Showing posts with label Movies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Movies. Show all posts

30 June 2008

The Strangers

أمس رحت فلم The Strangers...انا ما اعتبره فلم رعب اهوه فلم إثارة أكثر....أنا بالعادة ما أخاف من الأفلام بس كنت قاعد و يمي اربع كراسي فاضية بعدين في واحد قاعد، كل ما يصير مشهد أكشن ينقز و يلم اللي يمه و يحرك الكرسي و يخرعني...كل هذا بحركة وحدة شفتوا الفن بس ولا جاكي شان

25 May 2008

Movies review

Yesterday I was bored to tears and I had to do something to break the
routine, So I went to to the theatre and watched two movies instead of

I decided that I should watch the host at 1am but I wasn't sure about
the other movie so I looked at the movies list and I ended up watching
Mad Money...honestly I wasn't exited about it but I am glad I watched
it eventually. Its one of the greatest movies I watched recently and I
do watch tons of movies.
I loved Katie's Holmes role in the movie, she was hilarious!
She was even funnier than Queen Latifah!

Next I watched the host, its true I was exited about it in the
begginng but when I found out that it was an Asian movie I thought it
won't be that great, again it was funny although its suppose to be

Now let's go back in time two days earlier when I watched open season
and tell me what do you really think of all the rabbits in the movie?!
Because of them Madagascur (the cartoon) moved in my top 3 3D cartoons
list from number 3 to number 4.

Btw...did anybody like horton hears a who! ?

That blog was sent through my new iPod touch, I am going to blog about
it soon :$

04 May 2008

Iron Man

This is a must see movie, I think it's better than Superman and Spider man...I really do!

I also think it's the best movie ever by Robert Downey Jr.

29 April 2008


I wasn't really excited about the movie, since I watched 23 by Jim Carrey (I like him by the way) I hated all movie titled with numbers, friends insisted and I watched it in theatre yesterday.

The movie "21" has a new idea and I loved it despite the speeches which were censored for unknown reasons.

Here is the trailer

22 April 2008

My top 3 3D cartoons

Yesterday I watched "Bee movie", so I decided to blog about my favorite 3D cartoons (I am not talking about the old ones, only the new ones Toy Story a-like).

Number 3 goes to: Madaguscar

Number 2 goes to: The Emperor's New Groove

And number 1 goes to....

Bee Movie ...It's the funniest I ever watched, I cried my eyes out yesterday while I was watching it.

Everybody should watch it NOW!

Yes what are you waiting for?

I thought to post the trailer of the movie, but that doesn't show how funny it's.

Congrats to Bee Movie for knocking off The Emperor's New Groove from my top list.

19 April 2008

The eye

I am NOT what I am!

The eye was the last movie I watched, I also watched the original chinese movie longtime ago but I totally forgot about it but it poped in my head back while I was watching the American version of the movie.

I like it but I think the Chinese one is more sad than the American one

07 April 2008

Movie review# 5

I just watched "Shutter" which is a horror movie, I hate cinemas in Kuwait because they just censor everything and ruin any good movie.

I am not going to write the story because some people didn't watch the movie yet, but I really like the ending it's funny and scary in the same time...And that's priceless LOL

On the other hand, I am still watching Malcolm in the middle; wish me luck :S

25 March 2008

Movie review# 4

27 Dresses, was nice I didn't regret watching it. Produced in 2008.
Genre: Romance/Comedy

The Mist, I watched the thriller when I was in Bahrain a month ago but I didn't watch it until I came back to Kuwait. Produced in 2007.
Genre: Sci-Fi/Horror/Suspense

BUG, I watched the thriller too in Bahrain and thank God I didn't watch it in theater (I watched later in Kuwait)...Don't get me wrong I love Ashley Judd but this movie was a disaster, the weird thing about this movie...It was nominated for an award and won one!. Produced in 2007.
Genre: Thriller/Horror/Drama

Just Shoot Me! is a 7 seasons TV show produced between 1997 - 2003, I can't love Nina Van Horn (Wendie Malick) enough, she is hilarious.
The TV show won several awards and was nominated for others.
Genre: Comedy. It's about employees working in a fashion magazine.

