentions...
I told you my dear heart, what happened to you, one day will happen to them...
Don't be in pain and go hide in a corner!

I know that you are shocked and I know that you are waiting for them...
You keep making excuses for them while neglecting my advice...
And you know better than me that they have lots of issues...
They wish to throw you in a the "pool of death" (grave)!

Live this life freely and don't be "between their hands" (don't give them control over you)
Go as extreme as you can with life and don't be afraid of the unknown
Listen to my feelings and be aware of meeting them
Consider them a sin and "how many sins you have"? (it will not be your only sin)

07 June 2008

My reailty

I can't really remember when did that song exactly released, I think it was during my Summer school in 2000. At the time, it was my national anthem...I used to listen to it all the time non stop and sometimes I still do.

It's a sad song, I love the music of it and the lyrics and everything about it.

Song name: Haqeeqat Waqi'ei (My reailty) حقيقة واقعي
Album: Haqeeqat Waqi'ei (حقيفة واقعي) in Gulf region and Yameen Allah (يمين الله) in the rest of the Arab World (released in 2001 or 2000, I can't really remember but it reminds me of Summer school)
Song genre: Slow, Oriental, Belly Dance
Singer: Asalah, Assala, Assalah, Asala أصالة
Lyrics by: Gheyoodh - غيوض
Composed & Arranged by: Mohammad Dhiya'a - محمد ضياء
Translated by: RADIANT GUY (ME)

You've been upset because of me...And I didn't know how to make it up to you...
Nor I knew the end of your oppression and questioning...
I am going to leave my love and hide my depresstion in my veins because I don't want to bother you
I am the one who would give you anything while your opressing won't change me...
If leaving will make you feel better, I will ask God to help me...
And don't forget the honestly of my faithfulness, my reality and the way I am thinking of you...
You've been upset because of me...And I didn't know how to make it up to you

I am the one who dedicated her life to you, to your sadness and your craziness
I always forgiven you but you never knew that...
Because you were my universe, exactly how I used to be yours...
And because I really love you, I accpeted to allow your love to me dies and to hold the spirit in my chest
I am going to leave my love and hide my depresstion in my veins because I don't want to bother you
I am the one who would give you anything while your opressing won't change me...
If leaving will make you feel better, I will ask God to help me...
And don't forget the honestly of my faithfulness, my reality and the way I am thinking of you...
You've been upset because of me...And I didn't know how to make it up to you

I care about you and I try to protect you from your self, your present and your past...
And I am afraid that our life time pass by
If you have a word you want to say, I am missing that word
I want to give a chance to happiness and you will have no other chance, and I have no one in my life except you
I am going to leave my love and hide my depresstion in my veins because I don't want to bother you
I am the one who would give you anything while your opressing won't change me...
If leaving will make you feel better, I will ask God to help me...
And don't forget the honestly of my faithfulness, my reality and the way I am thinking of you...
You've been upset because of me...And I didn't know how to make it up to you

زعلت...ولا عرفت أرضيك...
و لا أدري وش آخر الظلم و التشكيك...
أبرحل يا صدى شوقي و أداري الهم بعروقي و لا أشقيك
أنا اللي بكل شي أفديك و ظلمك ما يغيرني...
دام إن الهجر يرضيك بقول الله يصبرني...
ولا تنسى صدق الوفى مني و حقيقة واقعي و إنشغالي فيك...
زعلت...ولا عرفت أرضيك

أنا إللي عشت لعيونك، لأحزانك و لجنونك
عذرتك و إنت ما تدري...
لأنك كنت لي دنيا مثل ما كنت لك دنيا
و لأني من كثر ما أحبك قبلت أموت في قلبك و أشيك روح في صدري
أبرحل يا صدى شوقي و أداري الهم بعروقي و لا أشقيك
أنا اللي بكل شي أفديك و ظلمك ما يغيرني
دام إن الهجر يرضيك بقول الله يصبرني
ولا تنسى صدق الوفى مني و حقيقة واقعي و إنشغالي فيك
زعلت...ولا عرفت أرضيك

عليك أخاف من نفسك و من يومك و من أمسك
و أخاف إن العمر يجري
و إذا في خاطرك كلمة...أنا مشتاقة للكلمة
أبهدي للفرح فرصة و ما لك غيرها فرصة و مالي غيرك بعمري
أبرحل يا صدى شوقي و أداري الهم بعروقي و لا أشقيك
أنا اللي بكل شي أفديك و ظلمك ما يغيرني
دام إن الهجر يرضيك بقول الله يصبرني
ولا تنسى صدق الوفى مني و حقيقة واقعي و إنشغالي فيك
زعلت...ولا عرفت أرضيك

28 July 2007

My pride...

