Showing posts with label Emotion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Emotion. Show all posts

08 February 2019

Arabic Language Fanatic | مُتَعصَّبٌ للغةِ العربية

يَتنازَعون على أفضليَّةِ أجهِزة...
أو أيُّهما أحسَنُ من بَرامِجها التَّشغيلِيَّة...
و هُم حتّٰى لم يُساهِموا بالصَّنعة...
وكَأنَّه لَمْ يتبقَّ بالعالمِ أيَّةُ مُشْكلةٍ...
فأنا مُتَعصَّبٌ جداً للغةِ العربية...
فهي تُهدي لمشاعري الحياةَ...
و على التعبيرِ عنها قادِرة...
و لكِن ليس مُهم أن تَتَحدث بأيِّ لُغة... 
الأهَمُّ بالنِّهايَةِ...
أن تَصِل إلى نتيجة 

They argue about the preferences of their devices...
Or which of them runs the best operating system...
While they weren't even a part of the manufacturing process...
As if there isn't any other problem left in the world... 
I am an Arabic language fanatic... 
Since It's capable of bringing life to my emotions... 
And allows me to express myself precisely... 
Eventually, it doesn't matter what language do you speak...
At the end... 
The important thing is that you get to some results

25 January 2019

أوسكار الحياة | The Oscars of life

أرى الحَياة كَتَمثيلِيَّة جَميعُنا بها الأبطال...
و أنا لي حُريَّة الخَيار بِمُشاهدةِ الأوسكار... 
أتجاهَلُ أنا الكَثير لأرَكِّز على بعضِ الأمور... 
فابتعد عن الحياة و البشر و كُلَّ شئٍ مار... 
أحتاج أنا جيوش لإخراجِ ما خُبِزَ بِالتَّنور... 
أفكار جَمَّة برأسي تدور كإعصارِ فُشار... 
أرغب لها بأن تظهر لِتَرى جميعها النُّور... 
و لا أرغب أن يأتي آخِر نهار قبلَ خُروج الإعصار!

I see life as a TV series and we are all the stars...
And I have the freedom to watch or turn off the Oscars...
I ignore somethings trying to concentrate on other things...
And that makes me keep away of life, people and every passing thing... 
Things that I want to bring out in the dark to radiate some light... 
Things that would need armies to help me out in this lifetime... 
All those ideas popping in my head like popcorn... 
I don't want to be sorry for not letting it all out before the last day comes to an end... 
I am so sorry if I am not much around. 

شفت التصميم مكان و قررت اطبقه بطريقتي على ساعتي الرقمية و على ساعة فعلية ممكن أعلقها بالبيت...

06 December 2018

قصيد...لحبيبٍ بعيد

سوف لن أبكي و انا أحكي ما سيأتي عن ما كان...
فأنا الآنَ أفضلُ مِن ما كُنتُ عليهِ بعد ما كان...
كانت دُموعي تنزِفُ في طريقي لأيِّ مكان...
تليها ضحكةٌ هستيريةٌ متذكراً لمزاحك بكل مكان...
و أبكي الآن لرحيلك و لم أكن انا بالمكان...
مسافراً للعملِ؛ ما كان ذلكَ بالحسبان...
الآن تسيلُ دُموعي عند زيارتِك في ذاكَ المَكان...
رحلَ قلبيَ و عقليَ لا يُصدقُّ ما تُشاهدهُ العَينان...
فهي ترى قِطعةَ رُخامٍ فوق حوضِ رِمالٍ تَحملُ اسمكَ...
كما أحمِلَه أنا الآن...
و هو مازالَ على أملِ أن تعودَ يوماً من سفرِك...
ناكرٌ بأنه سفرٍ الى الابد...فَسُحقاً لِذاك الزمان...
زمان اليوم المشؤوم عندما استيقظتُ للعمل باكراً...
لأجد تلك الرسالة من كائناً ما كان...
معزياً لي بما كان...
فاتصلتُ بأخي سائلاً إن كان ما كان قد كان...
فَأصبحت نارَ قلبيَ بركان...
عذراً ابي...
كتبت هذا إحتفاءً بيوم ميلادك منذ أيام...
و لم يَجِد الفَرَحَ في فَراغَِ فِراقِكَ بِقَلبي مكان...
فَكانَ ما كان...
مازلت لا استطيع ان اترحم عليك الى الآن...
فذلك اعترافٌ من عقلبي بأن الذي كان كان...
انا مُبَرمَجٌ على أنّ من غاب دائماً يعود...
و انت أول قريب لي جداً...
فإن عُدتَ الآن حالاً من سفرك...
لن امانع حتىّ أن أرِثَ عنك أنفك...
لا اعلمُ الغيبَ لكن...
أتمنى انّكَ الآن تَضْحك...
في ذاك المكان...
مسافرٌ قلبي الآن...
بشار ⁦❤️⁩ عبداللطيف البعنون؛