Malcolm in the middle, I am still watching it and I love it...I already watched most of the episodes on TV and now I am re-watching them. The show was produced in 2000 - 2006.
Genre: Comedy. it's about a family of a father, mother and 4 crazy boys LOL
Totally worth watching :D

17 February 2008

Meet the Spartans

That was my weekend's movie, I skipped "Blond and blonder" to watch this one...I was excited about it :D

It was fun to watch, I had few laughs here and there but I didn't like it when they trash talked about Britney (although I laughed about it)...I don't like her nor hate her in fact I rarely listen to non Arab music but clearly she have a mental condition and she need help instead of making fun of :+

14 February 2008

Movie update...

Last week I went to the cinema alone to watch a movie, I usually don't go to the cinema for many reasons but I really wanted to watch Cloverfield so I went anyway.

The movie had a nice story but I didn't like the movie's direction, If you have sea sick then you shouldn't watch this movie...On my way home I almost throw up all the pop corn and cola I had during the movie.

I've been trying to watch a movie all week called Blond and blonder, everytime I watch like two minutes and 40 seconds of it then I fall a sleep...It's not because the movie is boring at all but because I usually decide to watch a movie when I am too tired to do anything else. I hope to watch it tonight and see how it goes after they fly the air plane without any clue how to :S

14 January 2008

movies movIES MOVIES!

It's been a while since I listed my most recent movies I watched whether I liked them or not, that's doesn't mean that I wasn't watching any...I just can't handle 9 things at a time...Naaah I just forgot :D

OK here is my list:

- 28 days later (part one), 28 weeks later (part 2)
I like the first part more than the second.

- I am Legend
The movie's idea was stolen from 28 days later, most people didn't watch the original movie which is 28 days later because it is English production while I am Legend is American...Despite the stealing part, I like the movie.

- The message
Hollywood refused to produce this movie for one reason...
The movies shows the real essence of Islam (Islam with an "S" not a "Z"), it talks about the begging of the religion, when and how it all begun, I think every non-Muslim should watch this.

- Premonition
I just LOVED it, I am not going to talk about the ending because I don't want to ruin it for anybody who didn't watch it yet, بس مو تنسون تشترون كرتون كلنكس قبل لا تشوفونه

- Five Fingers
Amazing movie, It's a political movie and I am not a huge fan of politics...I watched this movie last year in theater and I just "crashed" into it, I thought it worth to be watched.

- Kingdom of heaven
I watched that on TV, I do like it...But there is a tiny part of the movie which I think unrealistic...That part reminds me of "300" the movie when those 300 men killed 49 billion other men alone...COME ON!
Despite that part, it's a good movie.

- Transformers
I didn't really like the movie in the beginning, as usual Hollywood shows a stereo type of Arab (Qatar) where they live in old desert villages and riding camels instead of cars while the Americans own the most recent electronic gadgets...That's so UN TRUE!
I have no idea when are they going to cut it off...Some Arab cities looks more urban than NEW YORK!
Now what about the street signs?!!
In a part of the movie they show a street sign in both English and Arabic, the one in English says US Base while the Arabic one is GIBBERISH...They spent millions preparing that movie, they couldn't fix that tiny thing?
Final review....Everything I wrote above is true, but despite that...You should watch it.

- V For Vendetta
A must see movie...It shows how Big media companies are twisting facts and broadcasting them from their point of views...
That might sounds boring, but believe me this movie is not...However in a part they point to the Qur'an as a book of poetry, to Muslims it's miracle where you can read about scientific facts people did not know about 1400+ years ago.

