Showing posts with label Asalah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Asalah. Show all posts

18 November 2018

Joy is back...

It's strange how listening to a certain song would take you to places where you used to hear that specific song, the song is about feelings that any human can have.

I love the emotions of the poet Siham Chacha (a female poet) and Assala's way to deliver it despite the fact the lyrics are supposed to be uplifting it's emotional.

إسم الأغنية: رجع الفرح
غناء: اصالة
كلمات : سهام الشعشاع
ألحان : خالدي البكري
توزيع : خالد عز

Song name: "Rejea El Farah" (Joy is back)
Singer: Assala
Lyrics: Siham Chacha (Siham Al Sheshaa)
Composer: Khaled AlBakri
Mix by: Osama Al Hindi
Genre: Lebanese Tarab

رجع الفرح عا باب بيتى دق...
هلاْ خلص ما عاد قلو لأ...
صليت ياما كتير تالاقيك...
قلبى انتصر و الحب حن و رق...
ما عاد عندى للحزن مطرح... 
جايه ع بالى اضحك و افرح 
يا ريت فيي غافل الايام... 
و ع ظهر غيمة بالفضا اسبح!

عيونى خلص ما ظل فيها دموع...
كل شى مضى مالو بحياتى رجوع...
قديش عض القلب ع جروحه... 
تاما حدا يعرف اذا موجوع...

ياما سواد الليل غطانى... 
طبطب علي بعز احزانى 
هلا ما بدى غير نتفة ضو... 
امحي فيون ايا حزن تانى! 

The joy is back knocking on my house's door...
It's over now...
I will not say no to it... 
I prayed so much to find it...
My heart won and the love tendered and treated me gently! 

There is no place for sorrow anymore...
I want to laugh and be happy! 
I wish that i can run away of the days (destiny)... 
And on a back of a cloud, I swim into space! 

My eyes ran out of tears...
Everything that past have no place left for it in my life anymore! 
How many times did the heart bit on it's own wounds... 
So no one could tell that it's in pain!

For so long the night cover me with it's blackness... 
Petting on my shoulder trying to calm me down during my sadness... 
And now I only want a little spark of light... 
To erase the remains of any sadness left!

29 December 2016

أصالة - يا حبّيبه

أغار ممن لديهم القدرة على التعبير عن انفسهم بهذه الطريقة...فكرة عبقرية للشاعر قوس لكلمات أغنية "يا حبيبة" لأصالة و التي تغني بها أصالة كما لو كانت هي الشمس و تدعو الناس للحب خلال النهار لتتضح لهم الرؤية!

إسم الأغنية: يا حبّيبه

غناء: أصالة

إسم الألبوم: أعلق الدنيا

كلمات : قوس

ألحان : عزوف

توزيع : هشام السكران

يا حبيبه صباح الخير، يا حبيبه
انا شمس النهار اللي مطلّه
بخرب ليلكم والجو كلّه

من بغى يسري يسري
من بغى يقعد بدري

انا شمس النهار اللي مطلّه، يا حبيبه
يا حبيبه، صباح الخير، صباح الخير

ليه يعني كل فرحكم ليل؟
ليه حتى زعلكم في الليل؟
ترا تالي الليل كذبه، ترا حب الليل لعبه!

أنا أمحي الليل بضيي أنا
جرب اهوى فيني، جرّبني انا

انا شمس النهار اللي مطلّه، يا حبيبه
يا حبيبه، صباح الخير، صباح الخير

Song name: "Ya Hibbeebah" (Hey lovers)

Singer: Assala

Lyrics by: Gooooos

Composed by: Ozoof

Arranged by: Hisham AlSakran

Good morning lovers
I'm the sun of the daylight that shines
I'll ruin your night and the whole mood

Whoever wants to leave shall leave
Whoever wants to stay, it's early morning

Why does all your happiness take place at night?
Why does your sadness take place at night too?

Beware, late night Is a lie
Night's love Is a game!

