[English below]
كَطِفلٍ صَغيرٍ ما تَزالُ روحي
كَطِفلٍ صَغيرٍ ما تَزالُ روحي
تَبوحُ بِكلّ شَئ دونَ حسابِ
لا أتَرَدَد أن أقول أنا ما بِبالي
فَلِمَ يَجِبَ أن أتَحَفَّظ بِكَلامي؟
أنا لَستُ كَما الناس يَرَوني
فَلِمَ يَوَدّونَ فَرضَ مَن أمامي؟
ذاكَ الذي أراه دائماً في مرآتي
من سنين ينظر إليَّ كأنه يَعرِفُني
و لم الصِّغار بدأو ينادونَني بِعَمّي؟
فقد أصبحوا الآن أكبَر كثيرًا مِني
فأنا لا شَيب لديّ في شَعري
و لا شارِبي و لا لِحيَتي
فمن ذاك الذي اشتعلت نيران شَيبهِ؟
المُهترئ وجهه
و شرخٌ في عقله
و بَراغي في رأسه
و جَرحٌ بصدره
و ضغطٌ عصبيٌّ؛ كمفاعل ذري بِكتفه...
يَصعَقُ بالكهرباء رقبته و رأسه
و ظهره و ذراعه و أصابعه
و ألمه يمنعه من التنفس و تحريك يده
أنا ما تَشعُر به روحي
لا ما يُمليه عليَّ جسدي
و لا مَن تَراهُ أمامَك...
و لا ما أراهُ بِمِرآتي
I have a soul of a baby boy...
I reveal everything without hesitation...
I always say whatever going on in my mind...
Why shall I hold things back?
I am not as people sees me...
So why are they trying to force him on me?
The one I always see in my mirror...
For many years he is been looking at me...
As if he knows me...
And why kids started to call me uncle?
Despite the fact that they are much older than me...
I have no grey hair in my head...
Nor in my mustache or my beard...
Who is that in front of me?
The one with the grey hair setting like a fire in his hair?
With a deteriorating face...
A scratch in his brain...
Screws in his head...
A scar on his chest...
Stress in his shoulder that feels like a nuclear reactor...
Electrocuting his neck and head...
Back, arm and fingers...
With a pain preventing him of breathing and moving his hand...
I am how my soul feels...
Not what my body is dictating on me...
Nor what you are seeing in front of you...
Or what I see in my mirror...
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