Showing posts with label funny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label funny. Show all posts

21 June 2008

Whatever the weather

Bad news kuwaities...2008 is probably going to break the record for
the dustiest year in the history of kuwait...until now 1979 holds the
record for 335 days per year!
Source: Marina FM, Nagham Al Sabah show.

Today i finally went to pay my phone bill in Wataniya's HQ
building...the only red building in Kuwait city and I guess its the
only red building in the world.
I usually pay it online through their website but the service is down
for the last 3 months so I had to move it and go to pay it before they
suspend it...the employee there told me the bill is 67 KD (around 210
USD) then asked me if its suspended and if I still can call people and
I replied: "Yes, and I came with my free will to pay the bill (she
laughed and I kept talking)...BTW what's wrong with your online
payment service, its been this way for 3 month or so..
She replied: "i don't know".

I still wonder who knows, perhaps spider man?

22 May 2008

في هذا اليوم تررررررر

lonley birdy
Originally uploaded by radiant guy
امس ما رحت الدوام راحت علي نومة...و انا نوعيتي لما أنام أنام بضمير و إخلاص و تفاني و سميرة و مريم لووووووووول

يعني لما أنام ما أدري عن شي ولا أسمع شي...تقدرون تقولون مثل ما أقول حق مسئولتي دايماً "عدلت...فأمنت...فنمت"، المهم قمت من النوم الساعة وحدة و نص و لقيت ستعش ألف و ثمنية مسد كولز منهم من اللي معاي بالمكتب...
دقيت عليه الساعة وحدة و نص الظهر (و انا دوامي يخلص الساعة ثنتين) قلتله ترا انا ما راح ايي اليوم...

جان يقولي لا والله؟

20 May 2008

Someone is trying to steal my youtube!!

في احد قاعد يحاول يبوق يوتيوبي...مادري الحين اللي يقول فيه ذهب لووول

19 April 2008

زيادة الـ 120

بالمناسبة السعيدة هذي حبيت أسويلكم لستة في الأماكن اللي رفعت الأسعار لي الحين و راح أسوي أبديت حق اللستة كل ما أكتشف مكان يديد...كلها 120 الله ياخذكم قولوا آمين:

- كبابجي
- بيبسي
- كوكاكولا
- البطريق
- هابي بيرغر
- روبي تيوزدي
- باسكن روبنز
- كي دي دي KDD
- ستاربكس

تحديث (22 أبريل 2008)
- سب وي
- بيتزا هت
- مخالفات المرور

تحديث (19 يونيو 2008)
- أمريكانا (سندويشاتهم مادري عن باقي منتجاتهم)
- أرامكس (رسوم الشحن)

08 April 2008


Today I reached 2000 profile views in my blogs since I started blogging in the end of 2005 (December), Currently I have 5 blogs (they probably going to be more than that) since then but I think this is a tiny number compaired to my flickr account (you can see my flickr profile here) which I started it in July 2005, until now I have more than 230000 views in flickr and waaaay less in my blogs...I guess that's only a proof of how bad blogger I am.
I wish I can express my self with words :(

وصلت 2000 مشاهدة في بروفايلي من أول ما بديت تدوين في ديسمبر 2005، حالياً عندي 5 مدونات (العدد غالباً ما راح يزيد) و الرقم هذا ولا شي مقارنة بالرقم اللي وصلتله في فلكر اللي سويته في يوليو 2005، لغاية اليوم وصل عدد الزوار ملوتي في فلكر (تقدرون تشوفون بروفايلي في فلكر إهنيه) أكثر من 230 ألف زائر و هالعدد وايد كبير مقارنة بعدد زوار مدوناتي...أعتقد هذا إثبات على إني مدون فاشل.
كنت أتمنى لو أقدر أعبر نفسي بالكلمات :(

07 April 2008

إستعدوا لمهرجان الصيف الأول من نوعه....ترشيد 2008

بدا يصير حر قلت اذكركم يمكن تكونون ناسيين من العام...الواحد ما يذكر شنو تغدا أمس و بما أني ذكرتكم بالموضوع ما اوصيكم طفوا المكيفات و هالله هالله بشموع إيكيا و ديودرانت جليت حق الشباب و مادري شنو البنات قاموا يحطون الحين.

