Showing posts with label Arabic songs translated to English. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arabic songs translated to English. Show all posts

08 April 2010

Kel Wahed

كلمات الكويتي علي الفضلي، ألحان القطري الفيصل و توزيع التركي زافين...
أغنيتي المفضلة من البوم لطيفة الخليجي "أتحدى"
كليب الأغنية توه نزل و فكرته إن هو قاعد يدزلها هدايا و اهيه معطيته skip
التصوير كان في مواقع مختلفة بدبي، الجميره، مترو دبي و حسب المخرجة نهلة الفهد الكليب تصور لأول مرة بكاميرة شبيهة بالكاميرة اللي تصور فيها فيلم Avatar

صوت الناي في الآخر عجيب، شوفوا الكليب تحت

كل واحد يا اخي حر بحلاله...كل قلب يحس يلاقي حبيبه
مابي أعطيك قلبي مع وصاله...قلبي إن ما جاك ما تقدر تجيبه

Everybody owns his property…
Every heart with feelings will find his beloved one
I don't want to give you my heart with it's emotions…
If my heart didn't come to you with it's own free will, you will not be able to have it your self

المحبة أنت تحسبها سهالة؟
و إلا تبغاها على كيفك نهيبة!
قل لقلبك لا يبالغ في خياله...و إعتذرلي منه أنا مو من نصيبه!

Do you think love is easy?
Or you think it could be stolen?
Tell your mind not to exagorate with it's own fanatasy…And ask him to forgive me because I don't belong to him

يا حبيبي انت عقلك وش جراله؟
جرح قلبي انت أصلاً مو طبيبه!

My baby, what's wrong with your brain (are you going crazy)?
You are my wound not my doctor!

21 November 2009

Secrets of the hearts – أسرار القلوب

In June 2009, Latifa visited Kuwait for 5 days and I was around to cover her visit.
في شهر يونيو 2009، زارت لطيفة الكويت بمدة 5 أيام و كنت معاها خلال هالفترة أغطي زيارتها
The following is a slide show of photos and videos during in the second day of her visit on 19th of June 2009 while she was recording a song in the studio
هذا عرض صور و مقاطع فيديو صورته في اليوم الثاني من الزيارة 19 يونيو 2009 لما كنت في الأستوديو تسجل أغنية أسرار القلوب كتتر لمسلسل أسرار القلوب
إشتغلت في المونتاج بعد ما رجعت من رحلة العلاج بس ما أذكر أي شهر بالضبط إما أغسطس أو سبتمبر 2009
من أوائل الأشياء اللي خطرت على بالي لما صحيت في العناية المركزة كنت بقمة الإحباط
I begun working on the video when I came back from my treatment trip, but I am not really sure when was that exactly; either August or September 2009
One of the very first things I ever thought of when I wake up in the ICU when my spirt was in the lowest

غناء: لطيفة
Performer: Latifa
كلمات: الشيخ/ دعيج الخليفة الصباح
Lyrics by: Shaikh Duaij Al Khaleefa Al Sabah
ألحان و توزيع: عادل الفرحان
Composed and arranged by: Adel Al Farhan
هندسة صوت: ربيع الصيداوي
Sound engineering: Rabee'a Al Saidawi
تصوير و مونتاج و ترجمة: بشار البعنون –
Photography, montage and translation by: Bashar Al-Ba'noon –

Oh the power of God ... What is left for us?
Even before our eyes dreams about our greatest wishes...
Misery wakes us up!
يا حيل الله و اشبقى فينا...إذا أكبر أمانينا...
قبل لا العين تحلمها... شقا الواقع يصحينا!
Hey destiny, if you promised to torture us…
We will not oppose!
If tomorrow will be better…Why you are standing still?

إذا انت يا زمن حالف...تعذبنا فما يخالف!
إذا بكره بيصير أحسن...علامك يا زمن واقف؟!
Please destiny, enough!
We are tired of hiding the hidden!
Your torture exceeded our capability!
We are out of patience!