الفاتحة على أرواح المؤمنين و المؤمنات

I will not cry while I am telling the upcoming about what happened...
I am better now than how I was after what happened...
When I used to bleed tears while I am walking or driving to anywhere...
Followed by a hysterical laugh remembering your jokes everywhere...
And now I cry because you left and I wasn't there...
Traveling for work and that was not taken into account and it was not fair...
Now my tears flows when I visit you in that place...
My heart is gone and my brain can not process what my eyes are seeing...
It sees a piece of marble on a pool of sand with your name on it...
The way I am carrying your name with me now everywhere...
While my brain is still hoping that one day you will return from a traveling trip...
Denying that it's a trip for eternity...
Damn it time...
That time when I woke up early for work that day...
To find that message sent by an anonymous number...
Giving me their condolences for what happened...
So I called my brother to make sure if what I thought happened happened...
That is when the fire in my heart turned to a volcano...
Sorry Dad...
I started writing this to celebrate your birthday which was few days ago...
But happiness couldn't fill the void you left in my heart...
Then what happened happened...
I can not say RIP until now...
Because that means my brain and heart are admitting that what happened actually happened...
I am programmed on; who leaves will always one day return...
And you are my first very close relative to...
If you return now from your traveling trip...
I wouldn't even mind to inherit your nose...
I don't know the unknown but...
I wish that you are now laughing...
In that place...
Where my heart is now traveling
Bashar ❤️ Abdullatif;

19 October 2018

عِشرَة تويتر

هذا ليس شاهد قبرٍ لِعصفورِ تويتر...
بل ١٠ أعوامٍ مضت على إنضمامي لتويتر...
ما بين تغريداتٍ بِمعانٍ عميقة...سطحية...علمية...خلاقة...
أو كلمات لن تغني أو تفيد...
مكررة أو فارغة...
إستخدمته كدكتورٍ نفسي...
اسكبُ به ما بِداخلي...
قد أحصل منه على ردودٍ فِعلية...
على العكس من الدكاترة النفسية!
توبِعتُ من أكثرِ من سِتمائةٍ لأسباب مازلت أجهلها...
و تابَعتُ جميع الاراء...
تسببت بزحامِ فكري فجعلتني ارى الصحة في جميع وجهاتِ النظر...
هي صحيحة حسب منظورها الخاص...
مما زاد الصخب في رأسي...
في تويتر...ترى عصارات الأدمِغة تَليها تِلك الصور...
على العكسِ من انستاجرام...صُورِ ما يَسبِقُ عِصارات المعدة...
تليها دزينة من الوُسَمْ!
فليَعْصِر من يَعْصِر...
أما أنا...
تستهويني العِصارات الاولى لا باقي العِصر...
١٠ أعوام...
ثلاثة منها سبقت ذاك الخرف العربي...
اقصد الخريف العربي...
بل الربيع...
يبيله چاي الربيع مع زعفران و هيل...

"ما يسبق عصارات المعدة": الطعام
"دزينة": درزن
"الوسم": هاشتاغ

This is not the gravestone of twitter's bird
It's my way to mark my ten years on twitter
Between deep tweets, superficial, scientific, creative or useless ones
Repeated or empty words
I use it as my personal psychologist
Where I pour into it whatever hiding inside of me
Sometimes I actually received feedback
Unlike nothingness which I get as feedback back from psychiatrists
I was followed by more than 600 for reasons I still can not figure it out
And I followed all kind opinions
Which caused me a mental traffic, that made me see correctness in all point of views
Each of them is correct according to their own perspective
Which increased the noise in my head
 In twitter, you can read "crème de la crème" of brains followed by pictures
Unlike instagram, where you will see photos of food followed by gastric acids
I prefer the first kind not the second
Ten years...
Three of them were before the Arab Alzheimer
I meant The Arab Autumn
Now I am in the mood for spring tea with saffron and cumin

مجموعة تغريدات: #
مجموعة تغريدات: 

23 July 2018

لأني لا أستطيع أن أطفئ أحيانا عقليَ

لأني لا أستطيع أن أطفئ أحيانا عقليَ
كتبت هذا ليلا وجه صباحيَ...
حين تصمت الحياة و تستيقظ ضجة رأسيَ
كنص أو خواطر بلغتي العربية
فأنا لستُ شاعراً موزونٌ شعريَ 
و هي أقربُ جداً لِجُملٍ تَغْريدية 
قد تكون أو لا تكون بقافية 
بعدم الانتماء لأي مكان هو شعوريَ 