I erase the night with my light, I do!
Try to fall in love "Inside me" (during my time)...
"Try me" Try to fall in love during the daytime!

23 February 2011

so what?!

Ok...The first time I heard that song I hated it!
I really did...I used to say what's wrong with her did she lose her mind to sing this?!!

But later...I LOVED IT!
I just guess the music arrangement is weird, that's why I didn't like it in the beggining...

Anyway here is what I think you should do...
First listen to the original track then listen to it from a concert


Concert begins at (46:09)

09 November 2008

Look at your self

It might not be the best song in Asalah's 2008 album, but to me it's...
The song is slow with oriental sad melody, my favorite part of it is the violin which plays in the middle part of the song.

In the song, Asalah was making fun of her ex because he used to make fun of her tourment and now he is being through where she used to be.

Certain parts of the translation isn't that good, but I think this is the best translation I could do for that song.

Song name: Etfarrag Ala Nafsak (إتفرج على نفسك) Look at your self
Album: Nos Halah (نص حالة) Half State
Year of production: 2008
Song genre: Oriental
Tempo: Slow
Singer: Asalah - أصالة
Lyrics by: Khaled Taj Al Dain - خالد تاج الدين
Composed by: Khalid Ezz - خالد عز
Arranged by: Khalid Ezz - خالد عز
Translated by: RADIANT GUY (ME)

Look at your self, you are the one who was happy because of what happened to me and I wish you thought to hide your happiness at the time...

Now you are back in regret, please don't waste my time
Seeing you "in a fire makes mine cool down" being through this makes me cool down

Yes, I am happy because you having hard times...
And your only mistake that you choosed to return to me among all people
It's normal when your regrest brings you back and now I will be watching you

Life could change in a moment, and your bad moment has came
Whatever you've been though is enough

What brought you back, asnwer me
Bealieve me, I don't care about you anymore
I will walk away without asking what's wrong with you

Yes, I am happy because you having hard times...
And your only mistake that you choosed to return to me among all people
It's normal when your regrest brings you back and now I will be watching you

اتفرج على نفسك ياللى فرحت كتير فى اللى حصلى

وياريتك فكرت تدارى

بقى جاى تندم دلوقتى وحياتك ماتضيع وقتى
ده بنارك انا بردت نارى
ايوة انا فرحانه فيك و عيبك من كل الدنيا جتلى انا

والعادى ان الندم يجيبك وعليه هتفرج انا

الدنيا فلحظة بتتغير واهو جالك يوم تبقى صغير
وكفاية كل اللى جرالك
ايه جابك ماترد عليا صدقنى خلاص هنت عليا
وهسيبك مش هسال مالك

ايوة انا فرحانه فيك وعيبك من كل الدنيا جتلى انا

والعادى ان الندم يجيبك وعليه هتفرج انا

07 June 2008

My reailty

I can't really remember when did that song exactly released, I think it was during my Summer school in 2000. At the time, it was my national anthem...I used to listen to it all the time non stop and sometimes I still do.

It's a sad song, I love the music of it and the lyrics and everything about it.

Song name: Haqeeqat Waqi'ei (My reailty) حقيقة واقعي
Album: Haqeeqat Waqi'ei (حقيفة واقعي) in Gulf region and Yameen Allah (يمين الله) in the rest of the Arab World (released in 2001 or 2000, I can't really remember but it reminds me of Summer school)
Song genre: Slow, Oriental, Belly Dance
Singer: Asalah, Assala, Assalah, Asala أصالة
Lyrics by: Gheyoodh - غيوض
Composed & Arranged by: Mohammad Dhiya'a - محمد ضياء
Translated by: RADIANT GUY (ME)

You've been upset because of me...And I didn't know how to make it up to you...
Nor I knew the end of your oppression and questioning...
I am going to leave my love and hide my depresstion in my veins because I don't want to bother you
I am the one who would give you anything while your opressing won't change me...
If leaving will make you feel better, I will ask God to help me...
And don't forget the honestly of my faithfulness, my reality and the way I am thinking of you...
You've been upset because of me...And I didn't know how to make it up to you

