Showing posts with label Angham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Angham. Show all posts

07 March 2018

أنغام - يوجعونك: عندما غنت أنغام للقلب

This song is about envious people who wishes you bad while you did nothing except good for them, the lyrics makes me sort of jealous of the way how the poet was able to express her feelings in such a beautiful way

إسم الأغنية: يوجعونك
غناء: انغام
كلمات : رازان
ألحان : ياسر بو علي
توزيع : خالد عز

Song name: "Yoje'onik" (They hurt you)
Singer: Angham
Lyrics: Razan
Composer: Yassir Abo Ali
Mix by: Khalid Ezz
Genre: Gulf Music

‏يوجعونك كثر ماتطري عليهم
‏قاصدين الجرح ويدينك عرايا
قد ماقدمت خيرك ترتجيهم
‏قد ماذلوك قدام البرايا

‏تدعي بسرك عسى الله يهديهم
‏تسكت وتصبر يدينون النوايا
‏قلت لك ياقلب ماجالك يجيهم
‏لا تألم تنطوي بين الزوايا

‏أدري ابصدمتك وادري تحتريهم
‏تختلق الأعذار وتخلي الوصايا
‏وانت اعلم مني إن فيهم وفيهم
‏ودهم يرمونك بحوض المنايا

‏‏عيش هالدنيا ولا تبقى بيديهم
‏طيش في غيك ولا تخشى الخبايا
‏إسمع إحساسي حذارِ تلتقيهم
‏عدهم ذنبك وياكثر الخطايا

‏ They hurt you as much as they thought about you...
They are trying to wound you despite the fact that you have "bare hands" (peaceful and never harmed anyone)...
As much as you did good to them...
As much as they humiliated you in front of everybody!

You secretly pray may they be guided again...
You remain calm and be patient waiting for them to condemn their intentions...
I told you my dear heart, what happened to you, one day will happen to them...
Don't be in pain and go hide in a corner!

I know that you are shocked and I know that you are waiting for them...
You keep making excuses for them while neglecting my advice...
And you know better than me that they have lots of issues...
They wish to throw you in a the "pool of death" (grave)!

Live this life freely and don't be "between their hands" (don't give them control over you)
Go as extreme as you can with life and don't be afraid of the unknown
Listen to my feelings and be aware of meeting them
Consider them a sin and "how many sins you have"? (it will not be your only sin)

31 December 2016

Angham - Aktiblak Ta'ahhod (I'd write you a pledge)

The idea of this song is when someone is living a nightmare with someone and they just want to leave to survive the remaining part of their life even if it was alone (As you can see in the English translation)...Below is the original song as released in the album, normally when a singer perform in a live concert it's not as good as the original record...Except Angham performed this song in a concert (as you will see in the bottom of this post) better than the original once, don't forget to keep an eye on the maestro!

إسم الأغنية: أكتبلك تعهد
غناء: أنغام
كلمات : بهاء الدين محمد
ألحان : إيهاب عبدالواحد
توزيع : مادي

مكن تسيبني اشتري عمري اللي باقي؟
قول بكام
مش عايزة اعيشه معاك
عشان لو عشته كله جراح

ولو انت خايف لما تسيبني
اقابل بعدك حد يصوني
و انت لو مبقتش بتصدق كلامي
انا ممكن اكتبلك تعهد مني
اني هعيش لوحدي باقي عمري
بس اعيشه باحترام

انا عايزة نفسي
حتى لو كل اللي باقي منها صوت
مانا لو هكمل حياتي بيك
من غير ما يجي الموت هموت
مبقاش في قلبي مكان لاليك
ولا حد تاني
خلاص مفيش
مبقتش عايزة حاجات كتير
كل اللي انا عايزاه أعيش

Song name: "Aktiblak Ta'ahhod" (I'd write you a pledge)

Singer: Angham

Lyrics: Baha'a AlDen Mohammed

Composer: Ehab Abdulwahid

Mix by: Madi

Will you let me buy the rest of my life?
Say how much it is..
I don't want to live it with you
because if I live a life full of wounds then
it would be a waste

And if you're scared that when you leave me
I'll find someone to treasuree me after you are gone
and if you no longer believe my words
I can write you a pledge
saying that I will live the rest of my life alone
as long as I live it keeping my respect

I want myself [back]
Even if what remains from it is just a voice
If I continue my life with you,
without death coming, I would still die
There is no longer a place in my heart for you nor
for anyone else
It's all over
I no longer want many things,
All I want is to live!