أو في زمانٍ أكون أنا غير زمانيَ 
اريد ان أنجز الكثير و لا تكفي انفاسيَ 
و لا أحب أن اطلب شيئا من أحد ليَ 
أو اطلب شيئا من احد لغيريَ 
و قد يسمى هذا بالاكتفاء الذاتيَّ 
فأنا أعشق أن أدفع و أتحدى نفسيَ 
لأرى ما استطيع فعله و ما تستطيع هيَ 

نشرت قصتي المنقحة بيوم ميلاديَ... 
فبمثل هذا اليوم جئتكم انا إلى الدنيا 
مع داء الصرع بالعصبي جهازيَ 
و جدري الماء و حب شبابيَ 
الذي تعرضت بعده للسخرية 
من بعض الطلاب الاشقيا
فأسست أول موقعٍ عنكبوتيَّ 
و فُتح من ثم في يوم رأسيَ 
أحسستُ بعدها بالأسر في جسديَ 
بعد أن ظننت أنني رّجُل حديديّ 
فسُحِقَ إبداعيَ و جَمُدَ فِكْريَ 
و تساءلتّ: لماذا كان كل جُهدِيَ؟ 

و قررت تحقيق حُلميَ 
فمرض...غربة وطن...بعدها ما مصيريَ؟ 

و رحل والدي، فذهب قلبيَ 
صِبِيّ طائش سَرَقَه مِني 
و لطيفة الفنانة وقفت بقربيَ 

و لا ننسى سياسات الكوكب غير المنتهية 
و ضغطُ الترقوّةِ على حلقيَ 
شعرت بعدها بضمور إحساسيَ 
ثم ضَجر و فُتور من قِوى عقليَ 

تراني هادئا و براكين تغلي بعمقيَ 
تسرِقُ النّوم من عَيني فتَقْتِلَهُ هيَ 
فأصبحت أبسط للحياة نظرتِيَ 
لأُطْلِق اليوم للعامةِ في حسابيَ 
خواطر فكري و عَواصِفه الذِّهنية 
التي تَثورُ و تنطفئ كألعابٍ نارية 
قررت أن أحفظها و أرسمها بكتابيَ 
لأُشارِكَكَمْ جَمالَ ذاك المشوه عقليَ

فأنا لم أحسد أحدا قط في حياتيَ 
أو قليلا... 
من عبر بجمال إحساسه الموزون عنيَ 

انا اليوم حُرٌ بالفضاء طليقٌ جناحُ لسانيَ 
فاذهب بعيدا عني و الهو مع غيريَ 
و من لم يكن لديه ما يُقدِّمه لَكم و لي... 
فلا يجلس في مَنزِلَه مُتربعاً لِينتقدني... 
كل ما أريده منه هو أن يتركني و شأنيَ 

أنا عنهم الآن اسمو و عن رماد الامس و ما مضيَ 
مسامحا للكل رضي من رضيَ 
و ما بقي لي من عَقْليَ

Because sometimes I can not turn off my brain I wrote the following late night, early morning When life is silent and the clutter in my head wakes up As phrases or ideas in classic Arabic
Then I re-wrote it in English
Because not everything in Arabic can be translated to English
At least not without losing it’s power of impact
I am not a professional poet They are closer to tweets than a poem They might or may not rhyme
But in Arabic they certainly do I feel that I don’t belong anywhere Or maybe i am in a different period of time, that is not mine I wanted to accomplish a lot but my breath is finite I don’t like to ask for help Or ask for help for someone else That might be called self sufficient I love to push and challenge myself To see what i can do, and what can she I published the censored version of my story on my birthday In a day like this day, I came to life With epilepsy in my nervous system Acne and chicken pox Which i was made fun of By some school bullies I launched my first website Then my skull was open I felt afterwards that I was jailed in my own body After thinking that I was a superman My creativity was crushed and my thinking was frozen And i wondered: why is my effort? Then i decided to follow my dream Sickness, loneliness and what will happen next to me? My father was gone, my heart left with him A manic boy stole him from me And Latifa the artist stood by me Not to mention the non stop politics of the planet And my collarbone pressing on my throat I felt leanness in my feelings Boredom and coldness of my brain I might look calm but there are volcanoes deep inside Stealing the sleepiness of my eyes, then it kills it My view of life became much simpler To share with the public My ideas and brainstorms Which are shooting and extinguished like fireworks I decided to write it down and save it in my book So you all see the beauty of my deformed brain I’ve never envied anybody in my life Or a bit… Whoever expressed my feelings poetically on behalf of me Today I am free flying up in space while my tongue is stretching it's wings So go away and play your games with someone else And whoever doesn’t have anything to offer to me and you Don’t stay home doing nothing but criticizing me Just leave me be on my own Today I rise up away of the ashes of yesterday... Forgiving everybody whether they accept it or not I rise up with my body, morals, soul...
And whatever remained of my brain

