Showing posts with label Songs I refer to as my National Anthem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Songs I refer to as my National Anthem. Show all posts

22 September 2019

#mynationalanthem | #نشيدي_الوطني

You know how sometimes you talk to someone and everything that comes of their mouth sounds like something you might feel or say if you were good at expressing your self with words?

Not everything of course have to be expressing my exact feelings, but it's nice to know that others might have thoughts that could align with yours, knowing that they might think the same way you think, it sort of makes you feel less lonely...Specially if it was told or written in a poetic way.

Sometimes that happens to me when hear certain words or phrases said by others, or when I listen to certain songs, new or an old one that I never heard before...I get so touched by it and it's stuck in my head listening to it over and over and over again, and that could last for weeks...

Most of the time because It touches me on so many levels, the music or maybe an instrument in it...Or the lyrics sometimes expresses a way I felt or feel in the most beautiful way I could've imagined, or maybe an idea I've never thought of before but if I would have written it my self, it would be in that exact words/way...It could also be certain feelings I have because of the way the singer brought the words to life.

I call each of those songs #mynationalanthem (#نشيدي_الوطني)

So in the future if you see any of my posts with the hashtag #mynationalanthem (#نشيدي_الوطني) , and you are into songs with lyrics such as "who let the dog out who who who who" or "who run the world, girls"...Just don't bother and read anything I ever post.

Keep in mind that my national anthem are things that I didn't write my self but they are my translations, things I write my self will not have that hashtag and I am always referring to them as "living words" and since they are original content I am assuming they I don't have to point it out

04 July 2019

You Either Feel or Think by Sherine

إسم الأغنية: يا بتفكر يا بتحس

غناء: شيرين
كلمات : علي المولى
ألحان : صلاح الكردي
توزيع : جيمي حداد
مهندس صوت: محمد مقهور

Song name: "Ya Bitfakkar Ya Bet'his" (You either feel or think)

Singer: Sherine
Lyrics: Ali AlMola
Composer: Salah AlKurdi
Mix by: Jemmi Haddad
Genre: Slow Lebanese/ Oriental pop music
كنز لَـ يلّي اقتنع
بس نحنا
مركبين عَ طمع

عم جرّب حِبّ ووقف
أنا عم جرّب مش عم أعرف
عم جرّب إلحق عقلي
والمنطق شو بيقلي
عم جرّب مش عم أعرف

يا بتفكرّ يا بتحس
لا ما فيك توقف بالنص
ولا فيك تاخد كلشي
نقِّي واحد مننّ بس

أيّ شخص عنده نقص
لو قد ما ببيّن كامل
إتأكد بدّه إشيا كتير
عندك ياها ومش سائل

الدنيا ما بتكمل مع حدا
شو نحنا ما منستاهل؟
بس أوقات بتظلمنا
عم يطلع ظلما عادل

Is a treasure for whoever is convinced
But we are...
Built to be greedy
I am trying to fall in love, then I stop...
I am trying but I can't figure it out
I am trying to follow my brain
And what's logic dictates on me
I am trying but I can't figure it all out

You either think or feel
You can't be in between
You can not have it all
You have to choose only one thing of everything

Every individual is incomplete
No matter how perfect s/he looked
For sure s/he wants a lot of things
Things that you have and you take it for granted

Nobody have it all in life
No matter how much we deserve it
But sometimes, it oppresses us
Yet it's still fair

19 November 2018

My weakness

Not really sure how to start talking about this song, I love this kind of lyrics that talks about human feelings in general, other than love and hate, I mean ordinary love songs...This is much deeper, something that could touch every human anywhere...Sometimes I listen to certain songs non-stop when they are released and I'd normally refer to them as my "national anthem"...This is one of them.

The piano in this song, the way she sings, the sigh at 3:08 </3

إسم الأغنية: ضعفي 
غناء: شيرين 
كلمات : سلطان صلاح 
ألحان : خالد عز 
توزيع : نادر حمدي 

Song name: "Daafy" or "Dha'afi" (My weakness) 
Singer: Sherine
Lyrics: Sultan Salah 
Composer: Khaled Ezz 
Mix by: Nader Hamdy 
Genre: Slow Egyptian/ Oriental pop music 

ضعفي بيصعب عليّا 
وعشان عزيز عليّا 
ببعد ساعتها عن أي حد أنا بعرفه 
وبخاف لضعفي ساعتها مني يخوفه 
وأفضل كده لحد ما أهدى 
لحد ما أقوى 
لحد ما أقدر من تاني أواجه 
ما أقدرش أواجه 
نظرة عيون فرحانة فيّا 