That was the second song I loved in her album, you know when I usually listen to an album there are some songs I listen to them more than others...This is number 2 :D

Song name: Shomookh Ezzi (My pride)
Album: Sawwaha Qalbi سواها قلبي 2007
Song genre: Khaleeji
Singer: Asalah, Assala, Asala - أصالة
Lyrics by: Mo'atazzah - معتزه
Composed by: Lail - ليل
Arranged by: Med'hat Khamees - مدحت خميس
Translated by: RADIANT GUY (ME)

Who says that you are capable of loving?
Who says that you were faithful?
It was just a game for you...
You always take but never give back!
I finally saw your real face...
I thought we had a great love...
But now I realized that my love to you was a mistake!

My mistake was on the day I lit you with my radiant Sun...
My future differ from my past...
I don't love you the way I used to!

You used to own my heart...
I will never comeback to you, even in your wildest dreams!
I want to remind you...
I want to stand up for my self...
My pride and my emotions are greater than the whole universe and it's orbits!

من يقول انك تحب
من يقول انك وفيت
كل هذا كان لعب
ياما خذت و لا عطيت
كافي ما جه منك كافي
بان لي ما كان خافي
كنت اظن الحب وافي
و اثر حبك خساره

كم تناسينا خطاك
ما يهمك و اشيصير
بعت قلبي اللي عطاك
صدق ما عندك ضمير
غلطتي ارخصت نفسي
يوم اضويتك بشمسي
بكره ماهو مثل امسي
قلبي و تغير مساره

كان قلبي في ايديك
ضامنه لا ما يخون
لا ولا بحلمك اجيك
هذا في حكم الجنون
اذكرك ياللي انت ناسي
و اوقف بوجهك يا قاسي
شموخ عزي و احساسي
يسوى كوني و مداره

25 July 2007

A wish...

My God, Asalah's 2007 is hard to translate :S
That's the best I could do in that song :D
There is a girl who sing in the background, she has amazing voice...She begin singing on 3:40 and stop singing on 3:50 :)~
I have n o idea who is she but her voice is beautiful :>

Song name: Omniyah (A wish) أمنية
Album: Sawwaha Qalbi سواها قلبي 2007
Song genre: Khaleeji
Singer: Asalah, Assala, Asala - أصالة
Lyrics by: Malamih - ملامح
Composed by: Salah Ahmad - صلاح احمد
Arranged by: Khalid Ez & Hani Farahat - خالد عز و هاني فرحات
Translated by: RADIANT GUY (ME)

I swear that I wish for one thing only...
I wish that I own the whole universe in my hand...
So whenever you wish for a thing...
Or before dreaming of it, I will make it true!
Before you speak up, I will!
Before you complain about anything I will come with solutions!
I wish that I own the universe in my hands so I can fulfill all your wishes!

I know that my wishes are nothing but wishes...
If I can make my wishes come true, I would dedicate life to you!
I only want to see you happy...
I feel happy when I see you smile...
I wish that I own the universe in my hands so I can fulfill all your wishes!

You are my pride and humiliation...
You are the most beautiful thing ever happened to me...
What could I dedicate to you except me?
I will throw the days of my life under your feet... In return, I want to see you smile forever!
My life was a mistake before knowing you...
It's frustrating, I swear it is...
Because I can't reach the sky so I can't dedicate the moon to you as a gift...
I wish to do that but unfortunately I can do nothing about it

والله اني ما اتمنى في حياتي الا شي
اني املك كل هالدنيا في ايدي
ما اسمعك في يوم تنطق كان ودي
قبل لا تحلم احقق
قبل لا تحكي اقول
قبل لا تشكي همومك لك اجيك كلي حلول
و ليت كل هالكون بإيدي لأجل احقق ما تبيه

ادري ان امنياتي هي مجرد امنيات
لو اني املكها حياتي كنت أبهديك الحياة
بس اشوف الابتسامة ما تفارق دنيتك
ياللي كل ايامي تضحك لما اشوف بسمتك
و ليت كل هالكون بإيدي لأجل احقق ما تبيه

انت يا عزي و ذلي و اجمل ما حصلي
و ايش اقدملك سواي
و ارمي ايامي تحت اطهر خطا
ياللي كل ايام عمري قبل ما احبك خطا
اي قهر والله قهر...اني ما اقدر حتى ما اقدر...
اوصل حدود السما...لأجل اهديلك قمر
ودي والله ودي...بس ما في ايديني شي