07 September 2010

وداعاً رمضان

وصلتني هالقصيدة عن شهر رمضان على البلاكبيري، و مادري اهيه كلمات منو او منو اللي كاتبها...عجبتني وايد و حبيت أشارككم فيها...تلاقونها تحت مع صورة صورتها أول شهر رمضان

Night of Measures

يَاخَيْرَ مَنْ نَزَلَ الْنُّفُوْسَ أرَاحِلَ
بِالْأَمْسِ جِئْتَ فَكَيْفَ كَيْفَ سَتَرْحَلُ

بَكَتِ الْقُلُوْبُ عَلَىَ وِدَاعِكْ حُرْقَةً

كَيْفَ الْعُيُونُ إِذَا رَحَلْتَ سَتَفْعَلُ

مِنْ لِلْقُلُوْبِ يَضُمُّهَا فِيْ حُزْنِهَا

مِنْ لِلْنُّفُوسِ لِجُرْحِهَا سَيُعَلِّلُ

مَا بَالُ شَهْرُ الْصَّوْمِ يَمْضِيَ مُسْرِعَا

وَشُهُوْرُ بَاقِيْ الْعَامِ كَمْ تَتَمَهَّلُ

عِشْنَا انْتِظَارِكِ فِيْ الْشُّهُوْرِ بِلَوْعَةٍ

فَنَزَلْتَ فِيْنَا زَائِرَا يَتَعَجَّلُ

هَا قَدْ رَحَلْتَ أَيَا حَبِيْبُ، وَعَمْرُنَا

يَمْضِيَ وُمَنِ يَدْرَيَ أَأَنْتَ سَتَقْبَلُ

فَعَسَاكَ رَبِّيَ قَدْ قَبِلَتْ صِيَامِنَا

وَعَسَاكَ كُلَّ قِيَامَنَا تَتَقَبَّلُ

يَا لَيْلَةَ الْقَدْرِ الْمُعَظَّمِ أَجْرَهَا

هَلْ إِسْمِنَا فِيْ الْفَائِزِيْنَ سَيُسَجَّلُ؟

كَمْ قَائِمٍ كَمْ رَاكِعٍ كَمْ سَاجِدٍ

قَدْ كَانَ يَدْعُوَ الْلَّهَ بَلْ يَتَوَسَّلُ

أَعْتِقْ رِقَابَا قَدْ أَتَتْكَ يَزِيْدُهَا

شَوْقَا إِلَيْكَ فُؤَادُهَا الْمُتَوَكِّلُ

فَاضَتْ دُمُوْعُ الْعَيْنِ مِنْ أَحْدَاقِهَا

وَجَرَتْ عَلَىَ كَفِّ الْدُّعَاءِ تُبَلِّلُ

يَامَنْ تُحِبُّ الْعَفْوَ جِئْتُكَ مُذْنِبا

هَلْا عَفَوْتَ فَمَا سِوَاكَ سَأَسْأَلُ

هَلْا غَفَرْتَ ذُنُوْبَنَا فِيْ سَابِقٍ

وَجَعَلْتَنَا فِيْ لَاحِقٍ لَا نَفْعَلُ

يَا سَعْدَنَا إِنِ كَانَ ذَاكَ مُحَقِّقَا

يَا وَيْلَنَا إِنْ لَمْ نَفُزْ أَوْ نُغَسَّلُ

29 March 2008

Epic-Fu mix question

Last week's Epic-Fu mix question is

What is the biggest problem, other than language, communicating with someone from another country?

Below is my video response:

في حلقة الأسبوع اللي طاف في مكس برنامج إبك فو كان السؤال هو

ما هي أكبر مشكلة، غير اللغة، للإتصال مع شخص من دولة أخرى؟

تلاقون تحت إجابتي:

19 August 2007

Earthquake hits Kuwait!

Well, yesterday (Sat.) early morning around 2 A.M., I was in my room (third floor) on my bed working on a new project when my bed begun to shake and I looked exactly like this ---> :S
ما خليت آيه حفظونا اياها بالمدرسة ما قلتها LOL
I had no idea what was going on, I though USA initiated a new war or invaded a new country in the region or something.