انا بكون أول واحد و بطفي الكمبيوتر بس قبل لا اطفيه بهديكم هذا مادري ليش

الحين بس حجي فاضي...الصورة اللي فوق تطبيق حق صورتين صورتهم من قبل و رديت عدتهم بالويك إند اللي طاف كنت فاضي ماكو شغل، و الحين فاضي ماكو شغل بالدوام و حايشني إلهام (إلهام ثانية مو إلهام شاهين) جان اشتغل عالصورة الروو و رفعتها بما إن من زمان ما سويت شي يديد بفلكر عشان حايشني و لي الحين حايشني بلوك الكتاب بضم الكاف و شد التاء.

مالي خلق أعيد كل اللي كتبته بالإنجليزي...إللي فهم فهم و اللي ما فهم يتعلم عربي

30 March 2008

Asalah concert حفلة أصالة

Until recently I've never been to a concert ever, I always thought why to go since I can't watch it LIVE on TV!

Well, I finally found out when I went to her concert in Hala February 2008; why people go to concerts even thought they can watch it on TV :D
It was fun, photography wasn't allowed but I've taken several photos and videos using my camera phone. I couldn't take closer photos so Asalah looks like an ant on the photo above LOL

I was yelling all the time Asalah sing this sing that and she did sing some of the songs I yelled such as "Shemookh Ezzi" (My pride), "Talabtik", "ِAsfah" (I am sorry), "Mesheet Seneen" (I've been walking for years) and "Omniyah" (A wish)...I wanted her to sing more songs such as "Aadi" (I don't care), "Yes'ed Sabahak" (Good morning), "Afwan" (Please), "Ma Abqash Ana" (I am not what I am), "Wallah Ma Tahaddi" (I swear I am not challenging), "Ma Athin" (I don't think), "Rahal" (He is gone) and "Haqeeqat Waqi'ei" (My reality) but she never listens :(

عمري بحياتي ما رحت حفلة، كنت اقول ليش اروح حفلة مع انها بتكون على التلفزيون لايف!

الحين عرفت ليش بعد ما رحت حفلة أصالة في مهرجان هلا فبراير 2008، للأسف التصوير ممنوع مادري ليش بس صورت صور و فيديو في تلفوني. ما قدرت أصور من مكان أقرب عشان جذي أصاله طالع شكلها نفس النملة بالصورة اللي فوق لووول

كنت قاعد اصارخ شموووخ عزييي
شمووووووووخ عزي لوووووووووول

بعد ما غنتها قمت اصارخ..طلبتتتتتتتتتتتتتتتتتتتك
بعد ما غنتها قمت اصارخ....أمنيةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةة

هالشي لو بسويه بالبيت جدام التلفزيون جان امي ودتني الطب النفسي و خذت 120 لووووووول

الجو كان حماسي، لدرجة إني مو قاعد أسمعها شتقول...بالتلفزيون مو مبين صوت الجمهور عالي عشان ما في مايكروفونات جهة الجمهور بس بالحفلة صوت الجمهور وايد عالي كان، حسيت المدرجات تهتز و إهمه قاعدين يغنون معاها خصوصاً أغنية لا تخاف.
حتى آخر شي قالت أصالة صارلي 15 سنة أغني، أول مرة أحد يغني أغنية من هالنوع معاي ونستوني من أول أغنية و تبي تكمل تسولف بس الجمهور ما عطاها فرصة جان تقعد تغني...تذكرت لازم أبخر صوتي عن الحسد لووووووول
لا صج رديت يومين صوتي نص رايح لووووووووووووووووووول

غنت مشيت سنين و يا منيتي (مادري شكو) و آسفة و سواها قلبي و كان ودي تغني عادي و عفواً و يسعد صباحك و ما أبقاش أنا و والله ما تحدي و ما أظن و رحل و حقيقة واقعي بس ما تسمع الكلام إسحيله :(

29 March 2008

Epic-Fu mix question

Last week's Epic-Fu mix question is

What is the biggest problem, other than language, communicating with someone from another country?

