20 November 2018

أَتجنَّبُ ذلكَ كَثيراً...

أَتجنَّبُ ذلكَ كَثيراً...
فعند التَّفكير أو الحديث أو عَملُ أمراً ما...
تَسْتيقظُ أحاسيسٌ خامدة...
لِتَسْكُنني كما العَلَقَة...
التّي تَقتاتُ على غيرها...
فأعَيشُ ذاك الأمرَ...
فأكونُ أنا...
لَسْتُ عَلى ما عليهِ أنا!

في المجالِ الإبداعي...
يكونُ خَيالي لا نِهائي...
فأخْرُجُ مِن واقعي...
لأُبدِعَ جِداً بأفكاري...
فلا تستلذّ النومَ عَيني...
أو أعودُ لأجِدٓ نٓفسي مُهَمشًا...
على صخورِ شاطِئِ وقْتي...

و بعضُّ أمور حياتي و ذِكرياتي...
تُلاحِقُني كما ظلي في خيالي اللاّنهائي...
لِأقعٓ و تٓهمد على صدْري...
فيكونُ ذلك أكثَرَ من طاقة تحمُّلي...
حينها لا أرغبُ بأن أكون أنا!
فأنا أرغَبُ بأن أكونَ الأوّل لا الثاني...
فَهَل أتَجَنّبُ ذلك كثيراً؟

I avoid that a lot...
When I think, talk or do anything...
Certain feelings wakes up...
To live like a leech inside of me...
Then I live that thing...
In return, I turn to someone that is not really me!

In the field of creativity...
My imaginations become limitless...
And i get out of my reality...
To become even more creative...
Then my eyes won't enjoy sleeping...
Or I return to find myself broken...
On the shore of time...

And some issues of my life and my memories...
 Follows me as my shadow in my endless imagination...
I fall and it sits on my chest...
And that would be unbearable for me..
That's when, I don't want to be me anymore!
I want to be the first not the second one...
So, shall I avoid that a lot? 

19 November 2018

My weakness

Not really sure how to start talking about this song, I love this kind of lyrics that talks about human feelings in general, other than love and hate, I mean ordinary love songs...This is much deeper, something that could touch every human anywhere...Sometimes I listen to certain songs non-stop when they are released and I'd normally refer to them as my "national anthem"...This is one of them.

The piano in this song, the way she sings, the sigh at 3:08 </3

إسم الأغنية: ضعفي 
غناء: شيرين 
كلمات : سلطان صلاح 
ألحان : خالد عز 
توزيع : نادر حمدي 

Song name: "Daafy" or "Dha'afi" (My weakness) 
Singer: Sherine
Lyrics: Sultan Salah 
Composer: Khaled Ezz 
Mix by: Nader Hamdy 
Genre: Slow Egyptian/ Oriental pop music 

ضعفي بيصعب عليّا 
وعشان عزيز عليّا 
ببعد ساعتها عن أي حد أنا بعرفه 
وبخاف لضعفي ساعتها مني يخوفه 
وأفضل كده لحد ما أهدى 
لحد ما أقوى 
لحد ما أقدر من تاني أواجه 
ما أقدرش أواجه 
نظرة عيون فرحانة فيّا 

الناس لبعض دي كلمة بِطلت 
كان ليها وقت زمان وخلصت 
فيه حد ينفع يقول لحد ما تحس بيّا 
أنا عندي أعيش لوحدي أحسن 
وأتعب شوية من إني أرّخص نفسي 
ولا أصعب في يوم على حد يمكن 
يعطف عليّا 

يا ناس دي كلمة ساعات تصبر 
ساعات تغير 
ساعات تخلي الصبر يحلى في النفوس 
معرفش ليه مستخسرين الكلمة فيّا 

My weakness...
I feel sorry for it...
And because it's so precious to me...
I keep away of everybody I know... 
Because I am afraid that my weakness would scare them off!

And I want to stay that way until I calm down again... 
Until I am stronger... 
Until I am able to confront others!
I can not confront people...
With eyes that looks like it's happy for what's happening to me!

"People are there for each other" is a phrase that came to expiration... 
It had it's own time and it came to an end... 
Is it possible now for anyone to say "can anyone feel how I feel?" 

It's better if I live by my self... 
I will suffer a bit, but it's better than losing my pride... 
Or someone would feel sorry for me... 
Then might treat me tenderly!

Hey people... 
Sometimes one word would give a person enough strength to be more patient...
Sometimes it could make a difference...
Sometimes it could make patience sweeter and more bearable for suffering souls...
I am not sure why are you holding such a word back off me?

The crown on your head

I actually thought that this is the most humiliating Arabic song I ever heard then I changed my mind, and it seems that they actually made an effort in the lyric video...Very well done The Factory, Aline Ashraf, Mohammed Hesham and Heba ElKest!

Not even going to mention the poet, composer, arranger and Sherine because they all did amazing or I wouldn't make an effort to post about it.