Anway later I went down stairs and asked my little brother if he felt it, he replied NO and laughed, then I went to my mother and asked her too, she thought I was kidding.

On the moring while I was driving to work, they were talking about it on the radio and that's when I knew it was an earthquake ~:O

We never have them in Kuwait or at least we can't feel them when they happen but this one was 4.3-magnitude earthquake, I guess that's why I felt it.

21 February 2007

14 January 2007

Tribute to prince Jaber

Tribute to prince Jaber
Originally uploaded by radiant guy.
15th of January 2007, one year since the day he left...It's just feels like it was yesterday, time passed in a blink.
He was one of a kind, I really wish If all the leaders in the world were like him, It's would be a great world.

May his soul rest in heaven

الله يرحمه...الفاتحة على روحه.

12 December 2006

Oprah...An angel on Earth

Before a while I was watching Oprah, one of her guest was a little girl who've been living in the USA for awhile now; she is originally from Sera Leon, Africa.
The girl was telling her story when she was back there in her home country:
She was raped at age 6 by a gang, she was fighting them back so they chopped her left hand, her mother tried to stop them so they chopped her mother's hand too!
In some way they managed to scape (the mother and her daughter); the wounded mother was carring her wounded girl and walking for 3 days while the flies were feeding on their open wounds on their way to to safer place.

Shortly after awhile the mother let her little girl to leave to USA because she knew that her daughter will have a better life there and they never meet since then.
Oprah and her crew were seeking for the girl's mother for four month to reunite her with her daughter...
I WOULD LIKE TO SALUTE OPRAH, HER CREW and the girl's mother; May God bless you people.
May God bless you people, I really wish if there are more people like you in the world and more loving people like the girl's mother.

Photography by: Matthew Rolston
Photo source:

08 December 2006

Latifa & I

Everybody see a photo of me and Latifa asks me about it; How or What's between me and Latifa, I will take you back to 1999 when it all begun and I will try to keep this post updated.Note. If you don't know who is Latifa, then check out her biography at wikipedia.orgAs I said in one of my posts, I had chickenpox at age 17...So I had to stay home and that's when I thought to create my first site on 8th of September 1999.
I was thinking what should it be about, at the time Latifa's album (Wadeh - Inchallah) and her song "Kerehtak (I hated you) was a great hit; I was listening to the whole album all the time non stop. I always loved Latifa since i heard her song "Ew'ah Tegheer" , "Ashan Bahibbak" in the late 1980s and later "Eddeni Forsah Thanya", "Al Donya Betedh'hak Leya" (The world smiles at me) and "Beyihsibooni" (They thought).

This is the 1st site of Latifa online, It's one of the 1st Arabic languages websites, at the time there wasn't a unicode for Arabic language so if you can read Arabic on internet explorer you can't read it on netscape, so I had to write the Arabic text on a jpg to make sure everybody can read it!

I knew nothing about web design nor graphics design, I learned everything through searching.
The 1st graphic I ever created was the moon's animation with Latifa's picture in the middle of it, Later it's became the land mark of the site and it's was never changed until the day my site was shut down by yahoo! Geocities.

I used to change the site's index whenever a new music video release or new photo session of Latifa is out...Here are some snaps of the old indexes:

Note. The one on the bottom/left was the last index before going offline.I started promoting the site through search engines and exchanging banners with other sites and later i had many hits and visitors who started to request more content and that how this site became the largest site about Latifa online until then!

The site contained many sections such as:

Electronic magazine (latest news about Latifa)

Video section

Audio Section

Lyrics section (plus English translations)
Wallpaper section, Concerts section, Icons Section, Internet Explorer skins and many more!

My site and the Media:

In the years 2000 there was live interview with Latifa on Nile Variety channel and they show my site on T.V. few days later they broadcasted the inteview again on NILE TV and that's when I came back from (summer school) Final exam of Math or Physics I can't recall it :D
Since then I had more visitors then ever; the TV show didn't publish the address!
The site was the first site dedicated to Latifa on the internet, even Latifa her self admit it.
In the photo below "Khaled Abol Naja" (Arabic script: خالد أبو النجا) browsing my site on TV.

Few weeks later, I had a phone call and guess who was it?
Yeah it was her, Latifa :D
She called me at home and my mother answered her, when I talked to her I was shocked and speechless...She thanked me for the site, talked with me more...Asked about some more informations about me; gave me her number, email and her sister's (Mounira) email who I talked to later.
That was the first interaction (I knew about) between my site and the Media.

