حاوَلتُ قَدْرَ إستِطاعَتي وَ لَم أقدِر...
التَّشَبُّثُ بِعَدمِ إظهار جانِبي الآخر...
الجانِبُ الذي لا يُواجِهُ دائِماً البَشر...
مُثلُ ذاكَ الجُزء المُظْلِم مِنَ القَمر...
هَل نَحنُ حَقاً بمَشاعرنا أحْرار؟
من أين يأتي الإصرار لِإطلاقِ الأفكار؟
و تلك القُدْرة لإخْفاء الأسْرار؟
فأنا عادة ما أُخرِج غَيْري مِن الإنكسار...
و لا أرغَب أن أتَسَبّب لِمن حَولي بِالإنْهِيار...
أو الفرار؟
فَأصبَحت رُدودي كَلَمحِ البَصر...
أضحَكُ أنا مَعَ القَدَر ...
و أتهكَّمُ حتّى القبر...
و أسخر من ليلٍ دون قَمر...
و أسخر من ليلٍ دون قَمر...
I tried as much as I can, but I couldn't....
Holding on not showing that side of me...
The other side, the one not always facing people...
Just like the far side of the Moon...
Are we really free to release all of our emotions?
Where can I get the energy to keep going on, and let all those thoughts out?
And the ability to hide all those secrets...
How can I let all those emotions out?
While normally I try to lift others out of theirs?
I don't want to cause everyone around me to collapse...
Total destruction...
Or to walk away?
That's why my responses became faster than a blink of an eye...
Laughing with destiny...
Being sarcastic until the day I have a gravestone on top of my head...
And mocking Moonless nights...
I am...
I am...
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