I am the one who dedicated her life to you, to your sadness and your craziness
I always forgiven you but you never knew that...
Because you were my universe, exactly how I used to be yours...
And because I really love you, I accpeted to allow your love to me dies and to hold the spirit in my chest
I am going to leave my love and hide my depresstion in my veins because I don't want to bother you
I am the one who would give you anything while your opressing won't change me...
If leaving will make you feel better, I will ask God to help me...
And don't forget the honestly of my faithfulness, my reality and the way I am thinking of you...
You've been upset because of me...And I didn't know how to make it up to you

I care about you and I try to protect you from your self, your present and your past...
And I am afraid that our life time pass by
If you have a word you want to say, I am missing that word
I want to give a chance to happiness and you will have no other chance, and I have no one in my life except you
I am going to leave my love and hide my depresstion in my veins because I don't want to bother you
I am the one who would give you anything while your opressing won't change me...
If leaving will make you feel better, I will ask God to help me...
And don't forget the honestly of my faithfulness, my reality and the way I am thinking of you...
You've been upset because of me...And I didn't know how to make it up to you

زعلت...ولا عرفت أرضيك...
و لا أدري وش آخر الظلم و التشكيك...
أبرحل يا صدى شوقي و أداري الهم بعروقي و لا أشقيك
أنا اللي بكل شي أفديك و ظلمك ما يغيرني...
دام إن الهجر يرضيك بقول الله يصبرني...
ولا تنسى صدق الوفى مني و حقيقة واقعي و إنشغالي فيك...
زعلت...ولا عرفت أرضيك

أنا إللي عشت لعيونك، لأحزانك و لجنونك
عذرتك و إنت ما تدري...
لأنك كنت لي دنيا مثل ما كنت لك دنيا
و لأني من كثر ما أحبك قبلت أموت في قلبك و أشيك روح في صدري
أبرحل يا صدى شوقي و أداري الهم بعروقي و لا أشقيك
أنا اللي بكل شي أفديك و ظلمك ما يغيرني
دام إن الهجر يرضيك بقول الله يصبرني
ولا تنسى صدق الوفى مني و حقيقة واقعي و إنشغالي فيك
زعلت...ولا عرفت أرضيك

عليك أخاف من نفسك و من يومك و من أمسك
و أخاف إن العمر يجري
و إذا في خاطرك كلمة...أنا مشتاقة للكلمة
أبهدي للفرح فرصة و ما لك غيرها فرصة و مالي غيرك بعمري
أبرحل يا صدى شوقي و أداري الهم بعروقي و لا أشقيك
أنا اللي بكل شي أفديك و ظلمك ما يغيرني
دام إن الهجر يرضيك بقول الله يصبرني
ولا تنسى صدق الوفى مني و حقيقة واقعي و إنشغالي فيك
زعلت...ولا عرفت أرضيك

30 April 2008

Wake up my nation

I've taken some photos randomly the other day, when I had a look of them on my PC I instatnly thought of this song.

The first time I heard it in 2002 performed by Asalah live on TV, and I recenlty I found out that It was performed by a male singer called Emad Rami in 2006.

The song by Asalah was written by Abdulrahman Al Abanodi, composed and arranged by Jamal Salama...I guess it was the same for the male singer although some parts of the lyrics and the music arrangment is different.

I like the chorus in Asalah's version, the way they repeat everything as Asalah's echo.