My site was published in Internet Guide Magazine (Arabic script: مجلة دليل الانترنت) on 14th of May 2001

"Laha" magazine (Arabics script: مجلة لها) issue 51 / 12th of September 2001

Kuwaiti newspaper "Al Ra'i Al Aam" (Arabic script: الرأي العام) issue 12687 / 16th of March 2002 (Note. That guy with Latifa is not me)

"Al Osrah Al Asreyah" (Arabic script: الاسرة العصرية) magazine issue 1138 / 4-11 February 2003
Plus other magazines such as "Kalam Al Nas" (Arabic script: كلام الناس)

On many TV channels such as LBC (On TV show Carla La La), Future TV (On the show Rola AlHawa), Abu Dhabi TV, New TV and others.
In the T.V. show "Sa'ah Beqorb Al Habeeb" hosted by Tony Khaleefah on LBC channel which was broadcasted on 2nd of January 2003 Latifa sent me her regards and that was the first time she menstions my name on TV
Also in the show "Khaleek Bel Bait" which it's hosted by Zahi Wahbi on Future T.V. Latifa sent me her regards and that's was on 3rd of April 2003 (When Iraqi Ba'ath were shoting missiles on Kuwait during the American invasion of Iraq)
And on 31st of October 2003 and during the radio show "VIP" on Middile east "Al Sharq Al Awsat" radio station which broadcastting from Cairo - Egypt.Also on 1st of January 2004 during the radio show "Hamzat Wasl" on BBC radio station wich broadcasting from London, The inteview was recorded on 30th of December 2003 to be broadcasted on the first day of the year 2004.

She also mentioned my name in many TV and Radio shows including Marina FM and Kuwait TV.

I have many video files and audio files about my site, they might be added later.

Latifa's 1st fans club online was founded by me on 6th of April 2001, It's was a part of my site. It's includes many fans of Latifa around the globe, they are sharing everything about Latifa, Pictures, news, discussing everything related to Latifa and more. The fans club's name was changed to "Latifa Fans Family" and later it's became a part of Latifa's official website and then it was moved to facebook.

On Sunday 29th of June 2003 for the 1st time the site's visitors counter hit 200000 visitors since the site became online!On 14th of February 2004 my site was merged with Latifa's official site; and I became a webmaster of her site, my site was online until Yahoo! Geocities deleted it on January 2006.

Latifa's official site domain name is written on her music videos credits (aka outro) :Pp~

In the Mid 2000s, I registered the user name Latifa on YouTube for Latifa's official channel
But the channel wasn't active untl few years later because YouTube wasn't as good as it is at the moment...Then I added most of the content you can find there at the moment.

I finally got to meet Latifa in real life on my trip to Tunisia 2008 where I attended few concerts and taken plenty of amazing photos of her on stage.

Notice the flying kiss to me in the end of the video *blush*
And later in that visit, I was a guest on a Tunisian radio station with her (photo can be seen below)
We also met in Kuwait on June 2009 when she came specifically to record a song and I was there during the 5 days trip, below a photo slide show of that day (by me of course).

She mentioned my name on Kuwait TV and Marina FM

Before and after having my brain surgery she called me and told me some positive things such as "only geniuses suffer from this kind of diseases" trying to lift my spirit, she made me laugh although I wasn't really in a fun place to be, and during the surgery she talked to my father and he told her: "Bashar loves you so much, why don't you marry him?" LOLI also found a very touching article on her official website written about me with many sweet comments of people from all over the world.

And again we met in January 2010

And April 2010, when she came back to Kuwait.

In March 2010 I was a guest on a TV show starred by Latifa on MBC channel, It was one of the scariest experiences in my life

In 2011, I covered the event of launching the song Bokra / Tomorrow in Dubai with Latifa

When my father passed away in 2016 she was more supportive than most of my blood relatives

In 2017, she asked me to create lyric videos for the songs of her at the time upcoming album "Fresh" because she saw my graphics motion when I made one for the song "Ana Min Nah Winta Min Nah" few months earlier.

I started with the song "Fresh" and it got more than 1.8 million views in two weeks (you can see my logo and credits in the end).

The upcoming songs will be credited to my e-store (Animated by), which I made to promote Arabic as a language trying to end linking it to terrorism and fighting stereotyping Arabs and Muslims.