الناس لبعض دي كلمة بِطلت 
كان ليها وقت زمان وخلصت 
فيه حد ينفع يقول لحد ما تحس بيّا 
أنا عندي أعيش لوحدي أحسن 
وأتعب شوية من إني أرّخص نفسي 
ولا أصعب في يوم على حد يمكن 
يعطف عليّا 

يا ناس دي كلمة ساعات تصبر 
ساعات تغير 
ساعات تخلي الصبر يحلى في النفوس 
معرفش ليه مستخسرين الكلمة فيّا 

My weakness...
I feel sorry for it...
And because it's so precious to me...
I keep away of everybody I know... 
Because I am afraid that my weakness would scare them off!

And I want to stay that way until I calm down again... 
Until I am stronger... 
Until I am able to confront others!
I can not confront people...
With eyes that looks like it's happy for what's happening to me!

"People are there for each other" is a phrase that came to expiration... 
It had it's own time and it came to an end... 
Is it possible now for anyone to say "can anyone feel how I feel?" 

It's better if I live by my self... 
I will suffer a bit, but it's better than losing my pride... 
Or someone would feel sorry for me... 
Then might treat me tenderly!

Hey people... 
Sometimes one word would give a person enough strength to be more patient...
Sometimes it could make a difference...
Sometimes it could make patience sweeter and more bearable for suffering souls...
I am not sure why are you holding such a word back off me?

18 November 2018

Joy is back...

It's strange how listening to a certain song would take you to places where you used to hear that specific song, the song is about feelings that any human can have.

I love the emotions of the poet Siham Chacha (a female poet) and Assala's way to deliver it despite the fact the lyrics are supposed to be uplifting it's emotional.

إسم الأغنية: رجع الفرح
غناء: اصالة
كلمات : سهام الشعشاع
ألحان : خالدي البكري
توزيع : خالد عز

Song name: "Rejea El Farah" (Joy is back)
Singer: Assala
Lyrics: Siham Chacha (Siham Al Sheshaa)
Composer: Khaled AlBakri
Mix by: Osama Al Hindi
Genre: Lebanese Tarab

رجع الفرح عا باب بيتى دق...
هلاْ خلص ما عاد قلو لأ...
صليت ياما كتير تالاقيك...
قلبى انتصر و الحب حن و رق...
ما عاد عندى للحزن مطرح... 
جايه ع بالى اضحك و افرح 
يا ريت فيي غافل الايام... 
و ع ظهر غيمة بالفضا اسبح!

عيونى خلص ما ظل فيها دموع...
كل شى مضى مالو بحياتى رجوع...
قديش عض القلب ع جروحه... 
تاما حدا يعرف اذا موجوع...

ياما سواد الليل غطانى... 
طبطب علي بعز احزانى 
هلا ما بدى غير نتفة ضو... 
امحي فيون ايا حزن تانى! 

The joy is back knocking on my house's door...
It's over now...
I will not say no to it... 
I prayed so much to find it...
My heart won and the love tendered and treated me gently! 

There is no place for sorrow anymore...
I want to laugh and be happy! 
I wish that i can run away of the days (destiny)... 
And on a back of a cloud, I swim into space! 

My eyes ran out of tears...
Everything that past have no place left for it in my life anymore! 
How many times did the heart bit on it's own wounds... 
So no one could tell that it's in pain!

For so long the night cover me with it's blackness... 
Petting on my shoulder trying to calm me down during my sadness... 
And now I only want a little spark of light... 
To erase the remains of any sadness left!

07 March 2018

أنغام - يوجعونك: عندما غنت أنغام للقلب

This song is about envious people who wishes you bad while you did nothing except good for them, the lyrics makes me sort of jealous of the way how the poet was able to express her feelings in such a beautiful way

إسم الأغنية: يوجعونك
غناء: انغام
كلمات : رازان
ألحان : ياسر بو علي
توزيع : خالد عز

Song name: "Yoje'onik" (They hurt you)
Singer: Angham
Lyrics: Razan
Composer: Yassir Abo Ali
Mix by: Khalid Ezz
Genre: Gulf Music

‏يوجعونك كثر ماتطري عليهم
‏قاصدين الجرح ويدينك عرايا
قد ماقدمت خيرك ترتجيهم
‏قد ماذلوك قدام البرايا

‏تدعي بسرك عسى الله يهديهم
‏تسكت وتصبر يدينون النوايا
‏قلت لك ياقلب ماجالك يجيهم
‏لا تألم تنطوي بين الزوايا