Below you can find Asalah's version then Emad's

Song name: Istaiqithi Ya Ommati (Wake up my nation) إستيقظي يا أمتي
Album: Unreleased song performed live on TV in 2002
Singer: Asalah - Assala - Assalah - أصالة
Lyrics by: Abdulrahman Al Abanoodi - عبدالرحمن الأبنودي
Composed & Arranged by: Jamal Salamah - جمال سلامة
Translated by: RADIANT GUY (ME)

أصالة - Asalah

Wake up my nation before you torn apart
Before you are lost a lone in the darkness of the time/destiny

Look around you...
All people are united except me...
All efforts intisified except me...
I am the one who is suffering...
I am the one who is miserable...
Wake up my nation

Our "grand parents" (ancestors) made life...
And they "inspired" (spread) the world with "light" (science)...
We are sleeping while our enimies are monitoring us...Conspiring and lurking...
We are sleeping while our enimies are monitoring us...Thinking...Planning and executing

We always says "we used to be..."
My nation...We want to be

Dear God, comply to us
And my nation, WAKE UP

إستيقظي يا أمتي من قبل أن تتمزقي
من قبل أن تتشتتي في غربة الزمن الشقي

كل الشعوب توحدت إلا أنا
كل الجهود تكاتفت إلا أنا
أنا الذي عانى أنا
أنا الذي قاسى أنا
يا أمتي إستيقظي

أجدادنا صنعوا الحياة
و ألهموا الكون ضياء
و آه منا نحن آه
نغفوا و أعداء لنا متربصون...يتآمرون...يترصدون و يرصدون يا أمتي
نغفوا و أعداء لنا متربصون...يفكرون...يخططون...ينفذون...يا أمتي
و دائماً نقول كنا...
يا أمتي نريد أن نكون

يا ربنا...أجب لنا
و يا أمتي إستيقظي

Song name: Istaiqithi Ya Ommati (Wake up my nation) إستيقظي يا أمتي
Album: Samehene 2006 سامحيني
Singer: Emad Ramy - عماد رامي
Translated by: RADIANT GUY (ME)

عمار رامي - Emad Ramy

Wake up my nation before you torn apart
Before you are lost in the darkness of the rough road

Look around you...
All people are united except me
All efforts intisified except me...
I am the one who is bleeding
I am the one who is captured...
Wake up my nation

Your memory which informed people of the right path came while my nation is crying over old glories and moving with no target
Her enimes are planining...Plotting...Conspiring
We always says "we used to be..."
My nation...We want to be

Sorry messener of God, my nation lost your path
It missed the meaning of the messege and these are my evidences
It's "children" (people) are acclaiming, playing and having fun

Our "grand parents" (ancestors) made life
And they "inspired" (spread) the world with "light" (science)
Dear God, comply to us

إستيقظي يا أمتي من قبل أن تتمزقي
من قبل أن تتشتتي في ظلمة الدرب الشقي

كل الشعوب توحدت إلا أنا
كل الجهود تكاتفت إلا أنا
أنا الذي أدمى أنا
أنا الذي أسبى أنا
يا أمتي إستيقظي

ذكراك يا علم الهدى جاءت و هذه أمتي
تبكي على أمجادها تمضي بغير رسالة
أعداءها يخططون...يدبرون...يتآمرون
و دائماً نقول كنا...
يا أمتي نريد أن نكون

عذراً رسول الله عن مسراك غفلت أمتي
غفلت عن المعنى من الذكرى و هذه أدلتي
أبناءها يهللون و يلعبون و يمرحون يا أمتي

أجدادنا صنعوا الحياة
و ألهموا الكون ضياء
و آه منا نحن آه
يا ربنا...
إستجب لنا

04 April 2008

I've been walking for many years (Years are passing)

That was one of the hardest songs to translate :D
She talk in plural form, but in Arabic it could mean two things...She could be talking about many people such as friends or family. Also in Arabic we use plural form as a sign for respect for certain person such as prince, king, or maybe a lover.

The song is full of figure speeches, the title it self is a figure speech...She doesn't mean that she is walking for many years literally, it's a figure speech for years are passing.

