My current non-stop-playing-in-loops-song or as i call it for short my national anthem...very full with love, specifically the bold part is beautifully written and performed, the music is amazing...the military beats at the beginning qanun on house beats is something very new and and original...This is one of the reasons I love Latifa...The way she mixes different things in such a harmony.
إسم الأغنية: انا عشت عمري
غناء: لطيفة
كلمات : محمد رفاعي
ألحان :وليد سعد
توزيع : يحيى الموجي
Song name: "Ana Esht Omry" (I lived my life)
Singer: Latifa
Lyrics: Mohamed Refaay
Composer: Walid Saad
Mix by: Walid Sharaky
Genre: House
English translation by:
انا عشت عمرى للحظة دي
I lived my life until this moment
من بدرى عارفة أن أنت ليا
From early on I knew that you are mine
خبيت فى قلبى أحساسى بيك
I hid in my heart my feelings to you
أحنا الليلادى بس أبتدينا
Tonight, we just begun
الحب كله راح يبقى لينا
The whole love will belong to us
أنا عمرى كله هعيشه ليك
I will live my whole life devoted to you
أحلى حاجة أنت فى حياتى
You are the most beautiful thing in my life
طب بس جرب وأطلب حياتى
Give it a try and ask for my life
I will give it to you
ماتغلاش عليك
It's not more precious than you
اه ياحب دنيا أنت اللي فيها
Oh, I love the life that you exists into it
كل السعادة هتلاقيها
All the happiness you will find
مبسوط حبيبي وأنا بين أيديك
Are you happy baby, while you have me between your hands?
ربنا يقدرنى وأقدر أسعدك
May God give me enough strength so I can make you happy
بس شاور
Just point out to me...
قولى أية نفسك فى أية
And tell me what would you like to have?
هكتب ميلادى يوم ماألتقينا
I will re-write my birthday to the day we met
يومها القمر كان شاهد علينا
That day the moon was our witness
وهقيد فى شمعة حبى الوحيد
And I will lit the candle of my one and only love
أنا قلبى شافك قبل عينى
My heart saw you, before my eyes did
وفضلت باستناك تجيى
And I waited for you to come
دا يوم لقانا بقى عندى عيد
The day we met became my "Eid"