إسم الأغنية: تاج راسك
غناء: شيرين
كلمات : امير طعيمه
ألحان : خالد عز
توزيع : حسن الشافعي

Song name: "Tag Rasak" (The crown on your head)
Singer: Sherine
Lyrics: Amir Teima
Composer: Khaled Ezz
Mix by: Hassan El Shafei
Genre: Egyptian pop music

أكون خاتم في صباعك
وتعمل فيا ما بدالك
تجيني وقت ما تجيني
تسيبني لما يحلالك

ولو راحتك مع دموعي
عيوني تبكي وتزيدك
وأسيب عمري وأيامي
رهن إشارة من إيدك

أجل كل أحلامي
عشان توصل لأحلامك
تكون الآمر الناهي
لازم أمشي ورا كلامك

ولما تخوني أعديها
وأقول سامحي عشان بيتك
وأصدق لما بتقولي...
أنا من قلبي حبيتك

وأدوس على قلبي وكرامتي...
عشان إنت تكون راضي
ولما تقل من قيمتي...
مركزشي وأقول عادي

حاجات وهمية ومريضة
بتتمناها في خيالك
ومش ممكن في يوم تحصل
وبيصدقها إحساسك

وقبل أما أمشي فيه كلمة أخيرة
عايزة أقولهالك
أنا مش جارية ولا عبدة
أنا ستك وتاج راسك

I will be a ring around your finger
You can do whatever you want to me
You can come to me anytime you like
And leave whenever you wish

If my tears will make you happy...
I'll cry even more so you can get happier
ِAnd I'll leave my life and days behind
With a gesture of your hand

I'll postpone all my dreams
So you can achieve yours
You'll get to demand and stop anything
And I am forced to do whatever you say

And when you cheat on me...
I'll let it go
And I'll tell myself to forgive so I don't wreck your own home
And I'll believe you when you say that you love me from the bottom of your heart

And I'll step on my heart and my pride for you to be satisfied
And when you humiliate me I'll just ignore it and move on

Those are all sick things and illusions
That you wish for in your imagination
And it is impossible for all of them to happen
Even if you still believe that it would

And before I walk away there is one more last word...
I wanted to say to you

I am not a odalisque or a slave...
I am your queen and the crown on your head!

Sick for Attention

Music is very Elissa style, I like that she is singing more powering songs instead of "I love you all the way" only, the way she used to.

The lyric video is nicely made, I would've expected more from Rotana though.

إسم الأغنية: مريضة اهتمام
غناء: اليسا
كلمات : علي المولى
ألحان : رامي الشافعي
توزيع : كميل خوري

Song name: "Maridhit Ehtimam" (Sick for attention)
Singer: Elissa
Lyrics: Ali AlMawla
Composer: Rami AlShafei
Mix by: Kameel Khouri
Genre: Lebanese Classic

ممنوع تهملني...
لازم حسك عطول عم بتحبني...
ما بيرضيني الحب العادي...
عطول بدي حس زيادة...
قد ما اخد بدي أكتر...
و معي رح تتعب!

انا مريضة اهتمام ما بدي اشفى!
انا يلي احساسا نقطة ضعفا!
خلاصة الكلام...
مريضة اهتمام!

الناس بيملوا...
صدقني كرمال هيك كلن بيفلوا!
و اذا انت معود تزهق
و بس هالقد بتعرف تعشق
بفضل كفي عمري لوحدي...
و اخر همي!

You are not allowed to neglect me...
I should always feel...
That you are loving me!
I can not be satisfied with ordinary love...
I always want to feel so much more...
No matter how much I take I want more...
And you will get tired of me!

I am sick for attention!
I never want to be cured!
My feelings are...
My weakness!
In conclusion...
I am sick for attention!

People get bored...
Believe me that's the reason why...
They all leave!
And if you are used to getting bored...
And you can only love in this capacity...
Then I'd rather live my life alone...
And it would be the least of my worries!

18 November 2018

Joy is back...

It's strange how listening to a certain song would take you to places where you used to hear that specific song, the song is about feelings that any human can have.

I love the emotions of the poet Siham Chacha (a female poet) and Assala's way to deliver it despite the fact the lyrics are supposed to be uplifting it's emotional.

إسم الأغنية: رجع الفرح
غناء: اصالة
كلمات : سهام الشعشاع
ألحان : خالدي البكري
توزيع : خالد عز

Song name: "Rejea El Farah" (Joy is back)
Singer: Assala
Lyrics: Siham Chacha (Siham Al Sheshaa)
Composer: Khaled AlBakri
Mix by: Osama Al Hindi
Genre: Lebanese Tarab

رجع الفرح عا باب بيتى دق...
هلاْ خلص ما عاد قلو لأ...
صليت ياما كتير تالاقيك...
قلبى انتصر و الحب حن و رق...
ما عاد عندى للحزن مطرح... 
جايه ع بالى اضحك و افرح 
يا ريت فيي غافل الايام... 
و ع ظهر غيمة بالفضا اسبح!

عيونى خلص ما ظل فيها دموع...
كل شى مضى مالو بحياتى رجوع...
قديش عض القلب ع جروحه... 
تاما حدا يعرف اذا موجوع...

ياما سواد الليل غطانى... 
طبطب علي بعز احزانى 
هلا ما بدى غير نتفة ضو... 
امحي فيون ايا حزن تانى! 

The joy is back knocking on my house's door...
It's over now...
I will not say no to it... 
I prayed so much to find it...
My heart won and the love tendered and treated me gently! 

There is no place for sorrow anymore...
I want to laugh and be happy! 
I wish that i can run away of the days (destiny)... 
And on a back of a cloud, I swim into space! 

My eyes ran out of tears...
Everything that past have no place left for it in my life anymore! 
How many times did the heart bit on it's own wounds... 
So no one could tell that it's in pain!

For so long the night cover me with it's blackness... 
Petting on my shoulder trying to calm me down during my sadness... 
And now I only want a little spark of light... 
To erase the remains of any sadness left!