06 December 2006

Who is radiant guy? [radiant biography]

If you don't like reading you can watch this video to know me
إذا لا تحب القراءة تستطيع مشاهدة هذا الفيديو للتعرف علي

I already wrote some stuff about me in many sites/profiles such as flickr, hi5, Latifaonline, blogger, wikipedia...Etc
But I decided to blog everything about me (and keep updating it) then post the link in my profiles, since it will make it easier for me.

Now I'll write more about me in details, I know it's will make some people bored to death LOL
on the other hand others would like to know more about me...So there you go :D

Radiant ZOOM'N:I really hate it when people judge me on the way I look, I am more than what you can see through your eyes...
I am a guy who feels that no matter what I do I always could do better, no matter what I reach I would like to reach farther, I do not believe in borders, I would like to reach beyond the edge of infinity!
I have a great enthusiasm and ambition which sometimes I feel that my tiny mind can not tolerate it anymore.
I am this kind of guys who is thinking of a 6 zillion things while I am working on 11 billion others at the same time…Sometimes I feel that my life time won't be enough to fulfil everything I want, despite the fact if it's doable or not but others I get bored and do nothing at all!
I am trying to be perfect but I am just a regular human being.
I prefer to have 3 best friends than having a 1000 friend.
You might find tons of my self portraits but I am not self centered at all, it's just hard to find models around here plus it's my biography remember?

I've been told that I have a great sense of humor but you can't see that part of me unless I was comfortable with you or in a good mood since I am a moody guy.


Radiant Name:
Bashar Al-Ba'noon

Radiant Age:
25 but I always tell people that I am 12 LOL
D.O.B. 23rd of July 1982
Please make that our little secret...Hush :Pp~

Radiant Family:
Kuwaiti father and mother, I have 1 sister and 5 brothers (including one step brother); I am number 5 for my father and 4 for my mother.

Radiant colour/color:
I love all of them, I think they complete each others but that does not mean that I don't love one colour more than the others :Pp~
I always loved Green, I think baby Green and baby blue looks great together; don't they?

Radiant Hobbies:
I can not conclude all my hobbies but here is a short list:
Movies, Shopping, Science, Computers, Graphics/Photo editing, Photography, Music, Communication, Reading (depends on the mood), Painting (used to but not anymore), the beach, fashion, modeling (I don't think I am good looking but I like it because it's fun), Singing (That's doesn't mean I have great voice; a flying cat could cough and make prettier voice than mine), translating...I have many hobbies I can't recall them all now but I'll add them whenever I remember any.

Radiant Music/Singers:
I love music, powerful poetry, lyrics, beats and beautiful voices...I rarely listen to non Arab music but I do like few of them.
My favorite singers are:

- Latifa
- Asalah
- Thekra
- Sherine

- Angham
- Najwa Karam
- Diana Haddad
- Samira Said
- Elissa
- Maya Nasri- Rayan

- Baha'a Al Kafey
- Laila Ghofran
- Raja'a Belmaleeh
- Majida Al Roomi
- Dina Hayek
- Saber Rebai
- Adam
- Baha'a Sultan
- Micheline Khalifeh
- Madeleine Matar
- Guitara (Kuwaiti band)
- Nawal (The Kuwaiti one)
- Nora Rahhal
- Amal Maher
- Fadl Shaker (Has the warmest male voice)
- Assi Al Hallni
- Ahmad Al Huraibi (I love his voice)

- Dania (I adore her song Laily)
- Shiref Mekkawi

- Tarkan (Turkish singer, loved him since he released his English album "Come closer" in the year 2006)
- Ricky Martin (I like few of his songs)
- Thalia (I like few of her songs)

Radiant Movies:
Hello, my names is Bashar and I am a movies addict LOL
I love to watch movies alot, comedy, horror, suspense, sometimes drama, romance and rarley historical movies...I don't like to watch Arab nor Bollywood movies but sometimes I do.

Here is a list of my favorite movies:
V For Vendetta, Gothica, The exorcism of Emily Rose, Madagascar, Five Fingers, You've Got Mail, While you were sleeping, Sound of Music, Failure to Launch, A Time to Kill, Below, ace ventura, Mrs. doubtfire, She is the man, White Chicks, Charlie's Angels, My super ex-girlfriend, Saw 1,2 and 3, Miss Congeniality 1 & 2, Crash, Half light, The Holiday, Babel, The gurdian, The Devil wear Prada, Dream girls...And the list goes on (I'll add more of them as soon as I remmeber them).

Radiant Actress/Actors:
Sandra Bullock, Julia Roberts, Cathrine Zeta Jones, Sarah Jessica Parker, Tom Hanks, Ryan Phillippe, Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Aniston, Hal Sparks, Gale Harold, Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher, Peter Paige, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Queen Latifah, Jim Carry, Robin Williams,Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz, Christy Ally,Meg Ryan, Reese Witherspoon...Etc

Radiant Painting:
I always loved colours and painting but I quit painting longtime ago, currently I prefer computer graphics and photo editing.