Song name: Mesheet Seneen (I've been walking for many years)
Album: Qad Al Horoof قد الحروف 2003
Song genre: Sharqi, Oriental, Belly Dance
Singer: Asalah, Assala, Asala - أصالة
Lyrics by: Al Nasser - الناصر
Composed by: Ya'aqoub Al Khobaizi - يعقوب الخبيزي
Arranged by: Omar Abdulaziz - عمر عبدالعزيز
Translated by: RADIANT GUY (ME)

I've been walking for many years...
While I was hiding my pain upon them...
For many years my soul was owned by them...
I've never longed to nobody except them...
And I never felt lonely while I was with them!

For my whole life I was trying to hide my agony upon them...
Because I didn't want them to suffer even by a breeze of air blowing on their eyes...
And now I regret it...
Because they betrayed our golden years together and forgot all about love in one second!

I and my heart are confused...
Although many years already passed yet we couldn't forget them...
I've hidden my tear because I didn't want them to see it...
I swallowed my sighs because I didn't want them to hear it!

I've been walking for many years...
While I was hiding my pain upon them...
For many years my soul was owned by them...
I've never longed to nobody except them...
And I never felt lonely while I was with them!

مشيت سنين...و أنا أداري عليهم
و بقيت سنين...و أنا روحي بإيديهم
و لا حنيت في يوم إلا لهواهم
و لا حسيت بالغربية في لحظة معاهم

و طول عمري بداري عليهم...
بخاف من النسمة لا تجرح عينيهم
و لكن يا ندم...
دول خانوا للعشرة و باعوا للحب و نسيوا في لحظة

أنا و قلبي يا روحي حيارة...
سنين و لا بننسى يا عيني خسارة
داريت في دمعتي خايفة لا يشوفوها...
كتمت الآه في قلبي عنهم لا يسمعوها

28 July 2007

My pride...

That was the second song I loved in her album, you know when I usually listen to an album there are some songs I listen to them more than others...This is number 2 :D

Song name: Shomookh Ezzi (My pride)
Album: Sawwaha Qalbi سواها قلبي 2007
Song genre: Khaleeji
Singer: Asalah, Assala, Asala - أصالة
Lyrics by: Mo'atazzah - معتزه
Composed by: Lail - ليل
Arranged by: Med'hat Khamees - مدحت خميس
Translated by: RADIANT GUY (ME)

Who says that you are capable of loving?
Who says that you were faithful?
It was just a game for you...
You always take but never give back!
I finally saw your real face...
I thought we had a great love...
But now I realized that my love to you was a mistake!

My mistake was on the day I lit you with my radiant Sun...
My future differ from my past...
I don't love you the way I used to!

You used to own my heart...
I will never comeback to you, even in your wildest dreams!
I want to remind you...
I want to stand up for my self...
My pride and my emotions are greater than the whole universe and it's orbits!

من يقول انك تحب
من يقول انك وفيت
كل هذا كان لعب
ياما خذت و لا عطيت
كافي ما جه منك كافي
بان لي ما كان خافي
كنت اظن الحب وافي
و اثر حبك خساره

كم تناسينا خطاك
ما يهمك و اشيصير
بعت قلبي اللي عطاك
صدق ما عندك ضمير
غلطتي ارخصت نفسي
يوم اضويتك بشمسي
بكره ماهو مثل امسي
قلبي و تغير مساره

كان قلبي في ايديك
ضامنه لا ما يخون
لا ولا بحلمك اجيك
هذا في حكم الجنون
اذكرك ياللي انت ناسي
و اوقف بوجهك يا قاسي
شموخ عزي و احساسي
يسوى كوني و مداره

25 July 2007

A wish...