دخيلك يا زمن كافي...تعبنا نكتم الخافي...
عذابك فاق طاقتنا...مافينا صبر مافي!
Hey destiny, we need an explanation
We are really exhausted
And if you someone asked about the way we feel
We lie by saying we are doing fine!

ألا يا وقت نبي تفسير...ترا والله تعبنا كثير...
و إذا حد سأل عنا...ترا نكذب نقول بخير!
Oh non-cureable destiny…
Our soul desperately in need for a genuine happiness!
May God fulfill our needs!

يا وقت شح بعلاجه...اشكثر هالنفس محتاجه...
لفرحة من صميم القلب...عسى الله يقطع الحاجة!


And here is a trailer I made before a while (Some of you already watched it and wondered what was that about).
و تحت مقطع فيديو سويته للإعلان عنه (بعضكم شافوه و ما كانوا عارفين شالسالفة).

17 May 2009

A scream

What a beautiful touching song of hope and pain, I think every human being no matter where he or she from can relate to that song.
By now you'll notice that I rarely listen or like songs by male singers...And I do have a point of view about that which is thinking that female singers can deliver emotions in a song better than a male singer.

The performer of this song is an exception, probably he is the only male singer who makes me "see" the pain in his performance.

I had a hard time trying to translate this song because I didn't want to lose the powerful meanings in each phrase since Arabic poetry's point of strength (in my opinion) is figure speeches.

My very favorite parts of the songs is the second and third.

Song name: Sarkha (صرخة) A scream
Album: Wahishni Jeddan (واحشني جداً) Missing you alot
Year of production: 2009
Song genre: Oriental, Tarab
Tempo: Slow
Singer: Saber Al Reba'ei - صابر الرباعي

Lyrics by: Hatim Al Qeezani - حاتم القيزاني
Composed and Arranged by: Mohammad Allam - محمد علامTranslated by: RADIANT GUY (ME)

Everything in the universe is heading to an end...
Except good words will remain the way echo does...
Only if you understand the meaning of good words

What do I have so you envy me?
Expect agony which was caused by you in the first place!
Don't let my silence fool you...
I am hiding a scream which will frightens a volcano!
Don't let my smiles fool you...
Sometimes I smile as a result of sadness!

I wanted to cry loudly...
I wanted to run and surpass everything including the wind...
No...I don't care if I tripped and fall down...
All what I care about to run away of my sadness...
I know the road will be hard to pass, but I will walk it all the way till the end

A word is a star lit with wisdom...
If you imprisoned it, it will survive...
If you imprisoned it in the middle of darkness, it will survive
The word tought us to be masters in the universe
The word changed many people as long as it was full with emotions
The word builds, but doesn't pull down
It heels, doesn't wound
The word raised the morning...
It lit human beings path to goodness

I have plenty of words which no one heard...
I have plenty of screams which no one felt...
And the best cure for my agony to remain silent!

Hey road of patience, "travel" (figure speech for being a lone) is taking so long...
We've lost many golden years of our lives while we don't notice it

كل اللي في الدنيا مصيره للفنا...
إلا الكلام الطيب يبقى صداه
لو تفهموا معنى الكلام الطيب

اش اللي عندي تحسدوني عليه؟
غير التعب و انتم سبب تعبي اللي عايش بيه!
ما يغركمش سكاتي...
في داخلي صرخة تفزع البركان!
لا تغركم بسماتي...
ساعات نتبسم من الأحزان!