Radiant Graphics:
I've been working in graphics since the year 1999 using PSP5 (Paint shop pro), it's a similar program to photoshop, then I used PSP8, PSP9, PSPX and now PSPXI.

Here is a list of my photo editing programs:
- Paint shop pro 5, 8, 9, X & XII
- Photomatix
- Mazaika
- Photoshop
- Picasa

Radiant Photography:
The greatest part of photography that you can show others the way you look to things :: Or you could say a photographer let people to see things through his own eyes!
I think photography and photo editing are parallel.

I started taking photos awhile ago but I didn't realise that I like it until recently...My first own camera was my old camera phone (Nokia 6230i), then I had my second camera phone (Nokia 7610) and that's when I realised that I have a thing for photography but I didn't notice it until someone saw my work and told me that I shouldn't waste my talent...That was in the year 2005.
Later I found out about, so I created my own account in July 2005 to post my stuff but I wasn't real active until October 2005.

In May 2006 I had my first digital camera Panasonic FX-01 which I drooped manytimes and that's why I had to wait for almost 2 months to be fixed LOL

I had tons of messages, comments and PMs from people telling me (Well...You are not a photographer because you post process your photos digitally).
I've never considered my self a professional, semi or a beginner photographer.
I call my self a PHOTOGRAFIXIST!
Yeah Yeah I know another new word created by me.

PHOTOGRAFIXIST = Photography + Graphics + Fixing + "ist"

My photography gadgets:
- Panasonic FX-01 (cheap point and shot camera)
- Sony Ericsson K800i (camera phone | sometimes when I don't have my camera I use it)
- Nokia 7610 (camera phone | I don't use it anymore)
I will get a DSLR as soon as possible (like one century soon LOL)

Radiant school is Cool, NOT LOL:
I graduated from high school in the year 2000, actually I had chickenpox at age 17 (that's when I started my fan site about Latifa) so I drooped course. I think I graduated in January 2001...Anyway after graduation I joined Kuwait universitly "Faculty of Science" to major in Computer Science but after 1 year and a half I QUIT when I found out that I hate programming more than cleaning my own room LOL
Anyway I looked for my options and my choices...I ended up studying Computer Science" anyway!
Like If it was my destiny :(
I was ment to learn programming, I have no idea why but at least now I like it more than cleaning my room LOL
So, I have "Computer Science" DIPLOMA....I am not sure If I am going to complete my studies but currently I am not thinking about it.

Radiant Latifa:
As I said earlier, I had chickenpox at age 17...So I had to stay home and that's when I thought to create my first site in the year 1999.
It was a fan site about Latifa the singer; it's could been about Thekra (may her soul rest on peace) or Asalah you can...Currently I work in Latifa's official site read more details about it here.


Radiant brands:
Energie and Primo Emporio are my favorite clothing labels.
Puma is my favorite foot wear brand
Google is my favorite company online, I can not express my love to google no matter how many times I said so, they are very creative.
Panasonic is my favorite electronics brand, I loved them since the day my father bought me one great Panasonic walkman in the year 1995, I don't hate Sony though but they are always my second choice.
Sony Ericsson is my favorite cell phone label, Nokia used to be my favorite one until I experienced my current camera phone Sony Ericsson K800i ;)
If one day I bought a digital SLR, it's would be a Nikon D80 or Canon 400D.

Radiant Cartoons:
- Al Sanafir aka The Smurfs
- Grendizer
- Sahib Al Thil Al Taweel
- Marocco LOL
- Tom & Jerry
- Hekayat Alamiyah
- Tamtoom Wo Abtal Al Rawdhah Al Khadra'a
- Mazinger Z
- Lahn Al Hayah aka Sound of Music
- Dexter's laboratory
- Salahif Al Ninja aka Ninja Turtles
- Voltron

Radiant lifetime shocks:
- Death of my uncle (mother's brother)
- Death of my grand mother (my mother's)
- Death of Sana'a Younis (the actress)

Radiant time:
Dawn is my favorite time during the day, I love how the dusk looks but I feel that someone is pressing against my chest during it. I don't know why.

Radiant perfume:

At the moment I own two blogs

I co-webmaster

I contribute in | The Free Encyclopedia.

Note. This post will be updated every now and then :)

I am out of English vocabulary so enough with the big words LOL
Bashar (aka radiant guy)