Below is my video response:

في حلقة الأسبوع اللي طاف في مكس برنامج إبك فو كان السؤال هو

ما هي أكبر مشكلة، غير اللغة، للإتصال مع شخص من دولة أخرى؟

تلاقون تحت إجابتي:

25 March 2008

World's IQ average

The map above shows the world's IQ averages, and it's decreasing :S
I've recently had an IQ test and guess who is having a high IQ number, I ment by that higher than average *blushes*

Yes I do and :Pp~ at everybody who hates me *giggles*
It would be even higher If I had the test in Arabic (according to them not me)

الخريطة اللي فوق تبين متوسط الذكاء في العالم و اللي يعرف بالـ IQ، و للعلم النسبة قاعدة تنقص :+
انا توه سويت إختبار و طلعت نسبة الذكاء عندي أكثر من المتوسط العالمي...حرررررة :q~

كانت بتكون النتيجة أكبر لو كنت مسوي الإختبار بالعربي (هذا على حسبهم مو حسبي)
حسبي الله و نعم الوكيل لووول
شكو مادري

مثل ما شايفين حسب الخريطة - الأستراليين أغبي الشعوب....صج أحس إن طعمهم خرفان بس يعني ليش بيكونون أذكياء؟
قاعدين بقارة بروحهم مالهم شغل بحد و لا أحد له شغل فيهم ...كلش ماله داعي يشغلون مخهم

23 March 2008

I can't sleep

Don't ask why because I have no idea why, I just keep thinking about tons of stuff though my eyes are closed yet my mind is super awake; so I went to the super market to get something to eat, a sandwich, Cola and heavenly made cookies...I ate the whole box and that made me hyper instead of sleepy LOL

Does anyone else have that problem and knows how to solve it?

مادري ليش مو قادر انام اليوم، قاعد افكر ابمليون شي مع ان عيني مسكرة بس مخي شغال نفس اليني، رحت الجمعية اييب شي اكله...شريت سندووس (سندويجة) و كولا و بسكوت مو طبيعي...كليت كل العلبة، بدال ما ادوخ و انام الشكر خلاني اصحى اكثر لووول

في أحد فيكم عنده هالمشكلة و يعرف لها حل؟

09 February 2008

Where the Hell is Matt?

I've watched that video on youtube longtime ago, yet I still think it's great :D
Watch it you'll love it :)

شفت هذا الفيديو في يوتيوب من فترة طويلة و لي الحين يعجبني لما اشوفه مره ثانية.
شوفوه اتوقع بيعجبكم :)

06 February 2008

الرقابة على المدونات

أمس كنت قاعد أقرا جريدة يدعوت أحرنوت النسخة الكويتية (و في رواية أخرى جريدة الوطن) عشان شدني فيها العنوان الرئيسي على الصفحة الأولى.
طبعاً يقولون أن السبب في هذا القرار حفظ ثوابت المجتمع الكويتي اللي ما ادري شنو اهي بالضبط...ما عليه نشوف آخرتها شنو.

المهم اللي مخربها يدير باله...اللهم بلغت اللهم فأشهد

04 February 2008

2# radiant guy cleaning my room vlog | ثاني تدوين فيديو - تنظيف غرفتي

This is my second vlog (video blog), I loved it the first time and I think I'll keep doing it :D
I spent more than an hour cleaning, and more than three hours processing the video to end up with those 2 minutes...I think this is the ironic part about it LOL

I would like to dedicate this video to wikiHow and every other wiki volunteer for their great efforts.

هذا ثاني تدوين لي بالفيديو....لقد أحببت المحاولة الأولى....اعتقد أني سأتابع ذلك :D
قمت بالتنظيف لأكثر من ساعة, و تحرير الفيديو لأكثر من ثلاث ساعات ليظهر بمدة أقل من دقيقتين...أعتقد أن هذا هو الجزء المضحك من الفيديو لوول

أهدي هذا الفيديو لـ ويكي هاو و كل متطوع ويكي في العالم لمجهودهم الجبار.

26 January 2008

Not another contact lens story

Few months ago I went to get new yearly contact lens since I have the worst vision in the world, so I went to "Natharat Kaifan" to get new ones and they told me that they don't have yearly contacts anymore, they only have monthly contacts now....Since I has no choice I bought them :+

Last week, I went again to get monthly contacts (since they told me the first time they don't have yearly ones anymore) and they said sorry we don't have monthly contacts anymore....We only have weekly now.

I said.... I am sure next time I come you'll tell me you have daily contacts only!