My God, Asalah's 2007 is hard to translate :S
That's the best I could do in that song :D
There is a girl who sing in the background, she has amazing voice...She begin singing on 3:40 and stop singing on 3:50 :)~
I have n o idea who is she but her voice is beautiful :>

Song name: Omniyah (A wish) أمنية
Album: Sawwaha Qalbi سواها قلبي 2007
Song genre: Khaleeji
Singer: Asalah, Assala, Asala - أصالة
Lyrics by: Malamih - ملامح
Composed by: Salah Ahmad - صلاح احمد
Arranged by: Khalid Ez & Hani Farahat - خالد عز و هاني فرحات
Translated by: RADIANT GUY (ME)

I swear that I wish for one thing only...
I wish that I own the whole universe in my hand...
So whenever you wish for a thing...
Or before dreaming of it, I will make it true!
Before you speak up, I will!
Before you complain about anything I will come with solutions!
I wish that I own the universe in my hands so I can fulfill all your wishes!

I know that my wishes are nothing but wishes...
If I can make my wishes come true, I would dedicate life to you!
I only want to see you happy...
I feel happy when I see you smile...
I wish that I own the universe in my hands so I can fulfill all your wishes!

You are my pride and humiliation...
You are the most beautiful thing ever happened to me...
What could I dedicate to you except me?
I will throw the days of my life under your feet... In return, I want to see you smile forever!
My life was a mistake before knowing you...
It's frustrating, I swear it is...
Because I can't reach the sky so I can't dedicate the moon to you as a gift...
I wish to do that but unfortunately I can do nothing about it

والله اني ما اتمنى في حياتي الا شي
اني املك كل هالدنيا في ايدي
ما اسمعك في يوم تنطق كان ودي
قبل لا تحلم احقق
قبل لا تحكي اقول
قبل لا تشكي همومك لك اجيك كلي حلول
و ليت كل هالكون بإيدي لأجل احقق ما تبيه

ادري ان امنياتي هي مجرد امنيات
لو اني املكها حياتي كنت أبهديك الحياة
بس اشوف الابتسامة ما تفارق دنيتك
ياللي كل ايامي تضحك لما اشوف بسمتك
و ليت كل هالكون بإيدي لأجل احقق ما تبيه

انت يا عزي و ذلي و اجمل ما حصلي
و ايش اقدملك سواي
و ارمي ايامي تحت اطهر خطا
ياللي كل ايام عمري قبل ما احبك خطا
اي قهر والله قهر...اني ما اقدر حتى ما اقدر...
اوصل حدود السما...لأجل اهديلك قمر
ودي والله ودي...بس ما في ايديني شي

24 July 2007

Summer of 2007 albums

CD covers (from left to right/ top to bottom) Asalah, Saber Rebai, Angham, Najwa Karam

2007 album released recently, I loved two songs of it only and they are "Ana Rooh" (I am a soul) and "Raji'e Tes'al A Meen" (Why you are back?).

One week later Angham's 2007 was released and I loved most of it but there is one song that I loved the most and it is "Ghayyartini" (You've changed me).

Then Asalah's 2007 album released and I think the title song "Sawwaha Qalbi" (My heart betrayed me!) is going to be a smash hit :D
I loved almost every single song in the album.

And now Saber Rebai released his 2007 album and I didn't have the chance to listen to it more often but I still can tell that it is great. Currently my favorite song of it called "Dhaqat Beek".

19 July 2007

My heart betrayed me!ٍ

The song's name is "Sawwaha Qalbi" and the literal translation of it is (My heart did it) but it's meaningless in English.
It's a folk Khaleeji song by Asalah, released in her 2007 Khaleeji album :D
I almost love every single song in the album, very deep lyrics and power voice.
There is noway to translate the full song but I tried to translate a part of it.
Asalah is talking about her heart as if it's a real independent entity :+

Song name: Sawwaha Qalbi (My heart did it or My heart betrayed me)
Album: Sawwaha Qalbi سواها قلبي 2007
Song genre: Khaleeji
Singer: Asalah, Assala, Asala - أصالة
Lyrics by: Khalid Al Meraikhi - خالد المريخي
Composed by: Saham - سهم
Arranged by: Khalid Ez & Hani Farahat - خالد عز و هاني فرحات
Translated by: RADIANT GUY (ME)

My heart betrayed me...
He loved you and didn't obey my orders although I demanded him not to!
Apparently he wants to be close to you and that's why he quit everybody including his owner!
Please look after my heart when it's beside you, greet him with love day and night

24 November 2006

Good morning...