- Fantastic 4 (aka 4:Rise of the Silver Surfer)
I love this part more than the first one, no further comment :D

- SAW IV (aka SAW 4)
I loved every part of this movies, usually the first part is the best but this is an exception, the 4 of them are equally great...I don't like the bloody scenes in the movie but sometimes with thorns comes with roses if you know what I mean...I think I have poet gene LOL

- The invisible
I thought I wouldn't like this movie, but I did...I was really upset about the end at the time...Again as I said for people who would like to watch Premonition, you will cry a river.

I don't remember more movies, but I am sure they are way more than that...

06 May 2007

Movie review# 4

Well, it's been awhile since the last time I blogged the latest movies I watched.

Spider man 3, I like this one more than the first and second parts.


Blades of Glory, comedy movie...It's fun to watch but still Mr. Bean's is waaaay better :D

The Queen, I HATE HER...They want to make her an angele...She killed Princess Diana and the whole world know it!

Marie Antoinette, I didn't watch the whole movie to be honest...I was so sleepy and bored at the time...
I think they should add "Boring" to movies genres LOL
I love Kirsten Dunst though :Pp~

30 March 2007

When you dim your light to make someone else shine...

The world become darker!

I heard that on a movie called "Playing Mona Lisa", I think it's very wise and true... See! TV could be useful

19 March 2007

A sucky movie

I don't like to go to the cinema however sometimes I go, yesterday I watched a movie called Primeval.....If you didn't watch it yet...DON'T LOL

06 March 2007

Movie review# 3

Yesterday I watched the movie "Half light" by Demi Moore, it's a horror movie...Ghosty horror movie...My type of horror movies :D
You shouldn't miss that one :+

03 March 2007

Movie review# 2

The last movies I watched are...

The Holiday by Cameron Diaz, great romantic movie.

The second movie I watched was The Gurdian by Kevin Cosnter and Ashton Kutcher...
The movie has a depressing end but it really worth to watch.

27 February 2007

First movies review

I just decided to add this catergory to my blog :>
Probably no body care LOL
But I thought it could be my suggestion to some people who like to watch movies or DVDs.
Here is a list of the latest movies I watched:

- The Devil wears Prada
- Dreams Girls
- Babel: AMAZING movie, very touching and sad (Genre: Drama)
- Night Sky: Definitally sucks LOL, I do love Sci-Fi movies but this one really sucks :D
- Borat: I don't know about you but I consider it Racial Comedy, It was funny though despite the fact that they were making fun of Khazakhastan's people.

06 December 2006

Who is radiant guy? [radiant biography]

If you don't like reading you can watch this video to know me
إذا لا تحب القراءة تستطيع مشاهدة هذا الفيديو للتعرف علي

I already wrote some stuff about me in many sites/profiles such as flickr, hi5, Latifaonline, blogger, wikipedia...Etc
But I decided to blog everything about me (and keep updating it) then post the link in my profiles, since it will make it easier for me.

Now I'll write more about me in details, I know it's will make some people bored to death LOL
on the other hand others would like to know more about me...So there you go :D

Radiant ZOOM'N:I really hate it when people judge me on the way I look, I am more than what you can see through your eyes...
I am a guy who feels that no matter what I do I always could do better, no matter what I reach I would like to reach farther, I do not believe in borders, I would like to reach beyond the edge of infinity!
I have a great enthusiasm and ambition which sometimes I feel that my tiny mind can not tolerate it anymore.
I am this kind of guys who is thinking of a 6 zillion things while I am working on 11 billion others at the same time…Sometimes I feel that my life time won't be enough to fulfil everything I want, despite the fact if it's doable or not but others I get bored and do nothing at all!
I am trying to be perfect but I am just a regular human being.
I prefer to have 3 best friends than having a 1000 friend.
You might find tons of my self portraits but I am not self centered at all, it's just hard to find models around here plus it's my biography remember?

I've been told that I have a great sense of humor but you can't see that part of me unless I was comfortable with you or in a good mood since I am a moody guy.


