عِنْدَما المَلِكُ إلتَقى بي...
وَقَفْتُ هُناكَ مَكاني...
و السِّجّادَةُ الحَمْراءُ مُمْتَدَّةٌ أمامي...
فَلَمَعَتْ دَمْعَةُ عَيْني...
بَعْدَما تَساءَلْتُ...
هَل فَرِحَ بي؟
هَل فَرِحَ بي؟
هل حَقَّقْتُ رُبْعَ ما أرادَهُ لي؟
هَل يَراني الآنَ أبي؟
اللهم اغفر لوالدي و جميع المؤمنين و المؤمنات
When the king met me..
I stood there in my place...
In front of the extended red carpet...
A tear in my eye sparkled...
After wondering, did I make him happy?
Did I accomplished a quarter of what he wished for me?
Can my father now see me?
Happy King's day...
To those who remained of my homeland...