19 July 2007

My heart betrayed me!ٍ

The song's name is "Sawwaha Qalbi" and the literal translation of it is (My heart did it) but it's meaningless in English.
It's a folk Khaleeji song by Asalah, released in her 2007 Khaleeji album :D
I almost love every single song in the album, very deep lyrics and power voice.
There is noway to translate the full song but I tried to translate a part of it.
Asalah is talking about her heart as if it's a real independent entity :+

Song name: Sawwaha Qalbi (My heart did it or My heart betrayed me)
Album: Sawwaha Qalbi سواها قلبي 2007
Song genre: Khaleeji
Singer: Asalah, Assala, Asala - أصالة
Lyrics by: Khalid Al Meraikhi - خالد المريخي
Composed by: Saham - سهم
Arranged by: Khalid Ez & Hani Farahat - خالد عز و هاني فرحات
Translated by: RADIANT GUY (ME)

My heart betrayed me...
He loved you and didn't obey my orders although I demanded him not to!
Apparently he wants to be close to you and that's why he quit everybody including his owner!
Please look after my heart when it's beside you, greet him with love day and night

25 March 2007

Don't test my tolerance!

Nora didn't release a new album for so long...I watched the music video of the song, very dramatic...The guy was treating her badly, he locked her in the house and leave...She couldn't get out of the house so she burn the house while she is in!
Currently I am addicted to two songs in the album, the other one called "Athib Qalbi" (Translation: Torture my heart).

Here is the music video with English subtitles uploaded on Google video by me:

DOWNLOAD the MP3 at 192 KBPS (Hosted by 4shared)
Song name: La Thikhtibir Sabri (Arabic script: لا تختبر صبري) - Don't test my tolerance!
Singer: Nora Rahal - نورا رحال
Song genre: Arap pop music
Album: Donyiti..Ahla (2007) دنيتي..أحلى

Lyrics by: Ahmad Darweesh
Translated by: Bashar Al-Ba'noon (aka radiant guy)
Composed by: Haitham Ziad
Arranged by: Khalid Sabeel
Directed by: Waleed Naseef

Don't test my tolerance...Because everything have a limit including tolerance
I can control my heart...Listen to me carefully:
I can tolerate your betrayal...
I can tolerate your absence...
But I can't tolerate being wounded by you!
La Laaa La La Laaaaa
La Laaa La La Laaaaa

My heart is a book of words, people such as you have a hard time to read it...
Not everyone with a typical vision can really see, you should feel it...
My nights are sleepless...
My eyelashes are wet with tears...
How many times shall I keep repeating that?
I am bored of it!
La Laaa La La Laaaaa
La Laaa La La Laaaaa

Arabic script:

لا تختبر صبري...حتى الصبر له حد
قلبي رهن امري...اسمع كلامي جد
أقوى على غدرك...
أقوى على هجرك...
إلا على جرحي كل الصبر ينهد!
لا لااااا لا لا لاااااااا
لا لااااا لا لا لاااااااا

قلبي كتب و حروف...اللي مثلك صعب يقراه
ما كل بصير يشوف ...حس انت بس معناه
ليلي سهر ع طول...
طرف الرمش مبلول...
شعد بعد و اقول؟
مليت انا من العد!
لا لااااا لا لا لاااااااا
لا لااااا لا لا لاااااااا

17 December 2006

Who are you?

One amazing melancholic song of the singer Angham, I am so into the song; perfect lyrics, performance, music and arrangement...You can feel the Arabian desert through the man's voice who was performing some "Mawwals" in the background.

The song is talking about Angham who break apart with the one who she used to love, now he is back; she was trying to push him away because she didn't want him to break her heart again.

I loved many songs in that album such as "Astannah Eih", "Qol Keda" and "Bahibbik Wahashteeni".

Song name: Inta Meen? (Who are you?)
Genre: Khaleeji classic/Slow
Album: Bahibbik Wahashteeni (2005)
Singer: Angham
Lyrics by: Fahad Thamal
Composed by: El Faisal
Arranged by: Ismael
Translated by: radiant guy (Me)

Look who is talking about love?! *being sarcastic*
Dear God; help me to deal with him!
Many years passed...
And now my longing to him is dead!

What kind of human being are you?
Don't you have any emotions at all?
That's it...
Let me have my own life back :(

You have no rights to return to me..
I choked with my own saliva and sunk in my own tears the day you told me you want to brake apart!
That's it...
I beg you to leave, I can't tolerate it anymore, I don't recognize you anymore, I've never set my eyes on you!

Tell me, who can left the rain drops to the sky again?
You can't, neither do I!
What kind of humans are you?
That's it...
Let me have my own life back :(

28 November 2006

Where are you?