قبل جم شهر رحت أشتري عدسات سنوية يدد بدال عدساتي اللي خاسوا ابعيني لووول
المهم رحت نظارات كيفان و قالولي ما قمنا انييب عدسات سنوية بعد، الحين بس عندنا شهرية....قلتلهم انزين عطونياهم ما اقدر اشوف قمت امشي و أدعم الطوف...اشدعوه لوووول

قبل اسبوع رحت مرة ثانية اشتري عدسات شهرية قالولي لأ ما عندنا عدسات شهرية بس قمنا انييب اسبوعية....قلتلهم المرة الياية أكيد بتقولونلي ما قمنا انييب إلا عدسات يومية :+

17 January 2008

Me in the first Diplomats Hobbies Exhibition

It's the first exhibition I participate, I had a tiny place enough for 4 A4 size photos but I had more than 4 photos I wanted people to see, I wanted to post at least 2 night photo, 1 minimal, 1 abstract, 1 portrait, 1 landscape, 1 post processed photo...Etc :(
I printed 9 photos of 50 photos, it was a hard decision yet I had to choose 4 of them but I couldn't do it because they are all like my children, no one can choose from his own children, I gave them all to the Exhibition admins and they picked some of them randomly.

The minister of the Foreign Affairs Prince Mohammad Al Sabah was going to open the exhibition on 3rd of January 2008, but it was postponed to 7th of January 2008 because princesses Sabeeha Al Sabah passed away (may her soul rest in peace).

That gave me more time so I asked some co-workers to help me pick 4 photos of the 9 and they made me more confused :S

The exhibition was postponed again to unspecified date because the minister was busy all week.

On Thursday 11th night on my way home, I had an idea to solve the photos problem WoohooooOo :D
I bought a 10" digital photo frame and problem was solved.

On 13th of January 2008 around 10 A.M., I had a phone call telling me that the minister of foreign affairs Prince Mohammed Al Sabah and the Iraqi minister of foreign affairs Hoshyar Zebari are going to open the exhibition so I have to be there in case they wondered about any of my photos...I know some people are now curious but I am not going to answer that question now :Pp

It was on a short notice so they didn't have enough time to call press, they only contact one person from KUNA (Kuwait News Agency similar to Reuters) and a photographer and "videographer" of the minister's department.
Next day there was a tiny article without any photos and it made me frustrated :(
I decided not to participate in any other exhibition in the future at the time.

On Wednesday the media came but I couldn't make it because someone called me using my brother's cellphone and said "The owner of this phone was transferred to the hospital by an ambulance", can I get any luckier?
I really wanted to be on the cover of "Foreign Policy", "Oprah", "Newsweek" and "Laha" magazine LOL
I am going to sue my brother for that LOL

UPDATE (6th of Februalry 2008) I've changed my mind about it, I like that exhibition despite the media thing :D

A link from KUNA about the event.

10 January 2008

Tribute to Bayt Lothan | تحية لـ بيت لوذان

Three days ago, I was invited to visit (not participate) Bayt Lothan by three different persons, I never went to any exhibitions before although I was invited plenty of times...It was fun to meet people from flickr who I've never met or even see how they looked like before, funny thing happened when I went the day before thinking that it's the opening day LOL

For people who doesn't know what is Bayt Lothan, It's an art place in Kuwait where they exhibit their work and/or take photography lessons...Designed as Arab used to design their old houses (Roofless huge hall in the middle with rooms around it, usually have more than one floor).

I've taken my baby camera with me, I thought I would take some photos but then I left it in the car...I thought it will not be allowed to take photos so I went in solo and now I regret it because everybody else did take his/her camera even some of them were carrying 4 cameras at a time...OK I am exaggerating but you get the idea LOL

Some of the participate were from Qatar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates and that's where I found an Emarati guy who I met in Bahrain last year on my short vacation there...It was good to see you again Hamad Al Mansoori :)

From Kuwait I met Dhari (a member in flickr), I wasn't really sure if it was him because I only saw a tiny photo of him (his buddy icon in flickr) but he did recognize me, we've talked to for a while and currently I am surprised and curious about a certain thing he told me...
It was nice to meet you Dhari :)

