17 May 2009

Amazing isn't it?

Created by Ahmad Al Saleh, a slide show made of sequel of photos

A scream

What a beautiful touching song of hope and pain, I think every human being no matter where he or she from can relate to that song.
By now you'll notice that I rarely listen or like songs by male singers...And I do have a point of view about that which is thinking that female singers can deliver emotions in a song better than a male singer.

The performer of this song is an exception, probably he is the only male singer who makes me "see" the pain in his performance.

I had a hard time trying to translate this song because I didn't want to lose the powerful meanings in each phrase since Arabic poetry's point of strength (in my opinion) is figure speeches.

My very favorite parts of the songs is the second and third.

Song name: Sarkha (صرخة) A scream
Album: Wahishni Jeddan (واحشني جداً) Missing you alot
Year of production: 2009
Song genre: Oriental, Tarab
Tempo: Slow
Singer: Saber Al Reba'ei - صابر الرباعي

Lyrics by: Hatim Al Qeezani - حاتم القيزاني
Composed and Arranged by: Mohammad Allam - محمد علامTranslated by: RADIANT GUY (ME)

Everything in the universe is heading to an end...
Except good words will remain the way echo does...
Only if you understand the meaning of good words

What do I have so you envy me?
Expect agony which was caused by you in the first place!
Don't let my silence fool you...
I am hiding a scream which will frightens a volcano!
Don't let my smiles fool you...
Sometimes I smile as a result of sadness!

I wanted to cry loudly...
I wanted to run and surpass everything including the wind...
No...I don't care if I tripped and fall down...
All what I care about to run away of my sadness...
I know the road will be hard to pass, but I will walk it all the way till the end

A word is a star lit with wisdom...
If you imprisoned it, it will survive...
If you imprisoned it in the middle of darkness, it will survive
The word tought us to be masters in the universe
The word changed many people as long as it was full with emotions
The word builds, but doesn't pull down
It heels, doesn't wound
The word raised the morning...
It lit human beings path to goodness

I have plenty of words which no one heard...
I have plenty of screams which no one felt...
And the best cure for my agony to remain silent!

Hey road of patience, "travel" (figure speech for being a lone) is taking so long...
We've lost many golden years of our lives while we don't notice it

كل اللي في الدنيا مصيره للفنا...
إلا الكلام الطيب يبقى صداه
لو تفهموا معنى الكلام الطيب

اش اللي عندي تحسدوني عليه؟
غير التعب و انتم سبب تعبي اللي عايش بيه!
ما يغركمش سكاتي...
في داخلي صرخة تفزع البركان!
لا تغركم بسماتي...
ساعات نتبسم من الأحزان!

حبيت نبكي نصيح...
حبين نجري نفوت حتى الريح...
لا لا لا لا ما يهمنيش نطيح
اللي يهمني نهرب من الأحزان
نعرف طريقي مليح من بمصاعبو نمشيه مهما كان

الكلمة نجمة منورة بالحكمة...
لو تسجنوها تعيش الكلمة...
لو تسجنوها وسط الظلمة تعيش...
لو تسجنوها الكلمة

و الكلمة ياما علمتنا نكون...
أسياد في هالكون

و الكلمة ياما غيرت الناس ما دام فيها إحساس
الكلمة تبني و ما تهدم
تشفى و ما تألم

الكلمة طلعت صباح...
نور طريق الخير للإنسان

زايد كلامي اللي ما سمعوش...
زايد صراخي اللي ما حسوش...
و أحسن دوا لمواجعي الكتمان

يا طريق الصبر طال السفر طول على الصابرين
من سنين العمر ياما ضيعنا و إحنا مش حاسين

16 May 2009


كنت أقدر اصوت في الثلاث مرات اللي طافوا و ما صوت، لسبب بسيط و هو شعوري باليأس من الأعضاء اللي كل همهم أشياء تافهة و الواسطات حق ناس ما تسوى و بنفس الوقت طاقين مواضيع الكويت الكبيرة بالطوف.

قلت لو كل واحد فكر بهلتفكير ما راح يتغير شي، شلة البقر نفسهم بيدخلون المجلس كل مرة، و عشان جذيه قررت أصوت هالمرة و نشوف شنو بيصير...اللي يقول الحين نفر واحد بيفرق لول

رحت هناك مادري شالسالفة و كنت الوحيد اللي مو لابس دشداشة و انا ماشي بين الجماهير الغفيرة كنت حاس برهبة المسرح، حسيت نفسي البطة السودا...خلينا نقول البطة الخضرا أحسن بما إني كنت لابس أخضر.

يقولي الشرطي اللي هناك جم رقم قيدك، قلته مادري شنو يعني رقم قيدي عشان أعرف جم لووول

14 May 2009


I didn't watch part 1 or 2 or 3, but I watched 4 recently :D
I loved it and I have no clue why didn't I watch the previous parts.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine is part 4 of the movie, I am going to download the previous parts because I think I am in love.

29 April 2009

Vacation Time :)~

If you looked on the left side of the photo carefully, you'll notice an island :D

I loved the original photo, I just had to change the colors a bit, don't ask why because I have no idea LOL

I am sick and sleepy, had a headache for 5 days, just packed my bag and I am going to sleep now like a road kill...I hope that I don't miss my flight.