25 May 2008

Find someone

This is one of my very favorite songs of Angham, pure oriental song (belly dance kind of songs) where the Arab musical instruments such as "Qanoon" (Qanun) and the Arab "Maqsoom" rythm rules.

The song's lyrics is like an advice from Angham (or better say the song's writer Nasser Rashwan) to lonely people.

I've tried my best to translate the lyrics from Arabic to English, it wasn't as good as the original Arabic but at least now you can get the idea.

Song name: Elqalak Had (Find someone) إلقالك حد
Album: Wahdaniya (1999) وحدانية
Song genre: Slow,Oriental, Sharqi, Belly Dance
Singer: Angham أنغام
Lyrics by: Nassir Rashwan - ناصر رشوان
Composed & Arranged by: Ameer Abdulmajeed - أمير عبدالمجيد
Translated by: RADIANT GUY (ME)

Find someone...
To listen to you whenever you are depressed...
To be your companion, your family and your home...
To call you if one day you were lost...
To see through you whenever you tried to hide your pain upon people...
To sense your agony no matter how far you are...
Find someone...

Find a dream
Don't let your life pass with illusions...
Life flips between happiness and pain
When you water thorn it will grow into roses
Find someone...

Find someone to long for you
And a beloved one who would come to you whenever he/she misses you
If you felt that your nights (nights figure speech for agony/despair/sadness) are endless...
He/She will be a dawn, a sun and a tomorrow (as future and hope)
Fine someone...
To be your companion, your family and your home...
To call you if one day you were lost...
To see through you whenever you tried to hide your pain upon people...
To sense your agony no matter how far you are
Find someone

إلقالك حد...لو ضاقت بيك يفتحلك قلب
يبقالك صحبة و أهل و بيت
يناديك لو إنت فيوم ضليت
و يشوفك لو عالخلق داريت
و يحسك رغم البين و البعد
إلقاك حد...

إلقالك حلم من الأحلام
ما تسيبش سنينك للأوهام
الدنيا ما بين أفراح و آلام
و الشوك تسقيه يطرحلك ورد
إلقالك حد

إلقالك قلب يحن إليك
و حبيب يشتاق و يروح يلاقيك
لو طالت في الأيام لياليك
يبقالك فجر و شمس و غد
إلقالك حد

25 July 2007

You've changed me

One of my favorite song in her 2007 album, I love the second part of this song specifically (2:43 to the end of the song).

Song name: Ghayyartini (You've changes me) غيرتني
Album: Kol Ma Neqarrab Le Ba'adh كل ما نقرب لبعض 2007
Song genre: Khaleeji
Singer: Angham - أنغام
Lyrics by: Hind Al Qadhi - هند القاضي
Composed by: Khalid Ez - خالد عز
Arranged by: Fahad - فهد
Translated by: RADIANT GUY (ME)

You've changed me...
I am not what I am anymore...
I don't believe in anybody anymore...
You've changed me...
I am afraid of everybody...
Aren't you a human being with feelings and emotions just like us?
You only know how to take but you never give back!

You've changed me...
You've made me regret dreaming that I could teach you how to treasure me...
Now I have to forget all about you because you are a weak person who can not handle my heart and love
Aren't you a human being with feelings and emotions just like us?
You only know how to take but you never give back!

غيرتني ما بقتش انا ما بقتش اصدق اي حاجه
غيرتني معقوله انا بقيت اخاف من كل حاجه
هو انت ايه مش برضه انسان زينا ممكن تحس؟
و الا انت ايه كل اللي عارفه عن الحياه تاخذ و بس!

غيرتني خليتني اندم اني كنت بجد بحلم
اعلمك تقدر اللي مابين ايديك
لازم تهون لما تكون انسان ضعيف
مش قد قلبي و حبي ليك

13 June 2007

Introduce me to her!

That song reminds me of 2003 Summer time, I listened (and still listening) to it probably 10 zillion times...There is a music instrument which sounds like a violin but it's not a violin, it's really amazing. I think it's one of the best songs by Angham, I love her songs and style but there are some songs that you love more than others.
A remix of the song released in the CD, didn't released in the cassette.

