21 October 2010

I am her RAINBOW!

The other day, my little niece gave me two of her paintings; one of them had a rainbow with a Sun and the other one of a woman.

She said one is for you and one is for grandmother, so I asked her which one is for me and which one is for grandmother?
She said the one with the woman is for her, I asked her who that woman suppose to be?
She said this is grandmother.
So I asked her about the other painting which she wanted me to have...
Why you didn't paint me the way you did for grandmother?
She said: You are the rainbow.

Now whenever I see the painting, I smile :)

17 October 2010

My new/old enemy

The other day I went to the clinic to get my sick leave, and that's when I thought to ask the doctor about sneezing and nasal allergy...So he refered me to "AlRashid Allergy Hospital".
It was really hard to find that hospital but when I was about to go back home, I found it!

Anyway, I got in and I had allergy tests and I found out that I am allergic to the most common plant in Kuwait...Salsola Kali which we is called in Kuwaiti dialect as "Al Arfaj" (photo below).

The doctor suggested to have more blood tests and asked me to consider allergy shots since the nasal conguction could be a reason for the headaches I am still having.