Radiant Name:
Bashar Al-Ba'noon

Radiant Age:
25 but I always tell people that I am 12 LOL
D.O.B. 23rd of July 1982
Please make that our little secret...Hush :Pp~

Radiant Family:
Kuwaiti father and mother, I have 1 sister and 5 brothers (including one step brother); I am number 5 for my father and 4 for my mother.

Radiant colour/color:
I love all of them, I think they complete each others but that does not mean that I don't love one colour more than the others :Pp~
I always loved Green, I think baby Green and baby blue looks great together; don't they?

Radiant Hobbies:
I can not conclude all my hobbies but here is a short list:
Movies, Shopping, Science, Computers, Graphics/Photo editing, Photography, Music, Communication, Reading (depends on the mood), Painting (used to but not anymore), the beach, fashion, modeling (I don't think I am good looking but I like it because it's fun), Singing (That's doesn't mean I have great voice; a flying cat could cough and make prettier voice than mine), translating...I have many hobbies I can't recall them all now but I'll add them whenever I remember any.

Radiant Music/Singers:
I love music, powerful poetry, lyrics, beats and beautiful voices...I rarely listen to non Arab music but I do like few of them.
My favorite singers are:

- Latifa
- Asalah
- Thekra
- Sherine

- Angham
- Najwa Karam
- Diana Haddad
- Samira Said
- Elissa
- Maya Nasri- Rayan

- Baha'a Al Kafey
- Laila Ghofran
- Raja'a Belmaleeh
- Majida Al Roomi
- Dina Hayek
- Saber Rebai
- Adam
- Baha'a Sultan
- Micheline Khalifeh
- Madeleine Matar
- Guitara (Kuwaiti band)
- Nawal (The Kuwaiti one)
- Nora Rahhal
- Amal Maher
- Fadl Shaker (Has the warmest male voice)
- Assi Al Hallni
- Ahmad Al Huraibi (I love his voice)

- Dania (I adore her song Laily)
- Shiref Mekkawi

- Tarkan (Turkish singer, loved him since he released his English album "Come closer" in the year 2006)
- Ricky Martin (I like few of his songs)
- Thalia (I like few of her songs)

Radiant Movies:
Hello, my names is Bashar and I am a movies addict LOL
I love to watch movies alot, comedy, horror, suspense, sometimes drama, romance and rarley historical movies...I don't like to watch Arab nor Bollywood movies but sometimes I do.

Here is a list of my favorite movies:
V For Vendetta, Gothica, The exorcism of Emily Rose, Madagascar, Five Fingers, You've Got Mail, While you were sleeping, Sound of Music, Failure to Launch, A Time to Kill, Below, ace ventura, Mrs. doubtfire, She is the man, White Chicks, Charlie's Angels, My super ex-girlfriend, Saw 1,2 and 3, Miss Congeniality 1 & 2, Crash, Half light, The Holiday, Babel, The gurdian, The Devil wear Prada, Dream girls...And the list goes on (I'll add more of them as soon as I remmeber them).

Radiant Actress/Actors:
Sandra Bullock, Julia Roberts, Cathrine Zeta Jones, Sarah Jessica Parker, Tom Hanks, Ryan Phillippe, Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Aniston, Hal Sparks, Gale Harold, Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher, Peter Paige, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Queen Latifah, Jim Carry, Robin Williams,Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz, Christy Ally,Meg Ryan, Reese Witherspoon...Etc

Radiant Painting:
I always loved colours and painting but I quit painting longtime ago, currently I prefer computer graphics and photo editing.

Radiant Graphics:
I've been working in graphics since the year 1999 using PSP5 (Paint shop pro), it's a similar program to photoshop, then I used PSP8, PSP9, PSPX and now PSPXI.

Here is a list of my photo editing programs:
- Paint shop pro 5, 8, 9, X & XII
- Photomatix
- Mazaika
- Photoshop
- Picasa

Radiant Photography:
The greatest part of photography that you can show others the way you look to things :: Or you could say a photographer let people to see things through his own eyes!
I think photography and photo editing are parallel.