There was one person I never imagined that I would actually find him there but I am certainly happy to finally had the chance to meet him :)
Here is the story...I did already saw all the photos in the middle hall, but I didn't know there were more photos in all the rooms around the hall so I almost left before finding that out...However I did see people get into that room so I followed them and I saw some photos through the window and that's when I decided to get in...
I didn't notice who was there but I looked immediately at the photos on the left wall the second I got in the room and I was thinking....My God where have I saw those photos before :S
I have the worst memory in the universe (I don't even remember what universe is LOL) and that's when I noticed the photographer was standing by and looking at me...It was Abdullah Al Nasser from flickr, he is probably my first contact in flickr studying abroad, that's why I didn't really think I would see him there, I am glad I did :D

I met Abdulrahman Al Turkeet who I've seen many times but I never had the chance to talk to until now, I would like thank him for the great job he did and still doing which is revealing the how some unfortunate people are living in poor under developed countries...
Abdulrahman, because of you those people are being heard and seen by the whole world...I really can not thank you enough.
His seminar in the Kuwait Volenteery Centre and his flickr made a huge impact in my mind, soul and emotions...Everybody should visit his flickr to have an idea of what I am talking about.

I also met Hamad Al Shaijy, Nawwaf ِAl Saleh and Fawwaz (known in flickr as funzy) who is my favorite portrait photographer in Kuwait.

Now I want to thank Zainab Al Mahmeed and Dhari Al Fozan for inviting me, I also would like to thank Al Anood ِAl Otaibi for inviting me too, I really wanted to meet her and thank her in person but I don't know how she looks like so I didn't do it at the time.

Photo was taken for Brownbook.

25 December 2007


I really had no idea how valubale cows are until now, you see the co-op socitey in Kuwait decided to boycott my favorite power milk product wich I usually drink with my cup of tea at home and work because the milk company decided to increase the price, and since the co-op socity's main target is prtecting the consumer wich is the Kuwaiti citisen, they decided to boycott that milk and now I am lost :(

Imagine a cowless world, a world which I will not survive :(

انا توه أكتشفت إشكثر أحب البقر، هذا بعد ما قرر إتحاد الجمعيات الإستهلاكية مقاطعة الحليب المفضل اللي أنا أشربه مع الجاي مالي في البيت و الدوام. هالشي صار طبعاً بعد ما قررت الشركة إنها ترفع سعر الحليب و بما إن الإتحاد هدفه حماية المستهلك و اللي اهوه المواطن الكويتي، فكان قرارهم مقاطعة الشركة اللي تبيع الحليب اللي احبه و من ذاك اليوم و انا احس إني ضايع :(

تخيلوا عالم بدون البقر، عالم انا ما راح اقدر اعيش فيه :(

منك لله اللي كنت السبب

18 October 2007

Funny story

She left and took my heart with her....Keep reading....
Few hours ago, our house keeper packed her bag to go back home...So my mother was with her all the time when she found out that she stolen some stuff from us including my favorite Guess pants which I was missing for so long LOL
It's true I didn't take it back because I kinda felt sorry for her, plus If i took back I won't be able to post anything about that story on my blog...Well I could do it anyway but at least now she deserve it :Pp~
I doubt that she will fit in my pants even in her wildest dreams because I am waay thinner than her, she probably saw me wearing it and thought that she would lose some weight for it :+

P.S. Dear Mr. Bush, the thing on the right suppose to be an air plane not a nuclear weapon so please I beg you don't invade me too :+

خدامتنا اليوم راحت و خذت قلبي وياها...
سمعوا القصه :+
اليوم خدامتنا بتسافر ديرتها و قاعده تحط اغراضها بالجنطه و امي مجابلتها كالعادة لما يسافرون الخدم :+
المهم لقيتها ماخذه غراض ملوتنا بدون ما تقول, منهم بنطرون مالي رمادي من غس ضايع من زمان مادري وينه :+
المهم خليتها تاخذه اكسرت خاطري شوي و عشان لو خذته منها ما بقدر اكتب القصه اهنيه بمدونتي...ادري اقدر اخذه و اكتب بس كنت راح احس بالذنب لووووول

اهي ما بتقدر تلبسه ولا بأغرب أحلامها لأن انا اضعف منها لوووول
بس الظاهر شافتني لابسه عجبها و قالت لازم و اضعفله :+

02 October 2007

Cool Mario

I was browsing for torrents and I found this video :D
Check it out, you will love it :>

كنت أبحث عن ملف تورنت و وجدت ملف الفيديو التالي