Showing posts with label That poor thing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label That poor thing. Show all posts

05 January 2019

تِلْكَ المِسْكينَة

سَخَّنوا أجْوائَها...
لوَّثوا لَيْلها...
سَرقوا أملاكَها...
قَتَلوا أطْفالَها...
عَصَروا قَلْبَها...
جَفَّفوا حَياتَها...
أتْلَفوا مُحيطَها...
باعوا وُرودَها...
حَفَروا جِبالَها...
قَطَعوا أنْهارَها...
إغْتَصبوا وِدْيانَها...
زاحَموا فَضائَها...
دَمَّروها بِنَفْطِها...
حَمَّضوا دُموعُها...
قَسَّموا رِمالَها...
شَرَّدوا شَعْبَها...
فَهَلْ مِن مَزيد؟...
لِتَحْيا الأرْض الصّامِدة...
سَتَبقينَ أنتِ...
و نَحنُ الزّائِلون

They warmed her up...
They polluted her night...
They stole her belongings...
They killed her children...
They squeezed her heart...
They vaporized her life...
They sold her roses...
They dug her mountains...
They raped her valleys...
They cut off her rivers...
They jammed her space...
They trashed her ocean...
They ruined her with her own oil...
They turned her tears to acid...
They split her sand...
They turned her people to refugees...
Anymore to come?
Long live resisting Earth...
You will always remain...
We will not