I started taking photos awhile ago but I didn't realise that I like it until recently...My first own camera was my old camera phone (Nokia 6230i), then I had my second camera phone (Nokia 7610) and that's when I realised that I have a thing for photography but I didn't notice it until someone saw my work and told me that I shouldn't waste my talent...That was in the year 2005.
Later I found out about, so I created my own account in July 2005 to post my stuff but I wasn't real active until October 2005.

In May 2006 I had my first digital camera Panasonic FX-01 which I drooped manytimes and that's why I had to wait for almost 2 months to be fixed LOL

I had tons of messages, comments and PMs from people telling me (Well...You are not a photographer because you post process your photos digitally).
I've never considered my self a professional, semi or a beginner photographer.
I call my self a PHOTOGRAFIXIST!
Yeah Yeah I know another new word created by me.

PHOTOGRAFIXIST = Photography + Graphics + Fixing + "ist"

My photography gadgets:
- Panasonic FX-01 (cheap point and shot camera)
- Sony Ericsson K800i (camera phone | sometimes when I don't have my camera I use it)
- Nokia 7610 (camera phone | I don't use it anymore)
I will get a DSLR as soon as possible (like one century soon LOL)

Radiant school is Cool, NOT LOL:
I graduated from high school in the year 2000, actually I had chickenpox at age 17 (that's when I started my fan site about Latifa) so I drooped course. I think I graduated in January 2001...Anyway after graduation I joined Kuwait universitly "Faculty of Science" to major in Computer Science but after 1 year and a half I QUIT when I found out that I hate programming more than cleaning my own room LOL
Anyway I looked for my options and my choices...I ended up studying Computer Science" anyway!
Like If it was my destiny :(
I was ment to learn programming, I have no idea why but at least now I like it more than cleaning my room LOL
So, I have "Computer Science" DIPLOMA....I am not sure If I am going to complete my studies but currently I am not thinking about it.

Radiant Latifa:
As I said earlier, I had chickenpox at age 17...So I had to stay home and that's when I thought to create my first site in the year 1999.
It was a fan site about Latifa the singer; it's could been about Thekra (may her soul rest on peace) or Asalah you can...Currently I work in Latifa's official site read more details about it here.


Radiant brands:
Energie and Primo Emporio are my favorite clothing labels.
Puma is my favorite foot wear brand
Google is my favorite company online, I can not express my love to google no matter how many times I said so, they are very creative.
Panasonic is my favorite electronics brand, I loved them since the day my father bought me one great Panasonic walkman in the year 1995, I don't hate Sony though but they are always my second choice.
Sony Ericsson is my favorite cell phone label, Nokia used to be my favorite one until I experienced my current camera phone Sony Ericsson K800i ;)
If one day I bought a digital SLR, it's would be a Nikon D80 or Canon 400D.

Radiant Cartoons:
- Al Sanafir aka The Smurfs
- Grendizer
- Sahib Al Thil Al Taweel
- Marocco LOL
- Tom & Jerry
- Hekayat Alamiyah
- Tamtoom Wo Abtal Al Rawdhah Al Khadra'a
- Mazinger Z
- Lahn Al Hayah aka Sound of Music
- Dexter's laboratory
- Salahif Al Ninja aka Ninja Turtles
- Voltron

Radiant lifetime shocks:
- Death of my uncle (mother's brother)
- Death of my grand mother (my mother's)
- Death of Sana'a Younis (the actress)

Radiant time:
Dawn is my favorite time during the day, I love how the dusk looks but I feel that someone is pressing against my chest during it. I don't know why.

Radiant perfume:

At the moment I own two blogs

I co-webmaster

I contribute in | The Free Encyclopedia.

Note. This post will be updated every now and then :)

I am out of English vocabulary so enough with the big words LOL
Bashar (aka radiant guy)