07 March 2018

أنغام - يوجعونك: عندما غنت أنغام للقلب

This song is about envious people who wishes you bad while you did nothing except good for them, the lyrics makes me sort of jealous of the way how the poet was able to express her feelings in such a beautiful way

إسم الأغنية: يوجعونك
غناء: انغام
كلمات : رازان
ألحان : ياسر بو علي
توزيع : خالد عز

Song name: "Yoje'onik" (They hurt you)
Singer: Angham
Lyrics: Razan
Composer: Yassir Abo Ali
Mix by: Khalid Ezz
Genre: Gulf Music

‏يوجعونك كثر ماتطري عليهم
‏قاصدين الجرح ويدينك عرايا
قد ماقدمت خيرك ترتجيهم
‏قد ماذلوك قدام البرايا

‏تدعي بسرك عسى الله يهديهم
‏تسكت وتصبر يدينون النوايا
‏قلت لك ياقلب ماجالك يجيهم
‏لا تألم تنطوي بين الزوايا

‏أدري ابصدمتك وادري تحتريهم
‏تختلق الأعذار وتخلي الوصايا
‏وانت اعلم مني إن فيهم وفيهم
‏ودهم يرمونك بحوض المنايا

‏‏عيش هالدنيا ولا تبقى بيديهم
‏طيش في غيك ولا تخشى الخبايا
‏إسمع إحساسي حذارِ تلتقيهم
‏عدهم ذنبك وياكثر الخطايا

‏ They hurt you as much as they thought about you...
They are trying to wound you despite the fact that you have "bare hands" (peaceful and never harmed anyone)...
As much as you did good to them...
As much as they humiliated you in front of everybody!

You secretly pray may they be guided again...
You remain calm and be patient waiting for them to condemn their intentions...
I told you my dear heart, what happened to you, one day will happen to them...
Don't be in pain and go hide in a corner!

I know that you are shocked and I know that you are waiting for them...
You keep making excuses for them while neglecting my advice...
And you know better than me that they have lots of issues...
They wish to throw you in a the "pool of death" (grave)!

Live this life freely and don't be "between their hands" (don't give them control over you)
Go as extreme as you can with life and don't be afraid of the unknown
Listen to my feelings and be aware of meeting them
Consider them a sin and "how many sins you have"? (it will not be your only sin)

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