26 April 2007

Still wonder If that person found the camera or not yet!

I found that almost 3 months ago in Dubai :+

17 April 2007

Useless Copyright laws!

Copyright infringement
Originally uploaded by Cajie.
I always knew that but what made me speak up when I noticed what's happening to some people in flickr (It almost happened to me with melody TV)...
انا من زمان عارف عن هالموضوع بس اللي خلاني اتكلم فيه اخيراً اللي قاعد اشوفه يصير لبعض الناس في فلكر (تقريباً صارلتلي مع قناة ميلودي)...

In the Arab world people rarely care about the copyrights, If someone likes a photo then he will just steal it and publish it in their site, blog, newspaper, magazine or wherever you want!
في الدول العربية مافي احترام لحقوق الملكية الفكرية, لو أي شخص عجبته صورة يقدر يسرقها و يحطها في موقعه, مدونته, جريدته, مجلته أو اي مكان ثاني!

I could spend hours taking photos, processing them or creating a graphic art and anybody could take it, it doesn't matter to them what's I've been through to end up with that work; all what's matter to them is to make their work prettier using others work!
انا ممكن اقعد ساعات اصور و اعدل في الصور او اشتغل في غرافيكس و في الآخر أي شخص ممكن ياخذ شغلي على البراد بدون احم و لا دستور على راي اخوانا المصريين.
مو مهم عندهم اشكثر انت اشتغلت في الصورة...كل اللي يهمهم ان جريدتهم تطلع حلوه بصورتك.

Kuwaiti newspaper Al Qabas is a great example of copyrights mafia!
جريدة القبس الكويتية هي مثال على مافيا الحقوق الملكية الفكرية!

16 April 2007

CraZY WeaTHEr!

CraZY WeaTHEr!
Originally uploaded by radiant guy.
Currently the weather in Kuwait is CRAZY!
You could have 17 seasons in 6 minutes!
Dusty, Rainy, Humid, Dry, Windy, Hot, Cold, Dusty again, then clear!
Locally we call that "Sarrayat" season...It usually begin in March and ends in April :+

Photo was taken in the morning on my way to work *YAWN*

06 April 2007

Poster of my last concert in Dubai LOL

The mall was closing, no body was there except me and my friends...They almost kicked us out of the mall LOL

I just had to take that photo before leaving, I couldn't help it LOL

Me and the Olay lady LOL | Dubai day# 4

Isn't she pretty?
I really have no idea how she knew that I am Kuwaiti, she just asked to make sure and I said yes.....So she kept talking about Kuwait and stuff...On the way leaving I saw her again so I asked her If it's ok to take a photo and she said ok but you have to pay me 5 Dirhams just like Jennifer Lopez LOL

Did you notice that I am smiling?
That's means you can notice my weird shaped mouth :+


Originally uploaded by radiant guy.
Just to make it easier for people to find my flickr ;)
Photo is a self portrait taken in the hotel.

04 April 2007

Latifa "Ammnli Bait" Wide screen wallpaper 1280 pixels

Click on the photo above to get a large size of it then save it on your computer

Here is a 1280 * 768 pixels wallpaper, If you are looking for 1024 or 800 pixels you can find it at Latifa's official site Latifaonline.net

03 April 2007

Goodbye Internet explorer!

And welcome Mozilla Firefox!
و أهلاً بـ موزيلا فايرفوكس!

Goodbye is applied on Netscape too!
مع السلامه للإنترنت أكسبلورر و نت سكيب!

I've been using it for a year now, a bit more than a year.
صارلي اكثر من سنه استخدم فايرفوكس.

If you are using a different browser then you should switch to Firefox or you'll miss the greatest browsing experience.
إذا كنت تستخدم متصفح آخر من الأفضل انت تبدأ بإستخدام فايرفوكس و إلا ستخسر أعظم تجربة تصفح على الإطلاق.

What makes Firefox better?
لما يعتبر فايرفوكس أفضل؟

1. Don't you really hate it when Internet explorer freeze and you can do nothing about it?
That will never happen to Firefox!
1. جميعنا نكره اللحظات التي يتوقف فيها انترنت اكسبلورر عن العمل حيث لا نستطيع فعل شئ لتغير ذلك...هذا لا يحدث مع فايرفوكس!

2. Internet explorer takes forever to load while Firefox almost take no time to load!
2. انترنت اكسبلورر يأخذ الكثير من الوقت حتى يبدأ في العمل بينما فايرفوكس لا يأخذ وقت يذكر!

3. I think this is the most important feature of Firefox...
You can download free tiny add-ons to Firefox, It's true they are tiny in their size but they are very useful.
3. اعتبرها اهم مميزات فايرفوكس...
.تستطيع تحميل برمجيات صغيرة في الحجم و لكنها كبيرة الفعل لفايرفوكس

4. It's compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux.
4. يعمل مع ويندوز, ماكنتوش و لينكس.

Plus many other features you should find out about them your self :Pp~
I'll keep posting my favorite add-ons in my upcoming posts, If you found some great add-ons your self; please share them with me :D
بالإضافة لمميزات أخرى سأتركها لكم لتكتشفوها...سأضيف لكم كل حين بعض برمجياتي المفضلة و لو كان لديكم ما تعتقدون انه مفيد اتمنى ان تشاركوه معي.

للعلم فقط...برنامج فايروفوكس يعتبر اكثر المتصفحات انتشاراً في العالم بينما في الدول العربية ما يزال المستخدمين يعتمدون على انترنت اكسبلورر و النت سكيب العقيمين.

بالعربي الفصيح...
هده خله يتحدىّ!

02 April 2007

Latifaonline.net new index

I post processed this one to be used as an index of Latifa's official site Latifaonline.net but in a short while later I got some new photos and decided to create the one below.

This is going to be the new index of Latifa's official site Latifaonline.net, I thought to share with my blog's visitors before publishing it in Latifa's site ;)
I spend the early hours of 2nd of April working on it.
So tell me what do you think?

Photos were taken during the making of Latifa's upcoming music video in Lebanon on 30th and 31st of March 2007.