It's not the exact songs translation, It's very hard to translate Arab poetry so I had to modify it and change few things :Pp~

The song is made of three parts, in the first one she start complaining about things in indirect way, the second part she start blaming him gently and in the third part she welcome him back.

It's a great example of Khaleeji Tarab songs.

Song name: Yes'ed Sabahak (Good morning)
Album: Awqat (Released in the CD only) 2004
Singer: Asalah (Arabic script: اصالة)
Lyrics by: Prince Abdul-Rahman Bin Mosa'ad
Composed by: Sadiq Al Sha'er (Rumours says that the writer and the composer are the exact person, but he is using a nick name when he compose; since he is a prince)
Arranged by: Ameer Abdulmajeed

Good morning my love, I'm doing just OK...
Everything the way it's always been...
My tears still on my cheeks...
The pain still living in my chest...
The safeness still gone since the day you left...
The sleepless nights are being repeated over and over...
Despair refusing to leave me alone...
My eyes are bleeding with tears...
Even the wounds which you caused still staying in my heart...
And my lips still repeating the words which we said the last time we met...
I am doing just OK...
Good morning my love...

It's typical of you, whenever I felt that the whole world is collapsing around me you just disappear and whenever you felt that the world is collapsing around you; you'll return to me!
It's typical of you...You always return in the right time; when I don't need you anymore!
Can you see now?
Everything the way it's always been...
Good morning my love...

Is that the light of the morning or it's yours?
Is that the warmth of the roses or it's yours?
I don't know whether I should spread my precious tears on your shoulder or just walk away?
Can you see it now my soul's love?
Everything the way it's always been...
Good morning my love..

23 October 2006


Today I was surfing around some blogs around when I read a phrase written by a Kuwaiti girl. I've been thinking about it for awhile since I noticed that I lost many of my hobbies too because of the "computer madness/era". I used to do many things when I was younger but during the last 8+ years I had a great passion for the computer...At least I don't have to take a shower after using paint shop pro LOL

I did lose many years on silly chats and that's what I regret, I mean I don't hate chats at all but they shouldn't be the main reason for using your PC.

On the other hand I developed many computer related skills such as photography and photo editing.

02 August 2006

I am NOT what I am!

Amazing song of Asalah...Here is the videoclip

Album: Moshtaqa (2002)
Song genre: Slow/Arab pop
Singer: Asalah
Writer: Majdi Al Najjar
Composed and arranged by: Mohammed Dheya'a

If you didn't return to me again...
If you didn't swear that a second away of me equal a year...
If you didn't believe that heaven exist between my arms...
I am NOT what I am!

If you didn't realised that the secret of your tenderness is me...
If you didn't realisd that the love in your heart is created only for me...
If you didn't realised that as far as you go you still will return willing for me...
I am NOT what I am!

If you didn't regret the days you've been away of me...
If you didn't pay for the lonliness I've been through...
If you didn't drink a cup of the poison (figure speech of torture) which you watered me...
I am NOT what I am!

I will remain queit because my faithful heart is my gudie...
If you didn't return crying and begging me to take you back...
I am NOT what I am!

31 July 2006

I swear I am not challenging!

Finally Asalah's 2006 album released!
The album's title is "Hayati", very poetic song but I didn't really like it...
One of my favorite songs in the album called "Wallahi Ma Tahaddi" (Arabic for I swear I am not challenging).

Song name: Wallah Ma Tahaddi! (I swear I am not challenging!)
Singer: Asalah

Album: Hayati (2006)
Writte by: Hani Abdulkareem
Composed by: Waleed Sa'ad
Arranged by: Kareem Abdulwahab
Translated by: Bashar (me)

I swear I'm not challenging you nor wondering how will you live with out being with me..
I know that you'll need few days to get used to it and forget all about me!