This song was performed by the late singer Thekra (Arabic script: ذكرى) may her soul rest in peace :( 3 years ago on 28th of November 2003) she was murdered by her husband, this is a tribute from me to her soul.
I can never ever forget her, I am still
denying the fact that she is not living with us anymore.

I just added a biography of her in Here is a direct link:

The first three minutes of the song you'll hear a violene playing solo with Thekra showing off her voice by repeating the word "Ya Habeebi" (Arabic for "my love" or "my beloved one").

Music in the gulf region (locally referred to as "Khaleeji" Music) have many genres and rhythms this song is a great example of Khaleeji folklore genre called "Samri", it's usually used with melancholic poetry/lyrics.

DOWNLOAD the MP3 at 192 KBPS (4shared host)
Song name: "Wainik Inta?" (Arabic script: ?وينك انت) Where are you?
Album: Thekra 2 (Arabic script: ذكرى 2)
Singer: Thekra (Arabic script: ذكرى)
Lyrics by: Turki Composed by: Tariq Mohammed (Rumors says that the composer and the poet are the exact person but he is using a nick name since he is a prince).

My beloved, can you see where did you end up and where did I?
My beloved one; you've left me alone and I am lost since then!

My beloved one, everything about me was changed..
Everybody knew about it; I used to say love does not exist but now I admit it...LOVE DO EXIST!

My wishes and youth were extinguished...
I am weak as a skinny tree standing against a great storm...
Sigh...If a kid listen to my depressing story he will have a grey hair instantly!

My beloved one, I wish when you left; you took "my longing" with you to comfort both of us!
But instead you left me with depression and wounds.

I am OK!

This is one more tribute for Thekra (may her soul rest in heaven)...
I just added a biography of her in Here is a direct link:

One of her hit songs in the gulf area performed in "Khaleeji Dialect" (A form of Arabic language mainly spoken in Kuwait, eastern Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and parts of Oman).
The song's music is a kind of "Khaleeji" folklore music.

DOWNLOAD the MP3 at 192 KBPS (4shared host)
Song name: "Ma Feeni Shai" (Arabic script: ما فيني شي)
Album: Thekra 2 (Arabic script: ذكرى 2)
Singer: Thekra (Arabic script: ذكرى)
Lyrics by: Turki
Composed by: Tariq Mohammed (Rumors says that the composer and the poet are the exact person but he is using a nick name since he is a prince).

I am ok, my beloved one don't worry about me..
It's just a tiny wound on the tip of my finger...
It's will heel very soon and it's might leave no scar at all If your hand touched mine!

You made laugh!
I wonder what will you do if you actually saw the wounds of my heart?!
I wonder what will you do if you saw the mountains of depression which I am carrying on my chest?!
If you felt how much my soul is thirsty for happiness; You would be stunned by my resistance to despair!

The despair which I've been through in my life time is not tiny!
Don't let my fake smile fool you because my heart is drunk with sadness!
Sadness wouldn't let me alone even for one single moment!

I am sorry my beloved one...
The wound of my heart is so deep; it's forced me to let it out and share it with you.
Please don't blame my heart because it's felt sorry for it self!

24 November 2006

Good morning...

It's not the exact songs translation, It's very hard to translate Arab poetry so I had to modify it and change few things :Pp~

The song is made of three parts, in the first one she start complaining about things in indirect way, the second part she start blaming him gently and in the third part she welcome him back.

It's a great example of Khaleeji Tarab songs.

Song name: Yes'ed Sabahak (Good morning)
Album: Awqat (Released in the CD only) 2004
Singer: Asalah (Arabic script: اصالة)
Lyrics by: Prince Abdul-Rahman Bin Mosa'ad
Composed by: Sadiq Al Sha'er (Rumours says that the writer and the composer are the exact person, but he is using a nick name when he compose; since he is a prince)
Arranged by: Ameer Abdulmajeed

Good morning my love, I'm doing just OK...
Everything the way it's always been...
My tears still on my cheeks...
The pain still living in my chest...
The safeness still gone since the day you left...
The sleepless nights are being repeated over and over...
Despair refusing to leave me alone...
My eyes are bleeding with tears...
Even the wounds which you caused still staying in my heart...
And my lips still repeating the words which we said the last time we met...
I am doing just OK...
Good morning my love...

It's typical of you, whenever I felt that the whole world is collapsing around me you just disappear and whenever you felt that the world is collapsing around you; you'll return to me!
It's typical of you...You always return in the right time; when I don't need you anymore!
Can you see now?
Everything the way it's always been...
Good morning my love...