حبيت نبكي نصيح...
حبين نجري نفوت حتى الريح...
لا لا لا لا ما يهمنيش نطيح
اللي يهمني نهرب من الأحزان
نعرف طريقي مليح من بمصاعبو نمشيه مهما كان

الكلمة نجمة منورة بالحكمة...
لو تسجنوها تعيش الكلمة...
لو تسجنوها وسط الظلمة تعيش...
لو تسجنوها الكلمة

و الكلمة ياما علمتنا نكون...
أسياد في هالكون

و الكلمة ياما غيرت الناس ما دام فيها إحساس
الكلمة تبني و ما تهدم
تشفى و ما تألم

الكلمة طلعت صباح...
نور طريق الخير للإنسان

زايد كلامي اللي ما سمعوش...
زايد صراخي اللي ما حسوش...
و أحسن دوا لمواجعي الكتمان

يا طريق الصبر طال السفر طول على الصابرين
من سنين العمر ياما ضيعنا و إحنا مش حاسين

09 November 2008

Look at your self

It might not be the best song in Asalah's 2008 album, but to me it's...
The song is slow with oriental sad melody, my favorite part of it is the violin which plays in the middle part of the song.

In the song, Asalah was making fun of her ex because he used to make fun of her tourment and now he is being through where she used to be.

Certain parts of the translation isn't that good, but I think this is the best translation I could do for that song.

Song name: Etfarrag Ala Nafsak (إتفرج على نفسك) Look at your self
Album: Nos Halah (نص حالة) Half State
Year of production: 2008
Song genre: Oriental
Tempo: Slow
Singer: Asalah - أصالة
Lyrics by: Khaled Taj Al Dain - خالد تاج الدين
Composed by: Khalid Ezz - خالد عز
Arranged by: Khalid Ezz - خالد عز
Translated by: RADIANT GUY (ME)

Look at your self, you are the one who was happy because of what happened to me and I wish you thought to hide your happiness at the time...

Now you are back in regret, please don't waste my time
Seeing you "in a fire makes mine cool down" being through this makes me cool down

Yes, I am happy because you having hard times...
And your only mistake that you choosed to return to me among all people
It's normal when your regrest brings you back and now I will be watching you

Life could change in a moment, and your bad moment has came
Whatever you've been though is enough

What brought you back, asnwer me
Bealieve me, I don't care about you anymore
I will walk away without asking what's wrong with you

Yes, I am happy because you having hard times...
And your only mistake that you choosed to return to me among all people
It's normal when your regrest brings you back and now I will be watching you

اتفرج على نفسك ياللى فرحت كتير فى اللى حصلى

وياريتك فكرت تدارى

بقى جاى تندم دلوقتى وحياتك ماتضيع وقتى
ده بنارك انا بردت نارى
ايوة انا فرحانه فيك و عيبك من كل الدنيا جتلى انا

والعادى ان الندم يجيبك وعليه هتفرج انا

الدنيا فلحظة بتتغير واهو جالك يوم تبقى صغير
وكفاية كل اللى جرالك
ايه جابك ماترد عليا صدقنى خلاص هنت عليا
وهسيبك مش هسال مالك

ايوة انا فرحانه فيك وعيبك من كل الدنيا جتلى انا

والعادى ان الندم يجيبك وعليه هتفرج انا

19 October 2008

Leave me alone for a while...

I was post processing the photo above while I was thinking of that song...
The song is very melancholic...Lyrics, music, arrangement and performance can be explained in one word which is "sad".

Released in Latifa 2008 album "Fil Kam Yom Illi Fato" (In the Past Few Days), this is the 4th track in the album "Sebni Showayah" (Leave me for a while).

It begins with a slow "Tabla" (Arab Drums), then amazing violins and Latifa begin to sing.
I love the part when she say "Laih" (Why?), the way she say it :D

When she asked me what do you think my next music video should after the first music video from that album...I instatnly said "Sebni Showaya".