I just feel bad when I see the "I feel sorry about you" look in your eyes!
It's doesn't really suites you!

That's it, you are leaving me and I am accepting this fact..
No body was ever killed by loneliness, I used to be lonely before meeting you!

So what If I felt bad about it?
I am a normal human being with feelings and a heart made of blood and flesh...
That's why I have all rights to be in pain!

No matter how many people in pain you meet; yet you will not find anybody in more pain than mine..
Even If I was dieing and I was longing to you...
I rather to die than letting you see me weak!

That's it, you are leaving me and I am accepting this fact..
No body was ever killed by loneliness, I used to be lonely before meeting you!

That's it, you are leaving me and I am accepting this fact..
No body was ever killed by loneliness, I used to be lonely before meeting you!

I don't care!

The word "Adi" have many meanings in English such as Normal, I don't care, so what? ..Etc released in Asalah's 2005, Personally I consider this song one of the greatest although many people didn't have a chance to listen to it or they had a bad first impression since the music arrangment was very new in the Arab world.

Song name: Adi (I don't care, so what?)
Song genre: Arab pop
Singer: Asalah
Album: Adi (2005)
Translated by: Bashar (me)

I don't care if we brake a part...
I don't care If I was wounded...
I don't care if I was forgotten...
I don't care if I was in pain...
I don't care if I was in regret...
I don't care if I was tortured...
I don't care about anything wether it was strange thing or not!

Even the one who I used to be in love with, and I thought that I have no life with out being with him...
It's was a matter of time, we have nothing left between us anymore...
And now I consider him a normal person like everybody else!

I am not afraid of my old memories any more because my upcoming future will make me forget my past...
I don't care If my loved person came closer or left away because nothing anymore makes me surprised!

I don't care if I was in pain...
I don't care if I was in regret...
I don't care if I was tortured...
I don't care about anything wether it was strange thing or not!

24 January 2006


This song released in the year 2004, at the time I was addicted on it; I just couldn't stop listening to it!
Very great and unique topic!
Don't you agree?

Song name: Afwan (Please)

Album: Awqaat (2004)

Song genre: Slow/Arab pop

Singer: Asalah

Lyrics by: I DON'T KNOW

Translated by: RADIANT GUY (ME)


He came to you admitting his fault and apologizing from the bottom of his heart

He is truly missing you; he came back because he really needs to be with you.


No please, go back and tell him I refused.

This time I am truly tired.

I will not return to him even if he dropped dead.

I swear I will not return to him.


Just try to stand him abit.

Why you want to broke up with him?

Just calm down Asalah and pray for God to show him the right way.


I used to be patient and I always used to say:

"I have to accept my bad luck in love and my destiny"And who says "Be patient to get what you want", I swear if he knew me; he would take his word back.

Even if I became weak and sick; I'll still act proud until I became strong and walk away of him.

So what if I became lonely? Since when anybody stood beside me to support me and wipe my tears?

20 December 2005

I'm sorry

I loved that song the first day i heared it, but it's wasn't popular until the video clip released, since then it's on the radio all the time!

On the photo you can see her going up stairs when she found out that he is cheating on her.

Anyway because that song truley touched me, i translated it to English ;)

Song name: Asfah (I am sorry)
Singer: Asalah
Lyrics by: I DON'T KNOW
Translated by: RADIANT GUY (ME)

I'm sorry…Find someone else; I will not tolerate it anymore.

You need someone to sacrifice everything to you no matter how much you hurt him.

I've tried to deal with you manytimes, I've been weak and my weakness only made you stronger.

Just tell me until when I'll keep sacrificing and until when I'll keep acting like an angel?

I loved loving you to the edge of love and you never appreciated it; finally I learned from you to stop being faithful for people such as you.

Just see how much I am exhausted of being with you all this time and how much I've been calm and patient with you.

And how much… And how much… And how many "how much" I could say during my life time?