Smell ya later :Pp

26 April 2009


I was preparing my self recently because I am going to travel soon (Inshalla) and I got sick (Flu)...Great timing isn't it?

13 April 2009


عندكم بروفايلات في Facebook و/أو Twitter و/أو Myspace و/أو غيرهم؟
إذا جوابكم كان إي...تابعوا القراءة!

انا عندي بروفايل فيهم كلهم بس لما يكونون وايد راح تكون صعبة إنك تحاول تحديث واحد واحد فيهم مثلاً، فقعدت أدور على طريقة سهلة إني أحدث فيها الـ Status مرة وحدة في توتير و فيس بوك بس، و بعد 5 ساعات و انا ادور على طريقة أربط فيها وصلت لأفضل طريقة قدرت أربط فيها كل البروفايلات اللي ذكرتهم فوق و لو عندكم غيرهم راح تقدرون تربطونهم مع بعض و تحدثونهم بنفس اللحظة من خلال الإنترنت أو من خلال الـ iPod touch أو الـ iPhone أو حتى من خدمة الرسائل القصيرة من التلفون!

كل هذا و أكثر من خلال الخدمات اللي يقدمها موقع Ping.fm

09 April 2009

Amazing songs

Appearntly I have a thing of sad oriental songs :D
This is a song by Fadhl who is well known with melancholic songs, I never loved a song by him as much as I loved this one.

I have nothing else to say except read the lyrics and you'll know what I am talking about.

Song name: Hakhally Bali Min Nafsi (ح أخلي بالي من نفسي) I will take care of my self
Album: Ba'ada Al Baal - بعدا عالبال
Year of production: 2009
Song genre: Oriental
Tempo: Slow
Singer: Fadhel Shaker (Fadel Shaker) - فضل شاكر
Lyrics by: Hani Abdulkareem - هاني عبدالكريم
Composed by: Ahmad Al Harmi - أحمد الهرمي
Arranged by: Essam Al Sharaity - عصام الشرايطي
Translated by: RADIANT GUY (ME)

I will take care of my self...And will try not to see you
I am afraid if I met you again...I will surrender
Why whenever I see you...I forget everything instantly and return to you
I have to come over my weakness...I shouldn't listen to you
In the name of what we have...I meant what we used to have
Whenever you see me...Don't talk to me, just walk away
Every time I say that I want to forget you...I find out that I am still in love with you
So I can walk away...I will just leave without telling you
I used to live only because of you...No matter what happened I always loved you
After what you've done to me...I won't stay with you
Despite my agony while you're away...It will be greater while I am close to you
If I said that I totally forgot you...I'll be trying to lie!

هخلي بالي من نفسي...و أحاول ما أشوفكش
خايف أقابلك تاني...قدامك ما أقدرش...
أنا ليه كل ما أشوف...بأنسى قوم و أرجعلك
لازم أغلب ضعفي...مش لازم أسمعلك
و حياة اللي ما بينا...قصدي إللي كان فيوم بينا
لو شفتني قدامك...ما تكلمنيش و إمشي
كل ما أقول أنا هنسى...ألاقيني بحبك لسه
علشان أعرف أسيبك...هبعد و ما أقولكش
أنا كنت بعيش علشانك...مهما جرالي بحبك
بعد إللي انت عملته...أنا مش ح افضل جمبك
مهما تعبت في بعدك...تعبي في قربك أصعب
أنا لو قلت نسيتك...أبقى بحاول أكدب!

And here is another beautiful song :S

That song was released in 2007, it's not the main song in the album yet it was my favorite song in that album.

In late 2008 she released the music video of that song, I didn't expect it from her because usually when I like a song of a certain singer he/she never make a music video of that specific song.

I totally loved the music video, I think it's the best music video in 2008...That would include Latifa's music videos too!

Just watch it below, very dreamy, very well choses colors...It made me wish to be there.

Song name: Ma Etgebsh Serti (ما تجيبش سيرتي) Don't talk about me or Don't talk about me behind my back
Album: Ahla Min Al Kalam (أحلى من الكلام) More beautiful than a speech
Year of production: 2007
Song genre: Oriental
Tempo: Slow
Singer: Mai Kassab - مي كساب
Lyrics by: Sameer Zaki - سمير زكي
Composed by: Mahmood Khayyami - محمود خيامي
Arranged by: Ahmad Adil - أحمد عادل
Translated by: RADIANT GUY (ME)

I want us to be separated in everything
So if we met suddenly...I won't be holding a grudge
I wish you don't talk about me...Don't wound me during my abcense
Please send me back my picture...Just like the way I sent yours

If someone asked you what was wrong...Just say this was our destiny
But don't wound me...By saying harsh and weird things about me
If they talked about you...I will prevent them
Because no matter what you do...Once upon a time I used to be your beloved one

أنا عايزة البعد بينا...يبقى في كل حاجة
علشان لو تقابلنا...ما يكونش في قلبي حاجة
و ياريت ما تجيبش سيرتي...و ما تجرحنيش في غيبتي
و زي ما خذت صورتك...يا ريت تبعتلي صورتي

لو سألك حد عني...قول مالناش نصيب
لكن بلاش تجرحني...بكلام صعب و و غريب
و انا لو جابوا سيرتك...ما تخافش ح أرد غيبتك
انا برضه مهما تعمل...كان إسمي فيوم حبيبتك