If you were a belly dancer, this is the perfect song :Pp~

Latifa | لطيفة

Song name: Sebni Showayah (سبني شوية) Leave me alone for awhile
Album: Fil Kam Yom Illi Fato (في الكام يوم اللي فاتوا) In The Past Few Days
Year of production: 2008
Song genre: Oriental
Tempo: Slow
Singer: Latifa - لطيفة - لطيفة
Lyrics by: Nader Abdullah - نادر عبدالله
Composed by: Waleed Sa'ad - وليد سعد
Arranged by: Tameem - تميم
Translated by: RADIANT GUY (ME)

Leave me alone for awhile because I am upset...
Don't remind me of my agony and upset me more...
As much as I would like to speak up and complain about you...
I am afraid that you will oppress me and make my "wound" (pain) worst!

You don't have a free time for me so I can come and talk to you...
Even while you are staying by me, it seems that I can't find you...
What makes me even worst is seeing you...
The farthest person yet the closest one!

I am holding a grudge but I am hiding it...
I am accepting the little attention you are giving me and your recklessness...
Why and how come you are the most important person in my life...
Yet you make me feel unimportant!

You don't have a free time for me so I can come and talk to you...
Even while you are staying by me, it seems that I can't find you...
What makes me even worst is seeing you...
The farthest person yet the closest one!

سيبني شوية عشان متضايقة شوية...
ما تقلبش علي مواجعي و تتعب فيا...
ده أنا على قد ما نفسي أتكلم و أشتكي منك...
خايفة لا تيجي على جرحي و تزودها عليا!

هو انت فاضيلي عشان أجي و أحكي معاك...
ده انت بتبقى معايا و جمبي و مش لاقياك...
و إللي مأثر فيا بجد إن أنا شايفاك...
أبعد واحد عني و أقرب واحد ليا!

شايلة فقلبي أنا منك بس أنا مخبية...
راضية معاك بقليلي و بتستهتر بيا...
ليه و إزاي تبقى أنت أهم الناس في حياتي...
و تحسسني إني ماليش أي أهمية!

هو انت فاضيلي عشان أجي و أحكي معاك...
ده انت بتبقى معايا و جمبي و مش لاقياك...
و إللي مأثر فيا بجد إن أنا شايفاك...
أبعد واحد عني و أقرب واحد ليا!

21 July 2008

In The Past Few Days

Have you ever heard of the phrase "Music Globalization"?
If not...Then this is the best way to know my definition of that phrase!

The song released in Latifa's official website a week or so before the official release of the album on 12th of July 2008.

The first time I heard it It shocked me, I didn't expect to listen to anything like that ever...The song mixes genuine Arab singning teqniqe which is "Arab Tarab" (طرب عربي) - you can hear it when Latifa start singing in the beggining - with an Arab sad melody played with violin, in some parts it feels like the violin is dancing with the westurn disco beat and the electro guitar in the song, I can rephrase that to mixing two extreme unrelated music from two different worlds in a great harmony.

I can't explain that anymore, but you have to listen to it and you'll figure it out (and I would love to know what do you think).

As far as I know, the music video is going to release soon...I will add it here when it's out, maybe with English subtitles since many anonymous people requested the translations of the song (I didn't relize that people actually read my blogs!)

UPDATE: They refer to this music genre as "TekTonik" or "Tectonic", it even has it's own dance!
This is the first Arab Tektonik song, Latifa mixed it with Arab instruments.

Song name: Fil Kam Yom Illi Fato (في الكام يوم اللي فاتوا) In The Past Few Days

Album: Fil Kam Yom Illi Fato (في الكام يوم اللي فاتوا) In The Past Few Days

Year of production: 2008Song genre: Oriental, TekTonik
Tempo: Slow in some parts and fast in others (generally fast)Singer: Latifa - لطيفة - لطيفة

Lyrics by: Nader Abdullah - نادر عبدالله

Composed by: Waleed Sa'ad - وليد سعد

Arranged by: Tameem - تميمTranslated by: RADIANT GUY (ME)

In the last few days...
He had enough strength to live his life without me...Why?
I can't believe that he accepted to allow the night to fall while he is not beside me!

If he was planning for something...
Why didn't he tell me about it?!
People, When he forget all about me...My life will end instantly!