‏أدري ابصدمتك وادري تحتريهم
‏تختلق الأعذار وتخلي الوصايا
‏وانت اعلم مني إن فيهم وفيهم
‏ودهم يرمونك بحوض المنايا

‏‏عيش هالدنيا ولا تبقى بيديهم
‏طيش في غيك ولا تخشى الخبايا
‏إسمع إحساسي حذارِ تلتقيهم
‏عدهم ذنبك وياكثر الخطايا

‏ They hurt you as much as they thought about you...
They are trying to wound you despite the fact that you have "bare hands" (peaceful and never harmed anyone)...
As much as you did good to them...
As much as they humiliated you in front of everybody!

You secretly pray may they be guided again...
You remain calm and be patient waiting for them to condemn their intentions...
I told you my dear heart, what happened to you, one day will happen to them...
Don't be in pain and go hide in a corner!

I know that you are shocked and I know that you are waiting for them...
You keep making excuses for them while neglecting my advice...
And you know better than me that they have lots of issues...
They wish to throw you in a the "pool of death" (grave)!

Live this life freely and don't be "between their hands" (don't give them control over you)
Go as extreme as you can with life and don't be afraid of the unknown
Listen to my feelings and be aware of meeting them
Consider them a sin and "how many sins you have"? (it will not be your only sin)

05 January 2017

The opposite of what they see

I have no idea how many times I listened to this song, it was a top song in 2016 for me, I wouldn't exaggerate if I said that it's currently my national anthem...This kind of songs is rare in the Arab world where a singer sings about his/ her personal feelings, feelings that are not related to love or someone else (examples: "Ya Mryati" by Elissa -  "Sarkha" by Saber El Rebai - "Al Moshtaka" by Assala Nasri and "Efrah Wo Ehlam" by Latifa...Below you can find English translation of the song and the original Arabic lyrics.

إسم الأغنية: عكس اللي شايفينها

غناء: إليسا

كلمات : أمير طعيمه

ألحان : وليد سعد

توزيع : أحمد إبراهيم

و قالوا سعيدة في حياتها و واصله لكل أحلامها
و باينه عليها فرحتها في ضحكتها و في كلامها
و عايشه كأنها في جنة و كل الدنيا مالكاها

و قالوا عنيده و قوية ما بيأثرش شيء فيها
محدش في الحياة يقدر يمشي كلمته عليها
هتحلم ليه و تتمنى مفيش ولاحاجة ناقصاها 

و من جوايا أنا عكس اللي شايفينها ..
و عالجرح اللي فيها ربنا يعينها
ساعات الضحكة بتداري في جرح كبير ..
ساعات فيه حاجات ما بنحبش نبينها 

كتير أنا ببقى من جوايا بتألم ..
و مليون حاجه كاتماها بتوجعني
بيبقى نفسي أحكي لحد و أتكلم ..
و عزة نفسي هي اللي بتمنعني

سنين و أنا عايشه في مشاكلي و بعمل أني ناسياها
و حكموا عليا من شكلي و م العيشه اللي عايشاها
أنا أوقات أبان هاديه و من جوايا نار قايده 

و لو يوم اللي حسدوني يعيشوا مكاني لو ثانيه
و لو شافو اللي انا شفته هيتمنوا حياة تانيه
و لو هحكي عن اللي انا فيه هتفرق أيه.. أيه الفايدة

Song name: "Aks Elli Shaifenha" (The opposite of what they see)

Singer: Elissa

Lyrics: Ameer Tu'aimah

Composer: Waleed Sa'ad

Mix by: Ahmad Ibrahim

They said that she is happy in her life, already pursued all her dreams
And we tell that she is happy, in the way she laugh and talk
And that she is living as If she's in paradise, while owning the whole world

They said that she is stubborn and strong, nothing can affect her
No one in this world can force her to do anything
Why would she dream or wish for a thing, she doesn't need anything

Deep inside I'm the opposite of what they see
May God help her with healing her wound
Sometimes a smile Is hiding away a deep wound
Sometimes there are things we don't like to show

Most of the time I am deeply suffering...
And a million hidden internal issues are killing me...
I wish I can talk to someone...
But my pride holds me back

For many years I lived my own problems, while pretending to forget them
And they judged me according to the way I look and the way I am living
At times I play it cool but inside I am burning like a fire

And if one day those who envy me, put their feet in my shoes just for a second...
And if they "saw" experienced what I've been through, they will wish for another life...