Is that the light of the morning or it's yours?
Is that the warmth of the roses or it's yours?
I don't know whether I should spread my precious tears on your shoulder or just walk away?
Can you see it now my soul's love?
Everything the way it's always been...
Good morning my love..

05 September 2006

It's me

Released in Thekra's (Zekra's) 2000 album. This album was her first Khaleeji album of her.
In the year 2003 she was murdered by her husband. May her soul rest in peace :(

DOWNLOAD the MP3 at 192 KBPS (4shared host)
Song name: Hatha Ana (It's me)
Album: Galaha (He said it) 2000
Singer: Thekra | Zekra- ذكرى (Arabic for memory)
Writer: Turki
Composer: Tairq Mohammed
Translated by: Bashar (me)

It's me again, listen to me till the end..

My longing to you is increasing every second and I can't stand it anymore!

That's why I walked the long way to you, while I was lying to my self and hoping that you'll take me back; although I knew it's impossible!

I know that we already decided to break a part, I know that we reached the end...
Believe me, my heart is burning inside out; forgive me because I made you worried...
I have no body in the whole world to return to except you...
you are the owner of my dreams...
Your love made lost and wonder!
Our ex-love wasn't a tiny love!

That's it?
You decided to go away?
And I can do nothing to stop it...
That's it?
Nothing left to me anymore...
Please be merciful with me.
I need you with me tonight, reach me with your hand; help me to stabilize my steps...
Collect the broken pieces of me....Give me my treatment then you can leave!

01 August 2006

Happy anniversary

Amazing song by Angham...It's kinda old/classic Khaleeji song yet it's still great, I had a hard time to translate it; I said it million times and i will say it one more time, the Arab poetry loses the power during translation. It's always better to read the original one.
This song is a great example of Khaleeji Classic Songs (Khaleeji refers to the Music in Khaleeji Arab Dialect which it's spoken in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Arab Emirates and Oman).
F.Y.I. Angham is Egyptian singer.

Song name: Eidina Mobarak - عيدنا مبارك (Happy anniversary)
Album: Khalli Bokra Li Bokra (1998)
Singer: Angham - انغام (Arabic for melodies)
Written by: Turki Bin Abdulrahman
Composed by: Tariq Mohammed (Rumors says that he is the writer using a nick name since he is a prince)

The exact spot; where we always met; every year during a starry night such as this one...
To celebrate the "first day we met" anniversary...Our love anniversary...

The exact stars...
The exact moon...
Even it's the exact air breeze which it's used to dally the trees leafs...
Everything like the way it's always been...
But we are not anymore...
Destiny brake us a part...
Everything is gone between us exept the echo of our song...

Happy anniversary my love...
Happy anniversary my love.. .
Happy anniversary my love....

24 January 2006


This song released in the year 2004, at the time I was addicted on it; I just couldn't stop listening to it!
Very great and unique topic!
Don't you agree?

Song name: Afwan (Please)

Album: Awqaat (2004)

Song genre: Slow/Arab pop

Singer: Asalah

Lyrics by: I DON'T KNOW

Translated by: RADIANT GUY (ME)


He came to you admitting his fault and apologizing from the bottom of his heart

He is truly missing you; he came back because he really needs to be with you.


No please, go back and tell him I refused.

This time I am truly tired.

I will not return to him even if he dropped dead.

I swear I will not return to him.


Just try to stand him abit.

Why you want to broke up with him?

Just calm down Asalah and pray for God to show him the right way.


I used to be patient and I always used to say:

"I have to accept my bad luck in love and my destiny"And who says "Be patient to get what you want", I swear if he knew me; he would take his word back.

Even if I became weak and sick; I'll still act proud until I became strong and walk away of him.

So what if I became lonely? Since when anybody stood beside me to support me and wipe my tears?

15 January 2006

Is that really you?!

DOWNLOAD the MP3 at 192 KBPS (4shared host)
Song name: Hatha Ent?! (Is that really you?!)

Singer: Thekra (May she rest in peace)
Lyrics by: Turki Bin Abdulrahman
Composed by: Tariq Mohammed (romuers says that writer and composer are one person but since he is a prince he uses a nick name as a composer)
Translated by: RADIANT GUY (ME)

Is that really you?!

I didn't recognize you!
It's the first time I see you through my eyes…I used to see you through my heart!

It's the first time my hands doesn't shake, while you are sitting beside me!

It's the first time I feel that I am not flying, while I am with you!

It's the first time I notice that you are way smaller than the great "sky dome" of my dreams!

It's the first time I notice that you are just a typical human being not an angel!

It's the first time I notice that I lost my whole lifetime with you!

Is that really you?
I can't believe it!

Is that really you?!
Is that really you?!