I've never thought he would push me away and live with other people...
My dear heart, with whom shall I forget my agony if he walked away; and I will always wonder my beloved one now belongs to who?

What is he doing now and where is he?
If one day he saw me with his own eyes...
That day he will feel sorry about me...
Without him, my heart is scared because it already knows the subsequence of being apart

I've never thought he would push me away and live with other people...
My dear heart, with whom shall I forget my agony if he walked away; and I will always wonder my beloved one now belongs to who?

ف الكام يوم اللى فاتوا جالة قلب يعيش حياته
من غيرى أنا بس ليه؟
معقول يرضاها ليّا يجى يوم الليل عليا
ومايبقاش جانبى فيه؟!
لو فى حاجة ناويها لية ماقالش عليها؟
لو نسينى خلاص ساعتها ياناس
هروح أنا فيها
أنا ماستنيتش منه يبعدنى عنه
ويعيش لناس تانيين
مع مين أنا هنسى تعبى لو راح ياقلبى
وهقول حبيبى لمين؟

عامل أية ودلوقتى فينه؟
لو شافنى فى يوم بعينه
يومها ما أصعب عليه
قلبى من بعده خايف
أصلة مجرب وعارف
البعد بيعمل أيه
لو فى حاجة ناويها لية ماقالش عليها؟
لو نسينى خلاص ساعتها ياناس
هروح أنا فيها
أنا ماستنيتش منه يبعدنى عنه
ويعيش لناس تانيين
مع مين أنا هنسى تعبى لو راح ياقلبى
وهقول حبيبى لمين؟

25 May 2008

Find someone

This is one of my very favorite songs of Angham, pure oriental song (belly dance kind of songs) where the Arab musical instruments such as "Qanoon" (Qanun) and the Arab "Maqsoom" rythm rules.

The song's lyrics is like an advice from Angham (or better say the song's writer Nasser Rashwan) to lonely people.

I've tried my best to translate the lyrics from Arabic to English, it wasn't as good as the original Arabic but at least now you can get the idea.

Song name: Elqalak Had (Find someone) إلقالك حد
Album: Wahdaniya (1999) وحدانية
Song genre: Slow,Oriental, Sharqi, Belly Dance
Singer: Angham أنغام
Lyrics by: Nassir Rashwan - ناصر رشوان
Composed & Arranged by: Ameer Abdulmajeed - أمير عبدالمجيد
Translated by: RADIANT GUY (ME)

Find someone...
To listen to you whenever you are depressed...
To be your companion, your family and your home...
To call you if one day you were lost...
To see through you whenever you tried to hide your pain upon people...
To sense your agony no matter how far you are...
Find someone...

Find a dream
Don't let your life pass with illusions...
Life flips between happiness and pain
When you water thorn it will grow into roses
Find someone...

Find someone to long for you
And a beloved one who would come to you whenever he/she misses you
If you felt that your nights (nights figure speech for agony/despair/sadness) are endless...
He/She will be a dawn, a sun and a tomorrow (as future and hope)
Fine someone...
To be your companion, your family and your home...
To call you if one day you were lost...
To see through you whenever you tried to hide your pain upon people...
To sense your agony no matter how far you are
Find someone

إلقالك حد...لو ضاقت بيك يفتحلك قلب
يبقالك صحبة و أهل و بيت
يناديك لو إنت فيوم ضليت
و يشوفك لو عالخلق داريت
و يحسك رغم البين و البعد
إلقاك حد...

إلقالك حلم من الأحلام
ما تسيبش سنينك للأوهام
الدنيا ما بين أفراح و آلام
و الشوك تسقيه يطرحلك ورد
إلقالك حد

إلقالك قلب يحن إليك
و حبيب يشتاق و يروح يلاقيك
لو طالت في الأيام لياليك
يبقالك فجر و شمس و غد
إلقالك حد