And If I talk about what I'm going through, what difference does it make...what's the point?

29 December 2016

أصالة - يا حبّيبه

أغار ممن لديهم القدرة على التعبير عن انفسهم بهذه الطريقة...فكرة عبقرية للشاعر قوس لكلمات أغنية "يا حبيبة" لأصالة و التي تغني بها أصالة كما لو كانت هي الشمس و تدعو الناس للحب خلال النهار لتتضح لهم الرؤية!

إسم الأغنية: يا حبّيبه

غناء: أصالة

إسم الألبوم: أعلق الدنيا

كلمات : قوس

ألحان : عزوف

توزيع : هشام السكران

يا حبيبه صباح الخير، يا حبيبه
انا شمس النهار اللي مطلّه
بخرب ليلكم والجو كلّه

من بغى يسري يسري
من بغى يقعد بدري

انا شمس النهار اللي مطلّه، يا حبيبه
يا حبيبه، صباح الخير، صباح الخير

ليه يعني كل فرحكم ليل؟
ليه حتى زعلكم في الليل؟
ترا تالي الليل كذبه، ترا حب الليل لعبه!

أنا أمحي الليل بضيي أنا
جرب اهوى فيني، جرّبني انا

انا شمس النهار اللي مطلّه، يا حبيبه
يا حبيبه، صباح الخير، صباح الخير

Song name: "Ya Hibbeebah" (Hey lovers)

Singer: Assala

Lyrics by: Gooooos

Composed by: Ozoof

Arranged by: Hisham AlSakran

Good morning lovers
I'm the sun of the daylight that shines
I'll ruin your night and the whole mood

Whoever wants to leave shall leave
Whoever wants to stay, it's early morning

Why does all your happiness take place at night?
Why does your sadness take place at night too?

Beware, late night Is a lie
Night's love Is a game!

I erase the night with my light, I do!
Try to fall in love "Inside me" (during my time)...
"Try me" Try to fall in love during the daytime!

29 June 2007

I hated you!

OK, that's one of the hardest songs I ever translated, it's might sound stupid or meaningless because it's was translated, and I believe that poetry loses it's power when it's translated.

Anyway this song was a massive hit in the year 1999 and Latifa (the performer) won many awards because of it, prince of Dubai Mohammed Bin Rashed Al Maktoom wrote a reply to the lyrics and dedicated it to Latifa!
The song about when you love someone and later you find out that he was acting that he or she loves you.
A mix of Rock guitar with Arab instrument "Mizwid", just amazing.
There was a rumor that this song based on a true story (Obviously a very bad love story) Latifa been through.
Song name: Kerihtak (I hated you) - كرهتك
Album: Wadeh (In the Arab world) aka Inchallah (Internationally) 1999 - واضح أو انشالله
Song genre: Rock/Arab pop/FolkloreSinger: Latifa - لطيفة
Lyrics by: Mansoor Al Shadi - منصور الشادي
Composed by: Salah Al Sharnoobi - صلاح الشرنوبي
Arranged by: Raymond GimenesTranslated by: RADIANT GUY (ME)

Your love is false, you have no conscience...
Yes I loved you, I adored you and now I hated you!
I hated you because you are just a mask and a play starring with agony!

You are a lie in the shape of an angel...
For many years and nights my life was devoted to you...
I am writing the story of your love with my tears while you are wiping it off with a pen's stroke!

You successfully won the bet of your friends...
And my love story became a joke which you shared with them...
Go and laugh with them until the morning and may God help me!

You've entered my life by a mistake...
You are just a selfish person and that's why I hated you without compromise...
Oh God, you are the compensation and the judge!
Your love is false, you have no conscience...
Yes I loved you, I adored you and now I hated you!
I hated you because you are just a mask and a play starring with agony!

Latifa perorming "Mawwal"

غرامك مزيف ضمير عدم...
هويتك...عشقتك...كرهتك ...نعم
كرهتك لأنك مجرد قناع و كم مسرحية بطلها الألم

يا كذبة يا انت بهيئة ملاك...
سنين و ليالي حياتي فداك...
انا اكتب بدمعي حكاية هواك و انت بتمحىي بجرة قلم!

رهان أصدقائك كسبته بنجاح...
و أسراري صارت حكاية و مزاح...
روح إضحك معاهم حتى الصباح و آه من الملامة و آه من الندم

لأنك دخلت بحياتي غلط...
و مين انت إلا أناني فقط...
كرهتك و ما عندي أي حل وسط و يا رب انت العوض و الحكم

تؤدي لطيفة موال الصالحي