30 April 2008

Wake up my nation

I've taken some photos randomly the other day, when I had a look of them on my PC I instatnly thought of this song.

The first time I heard it in 2002 performed by Asalah live on TV, and I recenlty I found out that It was performed by a male singer called Emad Rami in 2006.

The song by Asalah was written by Abdulrahman Al Abanodi, composed and arranged by Jamal Salama...I guess it was the same for the male singer although some parts of the lyrics and the music arrangment is different.

I like the chorus in Asalah's version, the way they repeat everything as Asalah's echo.

Below you can find Asalah's version then Emad's

Song name: Istaiqithi Ya Ommati (Wake up my nation) إستيقظي يا أمتي
Album: Unreleased song performed live on TV in 2002
Singer: Asalah - Assala - Assalah - أصالة
Lyrics by: Abdulrahman Al Abanoodi - عبدالرحمن الأبنودي
Composed & Arranged by: Jamal Salamah - جمال سلامة
Translated by: RADIANT GUY (ME)

أصالة - Asalah

Wake up my nation before you torn apart
Before you are lost a lone in the darkness of the time/destiny

Look around you...
All people are united except me...
All efforts intisified except me...
I am the one who is suffering...
I am the one who is miserable...
Wake up my nation

Our "grand parents" (ancestors) made life...
And they "inspired" (spread) the world with "light" (science)...
We are sleeping while our enimies are monitoring us...Conspiring and lurking...
We are sleeping while our enimies are monitoring us...Thinking...Planning and executing

We always says "we used to be..."
My nation...We want to be

Dear God, comply to us
And my nation, WAKE UP

إستيقظي يا أمتي من قبل أن تتمزقي
من قبل أن تتشتتي في غربة الزمن الشقي

كل الشعوب توحدت إلا أنا
كل الجهود تكاتفت إلا أنا
أنا الذي عانى أنا
أنا الذي قاسى أنا
يا أمتي إستيقظي

أجدادنا صنعوا الحياة
و ألهموا الكون ضياء
و آه منا نحن آه
نغفوا و أعداء لنا متربصون...يتآمرون...يترصدون و يرصدون يا أمتي
نغفوا و أعداء لنا متربصون...يفكرون...يخططون...ينفذون...يا أمتي
و دائماً نقول كنا...
يا أمتي نريد أن نكون

يا ربنا...أجب لنا
و يا أمتي إستيقظي

Song name: Istaiqithi Ya Ommati (Wake up my nation) إستيقظي يا أمتي
Album: Samehene 2006 سامحيني
Singer: Emad Ramy - عماد رامي
Translated by: RADIANT GUY (ME)

عمار رامي - Emad Ramy

Wake up my nation before you torn apart
Before you are lost in the darkness of the rough road

Look around you...
All people are united except me
All efforts intisified except me...
I am the one who is bleeding
I am the one who is captured...
Wake up my nation

Your memory which informed people of the right path came while my nation is crying over old glories and moving with no target
Her enimes are planining...Plotting...Conspiring
We always says "we used to be..."
My nation...We want to be

Sorry messener of God, my nation lost your path
It missed the meaning of the messege and these are my evidences
It's "children" (people) are acclaiming, playing and having fun

Our "grand parents" (ancestors) made life
And they "inspired" (spread) the world with "light" (science)
Dear God, comply to us

إستيقظي يا أمتي من قبل أن تتمزقي
من قبل أن تتشتتي في ظلمة الدرب الشقي

كل الشعوب توحدت إلا أنا
كل الجهود تكاتفت إلا أنا
أنا الذي أدمى أنا
أنا الذي أسبى أنا
يا أمتي إستيقظي

ذكراك يا علم الهدى جاءت و هذه أمتي
تبكي على أمجادها تمضي بغير رسالة
أعداءها يخططون...يدبرون...يتآمرون
و دائماً نقول كنا...
يا أمتي نريد أن نكون

عذراً رسول الله عن مسراك غفلت أمتي
غفلت عن المعنى من الذكرى و هذه أدلتي
أبناءها يهللون و يلعبون و يمرحون يا أمتي

أجدادنا صنعوا الحياة
و ألهموا الكون ضياء
و آه منا نحن آه
يا ربنا...
إستجب لنا


Anonymous said...

tnx for the songs
asalah was great :)
she sang it with full emotions :)

tnx for the post too , its really nice
if u have it video plz insert it :)

Anonymous said...

welcome :)

I have the video some where but I am not sure where is it exactly...I have tons of tapes around and not sure where it's :S