Song name: Arrafha Beya (Arabic script: عرفها بيا) - Introduce me to her!
Singer: Angham - أنغام
Song genre: Arab pop music / slow
Album: Omri Ma'ak (2003) عمري معاك

Lyrics by: Essam Hosny
Translated by: Bashar Al-Ba'noon (aka radiant guy)
Composed by: Tamer Ali
Arranged by: Fahad

Why did you remain silent?
Tell her!
What's going on between us!
Why you didn't tell her about our love story?
Introduce me to her!
Answer me!
Or let me tell her everything and she will be the judge!

Deny my existence to her!
Swear to her that our love is over!
Fool her and tell her...
That your life belongs to her...
That her smile cured your wounds!

Tell her everything you told me!
Every single word you told me!
That you truly feel comfortable with me...
That you've owned the world and the universe the day you knew her!
That's you will belong to nobody except her!

Introduce me to her!
Answer me!
Or let me tell her everything and she will be the judge!

سكت ليه ما تقولها...
فينا بينا ايه...
قصة هوانا و حبنا....خبيتها ليه؟
عرفها بيا...
جاوب عليا....
يا تسيبني اقول القصة و تشهدها هي!

انكر وجودي احلف لها...
ان الغرام بينا انتهى
اضحك عليها و قولها
ان اللي جاي في حياتك لعيوننا هي
ان اللي داوا اهاتك ضحكتها هي

احكيلها زي ما قلتلي
و كل كلمة وصفتلي
انك حقيقي ارتحتلي
انك ملك الكون و الدنيا ديا
ان استحالة تكون غير بس ليا

عرفها بيا...
جاوب عليا....
يا تسيبني اقول القصة و تشهدها هي!

17 December 2006

Who are you?

One amazing melancholic song of the singer Angham, I am so into the song; perfect lyrics, performance, music and arrangement...You can feel the Arabian desert through the man's voice who was performing some "Mawwals" in the background.

The song is talking about Angham who break apart with the one who she used to love, now he is back; she was trying to push him away because she didn't want him to break her heart again.

I loved many songs in that album such as "Astannah Eih", "Qol Keda" and "Bahibbik Wahashteeni".

Song name: Inta Meen? (Who are you?)
Genre: Khaleeji classic/Slow
Album: Bahibbik Wahashteeni (2005)
Singer: Angham
Lyrics by: Fahad Thamal
Composed by: El Faisal
Arranged by: Ismael
Translated by: radiant guy (Me)

Look who is talking about love?! *being sarcastic*
Dear God; help me to deal with him!
Many years passed...
And now my longing to him is dead!

What kind of human being are you?
Don't you have any emotions at all?
That's it...
Let me have my own life back :(

You have no rights to return to me..
I choked with my own saliva and sunk in my own tears the day you told me you want to brake apart!
That's it...
I beg you to leave, I can't tolerate it anymore, I don't recognize you anymore, I've never set my eyes on you!

Tell me, who can left the rain drops to the sky again?
You can't, neither do I!
What kind of humans are you?
That's it...
Let me have my own life back :(

01 August 2006

Happy anniversary

Amazing song by Angham...It's kinda old/classic Khaleeji song yet it's still great, I had a hard time to translate it; I said it million times and i will say it one more time, the Arab poetry loses the power during translation. It's always better to read the original one.
This song is a great example of Khaleeji Classic Songs (Khaleeji refers to the Music in Khaleeji Arab Dialect which it's spoken in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Arab Emirates and Oman).
F.Y.I. Angham is Egyptian singer.

Song name: Eidina Mobarak - عيدنا مبارك (Happy anniversary)
Album: Khalli Bokra Li Bokra (1998)
Singer: Angham - انغام (Arabic for melodies)
Written by: Turki Bin Abdulrahman
Composed by: Tariq Mohammed (Rumors says that he is the writer using a nick name since he is a prince)

The exact spot; where we always met; every year during a starry night such as this one...
To celebrate the "first day we met" anniversary...Our love anniversary...

The exact stars...
The exact moon...
Even it's the exact air breeze which it's used to dally the trees leafs...
Everything like the way it's always been...
But we are not anymore...
Destiny brake us a part...
Everything is gone between us exept the echo of our song...

Happy anniversary my love...
Happy anniversary my love.. .
Happy anniversary my love....